The theory of cyclicity in the HYIP industry
Raising skillful strategists in ourselves, we have to feed ourselves not only with practical recommendations on how, where and when it is profitable to invest our precious savings, but also from time to time dilute this with far from superfluous theoretical reflections on the topic. Only by being theoretically savvy can you masterfully manage various financial situations in real life. The core of this article is the concept of "cycle", the adaptation of the cyclical theory to our investment world, as well as recommendations on how to make this theory work for you.
For those who hear the phrase "cyclic theory" for the first time - a short digression to the basics of the basics. Cyclic theory is a theory that considers the HYIP market in terms of the continuity of the process of arising oscillations. If you can foresee the moment when the cycle is going to take a "step back", it becomes possible to predict a lot of the following changes, and the ability to keep "nose to wind" in our business can only be considered as the most positive moment. The stages existing within the cycle are continuously transformed, changing one after another. The most common situation is the alternate birth of short-term and long-term HYIPs. It reminiscent of the sine wave graph - rise - fall - rise again .. etc.
Consider the theory in more detail.
Cyclicity, one way or another, remains the main condition for filling the space of the investment market. For example, in a certain period on the market, one by one, the HYIPs emerge and melt, with the possibility of daily payments fixed to them. Then, the programs with monthly deductions roll around, then the "diaries" return to the arena and the cycle repeats. What is the reason? The main and most common theory is that cycles are the results of "fears" and fears inherent in the human being. Sounds rather strange and vague
Let us imagine the following situation. Unexpectedly, in a certain period, one by one, a huge number of short-term HYIPs with unprecedented interest rates begin to appear. What are these programs? Unfortunately, for the most part, this is a scum. If there are not scum, then something that represents a significant danger to the investor. Extremely risky period. It is possible at one point to break the jackpot or go broke to hell. Therefore, in such a whirlpool with the head rush only true adventurers. At the output there are only professionals who can invest and make a fortune even in such difficult conditions.
The crowd emerging virtual panic. People stop to invest, in principle, and are deposited on the bottom. Mistakenly awakened instinct of preservation at this time does not play into the hands of its owners. Market introduced artificially in the quiet mode. However, on the market "honest" HYIPs continue to function, it is slowly but surely bringing investors from a state of suspended animation. The new proposals, a stable contact with the customer, the profitability of the interaction of the newly revived investors in faith and a desire to take action.
The market is reviving again. It becomes profitable to invest in long-term HYIPs. However, with the process of maturing "long-livers", other mechanisms come into operation. As soon as investors start to notice that the HYIP is getting rid of itself, they immediately rush in search of new deposits. Further on the scenario - the first skews, the harvested wallets of negligent depositors, the general discontent and disappointment in the HYIP industry as a source of earnings. The picture is not encouraging, but quite logical. As you can see, a bit of theory sometimes also does not hurt. In addition, it will not be a mistake if I assume that the hated scammers have long "cut through" all the delights of knowing and using the psychology of the "cycle" for their own purposes. What do you want.
There are a couple more important points that can bring the market out of the state of its usual equilibrium or even - cyclicality. After a certain time, the figures of regular investors emerge in the market, who are in continuous interaction with the HYIP market. Naturally, they need special, unique capabilities. Not one of the available options on the market does not satisfy them, and this moment may give rise to the birth of a line of private HYIPs, which also takes place. If this happens, it will mean entering a completely new market level.
Sometimes radical change can happen due to objective reasons. For example, the collapse of the market as such. As a result, we have dozens, or even hundreds of HYIPs bankrupt and the market begins to develop in us hitherto unfamiliar plane. These are the options.
Be that as it may - the theory of the "cycle" has no scientific basis. It cannot be written down in the form of a formula or expressed in the language of numbers - this is only a summarized experience of the group of "sharks" of the HYIP business. Our job is to provide you with food for thought. Well, and in order for a theory to cease to be just a theory, I think it should be backed up by concrete practical actions. So - cards in hand, gentlemen!
6 November, 2013