21.10.2013g - Instant withdrawal of funds in HYIPs
This article focuses on one of the most common types of payments - "dungeon." Many pet, accustomed to the eyes and ears, but despite a number of visual benefits, still pregnant with many dangers. About that, what is so terrible for the investor instant payments - on.
In general, payments for hyip projects are made in three different ways: manually (manual), automatically (automatic), or instantly (instant). Automatic payments are provided by special systems configured for a specific time of payments (daily, once a week, or at the end of the term). HYIPs with this type of payments are quite rare. "Manual" payments involve the transfer of interest to the investor's account within 24, maximum - 48 hours. This means that the administrator personally processes requests for withdrawal of funds and transfers money independently, manually. Instant payments (instant) are characterized by extreme efficiency and mathematical accuracy. The money comes to the depositor's account, literally within a few seconds after pressing the "Withdraw" button, in extreme cases - within 5-10 minutes.
Advantages on the face: speed, clarity, (pseudo-) confidence in the absolute solvency of the HYIP. But all this is only the front side of the coin, there is, of course, the opposite.
The fact is that this type of payments, as instant, in certain “technical” combinations, turns not into an advantage, but into a real one, a threat both to the HYIP itself and to its investors. So, for example, a mixture of “instants” with, even, a licensed script from Gold Coders, exposes the funds of organizers and investors to a certain danger. And if to this also add a “weak” hosting provider, then with a little more active desire of hackers, the project will undoubtedly be hacked. But if for fasts such a filling is still permissible, then for the middle procente this is already an “inflection point” and it is worthwhile to think very well before investing in such a project. Despite the fact that many programs later undergo a ritual of technical improvement (moving to a new server, buying SSL, etc.), most often this is only a response to something already “happening” and “hardly fixable”. After a “high-tech” strike below the belt, the program often fails to recover, the organizers lose customers, and they have no choice but to close the project.
Second. Instant payments are limited to the admin. If, in the case of manual payments, the HYIP administrator personally controls the flow of funds circulating back and forth, can, depending on the current situation, independently regulate the time of "sending" and "arrival" of money to the requested point, then the instant cannot provide any of these prerogatives ... For example, a massive withdrawal of deposits, or a request for especially large amounts can lead to an imbalance in the system (if the administrator does not have the required amount of e-currency). In such situations, as a rule, pending (delay in payments) occurs, which inexorably entails first a quiet "rumor", and then massive unrest with loud public statements from especially "experienced" citizens-investors. This is how projects are ruined - it is not clear whether the "instant" is to blame, or the human factor. But there is nothing criminal about the temporary transition to manual payments, if the admin really cares about his project. Here the main role is played by the strength of human nerves, because, despite the fact that "instant" lies at the origins of the problem, the last word (almost) is always ours.
All of the above should not change your attitude towards projects with instant payments in a negative direction. Forewarned is forearmed. All situations are individual, therefore I advise you to drop these lines on your intracranial "hard drive" and retrieve them as necessary. A theory backed by personal experience is a great power 🙂
21 October, 2013
Je voulais retired mes fonds dans une plate-forme Hyip