Fasti or long-term projects?
What is HYIP choose: short-term and long-term HYIPs
If you work in the HYIP industry or just starting her interested in, then you must have heard about such concepts as "short-term" and "long-term" HYIP. To begin, consider these concepts in more detail.
Short-term HYIPs are projects whose plans are designed for a short time. Those. You can start making profits in a few hours. Long-term HYIPs - these projects are designed for long-term work. Plans for long-term projects are much longer and payments are usually made once a month, or even less.
Such short-term HYIPs are very popular. They differ from long-term in that they can make payments every hour, day, week (depending on the plans).
It is worth mentioning separately the so-called "Fast" HYIPs. Such projects are created to enrich the administration of the project. Thousands of inexperienced investors fall for the tricks of such projects every year. The so-called "fast" HYIPs include projects in which one investment cycle lasts from one to several days. Many of them make payments every hour, some a little less often. If you are a beginner, then you do not need to pay attention to such projects, since they work from one to several days and it is very difficult to make a profit, and the risk of being left without anything is very great. Although it is worth noting that some experienced investors manage to make good money from these projects. The most important thing here is to make a deposit and withdraw money on time. Therefore, as soon as the HYIP is created and users of various forums began to write about payments, then at this moment it is necessary to withdraw, make a deposit and withdraw payments every time cycle. If you managed to make a profit from the first deposit, then investing money in "fast" HYIPs for the second round is highly undesirable.
A more reliable option is HYIP with long plans. Typically, such projects are paid daily or 5 once a day (excluding weekends). There are such HYIPs, from several days to several years (extremely rare). In this case, you need to properly analyze the project in which you want to make a contribution and only then, pour money into it.
In long-term projects that pay more often than once a month, they are not as popular as short-term ones. However, the risk of being left without money is also very high, and you can be left without a single payment, since they occur very rarely.
If you decide to invest money and do not know what type of HYIP to do it, then you can answer, the risk is great there and there. The most important thing, having no experience in this field, is not to invest in fast HYIPs, which sometimes offer a very high percentage, but there is an extremely great chance of losing all the money. And, probably, it is best to choose HYIPs with daily payments in order to minimize losses and feel the given investment market.
Speaking of percentages, it is worth saying that the less the term is, the less they will be (except for fast HYIPs).
22 November, 2013