1cars - scam! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped payments. The current amount of the fund is 500 $ + 500 $ of Eternal Protection.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation: https://www.profit-hunters.biz/zakazat-kompensatsiyu/
May 21, 2017
Compensation for the project 1cars.cc, thanks!
The amount of 1.6 USD has been deposited to your account. Memo: Compensation of losses 1cars from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz. Date: 18: 36 23.05.17. Batch: 176958716
Received Payment 1.6 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Compensation for 1cars losses from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz 18: 42 23.05.17
Thank you.
Compensation received, thank you!
Received Payment 4.4 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Compensation for 1cars losses from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz
Thank you for compensation.
According to the 1cars project, the "Deposit Protection" fund was enough to compensate for 33% of the losses of our referrals (the fund was $ 1000, the amount of losses was $ 3083)
I sent you a payment:
Transaction 9.9 USD on U13764219 account has been successfully completed.
Number operations #: 176958597
Time: 05.23.2017, 18: 35
Has received compensation for the project 1cars.cc. Thank you
4.00 USD transaction was successfully completed on the account.
Number operations #: 176961012
Time: 05.23.2017, 18: 56
Thank you for your payment:
Transaction 3.3 USD on account U109 **** has been successfully completed.
Number operations #: 176958400
Has received compensation for the project 1cars.cc, THANKS.
Received Payment 9.9 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Compensation for 1cars losses from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz