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Stages of development of high-yield investment program

About HYIP industry has already been said a lot of words, despite the fact that today's industry is in a recession, yet mistakes made by new players who are at the same level. Many investors, knowing a lot of information about HYIP, do not know that their loss can be explained very simply, in many cases, not in time to make contributions or later left the game.

Like any other business, there are several stages in the life of a HYIP business: the growth phase, the loss phase, the saturation phase and decline.

The payback phase of the HYIP project. This process is rather complicated, since at this stage it is necessary to correctly submit the project and advertise the project. This phase is very important, as it is necessary to invest a lot of money and time in order for the project to become recognizable. Naturally, at this stage, you will have to invest a lot of money in order to quickly declare your product. To do this, administrators of HYIP projects use the services of monitors, and also take ads on all kinds of specialized forums.

Growth phase This is the period when many people already know about your hyip and people start investing their funds in it, the growth of investor capital begins. This happens not only thanks to advertising, but also thanks to the referral system and bonuses.

The saturation phase. Every hyip administrator wishes to catch this period, and at that moment the hyip already has a large amount of depositors' money. The existence of the project will depend on the objectives of the site administration.

Phase of decline. During this period, there is a crisis moment when capital ceases to be supplied in previous volumes. This period is a few HYIPs, as admins prefer to just close them, so as not to go into a big minus.