Don't trust admins ...
Every day, a HYIP investor has to deal with tons of false and hardly plausible statements, suggestions and other virtual vibrations coming from our friends and, at the same time, dangerous enemies, admins. In general, if you judge so, the entire industry is built on total mutual deception, which, however, cannot be considered a grave sin, since everything that happens here is quite transparent and fully realized by both sides. The industry continues to exist for those who have studied its laws and began to live and act according to its laws. You can earn money here, and many people do it quite well, knowledge and experience are their main artifacts ...
1. We have a super-duper cool company. Occupied in the forex market, precious metals, stock exchanges, in nano-technologies, etc. Here are scans of certificates, licenses, widgets of exchange rates, contracts for VIP investors, etc. Remember. Believing in these statements is not just not worth it, but even contraindicated. No matter how plausible these sections looked, from the bottom to the top stuffed with unique and meaningful content - hardly at least their modest share corresponds to reality. 99.9% of what is on the network is called an online fund or a successful company that supposedly needs your virtual investments - nothing more than a real fake, for which nothing stands. The only clearance in this flight of fantasies can be statutes (current and verifiable) and company registration numbers. Where, thanks to special services, the truth comes out. Again, if the search showed positive results, it's too early to rejoice - the fact of the company's official registration is not at all evidence of its real activity. Most likely, the "super-cool" company - it is, exclusively, on a piece of paper.
2. We never close. Well, here everything is clear. And, nevertheless, for beginners should be clarified. Because We have already understood (see above) that by its activity, in fact, we are dealing exclusively with ponzi (pyramids), sooner or later, such structures necessarily come to an end. Unfortunately, now it's not 2006 / 07 / 08 year, now administrators are not the same and HYIPs - too. In a year, the order of 5-ti decent projects, practicing for a year or more, is born. Finding and making out such ones is truly rare and requires considerable skill and determination in order to react at the right time and in the right place. This is not possible for everyone, most often such instances begin to callose the eye, after so, half a year from the start, forcing us to rush about in doubts whether it's too late or just right. In other cases, we, as it is unfortunate, deal with "one-day" or "decent" admins working out for 3-6 months. There is no question of any perpetuum mobile here.
3. Website zaDdosili to death / translated into those. service. Generally, ddos is a fairly common phenomenon, often taking place at the start of the project and at the peak of its development. In a number of cases, ddos is one of the forms of blackmailing the admin, who spoils life and offers to save him from these problems for money - once, the attack comes from an unknown person - a competing "company" - two. But there are also cases when the phenomenon of dsos-attack admins use for their own mercenary purposes, imitating the absence of the site and the subsequent logical collapse of the entire system. With such cases we periodically come across and I will inform you about them without fail. In the case of the announcement of "repair work", often, the admin is simply wasting time, restraining unrest in the ranks of existing investors and continuing to lure fresh blood to the fund.
4. Hackers broke into the purse and brought out all the money. "We apologize, but the office is covered." We also come across with. Unfortunately, more or less adequately in most cases, it is also just one way to withdraw from the scene. By the way, is no exception and cases where administrators do substitute numbers of purses in the profiles of the investors and quietly gone denyuzhku into their coffers. Later, of course, it is exposed as a deliberate breaking of the 'outside', however, is not ruled out the option that you simply do not take care of the security of your account (a weak password, etc.)
5. Bonuses, "obese" rates, the new super-profitable plans! "The incredible performance, the deal of the year, an unprecedented influx of investors," etc. -. What can justify such admins here acts of generosity. Of course, initially substituting questioned legend HYIP, neither of which stemming from her "performances" speeches we do not act. Done all this to drive traffic to the project. Depending on the degree of activity and sequence of the administrator, it may be a necessary step to sustain draft in a normal level and an elementary money collecting method followed swift scam project.
6. "Exposures" projects. A fairly common practice in recent years - especially among the fast-project managers (at least - in the long-term programs of the medium). The scheme is simple and well known: creates a "skeleton", under it purchased the domain a couple of dozen reputable monitors and in such a state that's been languishing on the project up to 1 4-6 months, twirling themselves considerable age and statistics that can mislead beginners. For experienced investors such a policy, usually serves as a positive signal for action. At least in the first few weeks of the project.
7. hoards of Statistics. All admins, without exception, are engaged in cheating public statistics, which you can observe on the main page of many programs. It just so happened and it is not shameful. In general, the exposed amount of deposits does not really matter to us. This item is for newcomers to the industry, so as not to round their eyes at the millions of greens in the line “Total Deposited” ...
8. Stata Payout (PaidOut / Payouts). A fundamental section for an investor wishing to control the situation. But this block is amenable to adjustment by the admin. When investors complain about pending, and in the article, payments are stamped in tens per second - we understand that we are dealing with fake payments. One of the indicators of this state of affairs is also undefined batches (transaction numbers) with the fatal designation - n / a.
9. Lock account (you represent a threat to the project). Allegedly tried to break into the program account / perform other unauthorized actions against HYIP. Simply put, when you become displeasing to the administrator (for example, you pay a daily, rather large, charges or return the depot becomes costly), your account is locked under the cover of unreasonable and memorized phrases. Excuses administration are as old as the world, subsequent letters demanding evidence awarded ignore.
10. Transfer money to our purse Uxxxxxx, create a new API and get into your account bonuses, Dangling payments and so forth. As a rule, such messages come from the already non-working projects, still staying online and trying to squeeze the last penny out of you. And they do it with success possible. NEVER transfer money directly to "admins" wallets, do not follow the instructions for creating the API, make sure the work of the project on the forums and all the interesting questions are discussed among colleagues. Any rash actions!
11. PAYING project! At that time, as a long time ago remains in oblivion (scam). Do not believe the monitors unsubscribe at forums, trust only their own kind. Monitors, tend to pay far as possible, on the status of Paying holds them long enough, and if the administrator of this service acknowledges the bench in RateUs section (there are almost all HYIPs), he cleverly dorisovyvat otherwise. On track is a matter quite meaningless for the status of the project on his own website.
12. 10.000 5% by minutes! This item is for those who hope and really want to believe that such projects not only exist, but also pay, especially if you were one of the first to break into the wave. Such projects are initially scams, and their admins are shameless scammers who feed on someone else's greed (that is, ours and you). Therefore, I advise you to hold the reins and close similar sites after the first glance at them. As many have already noticed, the adequate rates for high-interest projects are 104-105% according to the daily plan, with a minimum contribution. All that is higher - does not live long or does not begin to live at all ...
28 October, 2013