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BABB - a revolution in banking

BABB Is a decentralized banking platform that uses all possible reserves and the integration of digital currencies around the world. With the help of machine learning, a distributed accounting register and biometrics, it became possible to create a new bank, global and decentralized, that can service and expand the capabilities of individuals and legal entities in a way that traditional banks simply can not.

This type of bank, built for functioning irrespective of obsolete systems, will serve, develop and stimulate microeconomics, acting in full harmony with the norms of law of all countries of the world, as well as the principles of fair banking services.
The platform invites everyone who wants to open a personal bank account in the UK and requires only a scan of the passport, nothing more.

BABB has a great potential for growth, through three main parameters:
1) application BABB;
2) Black card;
3) social identification of KYC.

Mobile app
The BABB application allows all users to control their funds, wherever they are at this moment, anywhere in the world, you only need to connect to the Internet. Access to the bank account is provided after scanning and uploading the identity document by the user, or through receiving confirmation from previously verified clients in the system.

The application supports all traditional banking functions: payments, transfers, cashing of money, etc. There is also the possibility of additional earnings through the provision of P2P services (loans, currency exchange) at the expense of personal funds.
In turn, the mobile application BABB is also designed to solve specific problems and some cases of use:
1. Peer-to-peer loans P2P. Users will be able to borrow from each other means. Terms of payment and tariffs are clearly defined; The application installs smart contracts, and funds to the account are transferred instantly.
2. Peer-to-Peer Cash P2P. You can withdraw and deposit cash from your account, interacting with other users, without the need to use traditional ATMs that you need to adjust to, depending on the time of their operation and the types of currencies that they issue, etc.
3. Peer-to-peer franchise P2P. Provision of tools for various funds to raise funds both locally and internationally. The funds can be attracted through three mechanisms: private (on an individual invitation); community of friends and family; public (for global campaigns). You can send remittances to anyone around the world, not just BABB users, and collecting with your own currency BAX can support very small amounts, less than $ 1 for participation.
4... Payroll and payments. The BABB banking platform can be used for more direct streaming payments that connect payers and recipients - both internationally and domestically, with negligible fees and no intermediaries. Companies can also easily automate payroll payments by instantly paying employees directly from their BABB account at instant speed.

Black card
Black Card is a versatile, secure, elegant payment card without a chip or pin code, directly linked to the customer's bank account via a QR code or NFC. It can function as a regular debit card or as a prepaid card for family and friends. This card is the first of its kind, which does not contain any personal data, thereby significantly increasing the level of its security.

With the help of the Black card, the user can pay in the stores, as well as in person P2P. To accept payment for such a card, the seller will only need to install the BABB application and then scan the NFC or QR code from the card. The operation takes place in a matter of seconds and the funds received can be immediately used by their recipient for subsequent purposes.
In case of loss, the Black card can be easily blocked, and its subsequent purchase will not be difficult, because the card can be purchased from large Internet retailers for a meager price with the delivery option in a day or two. If the card is later found, it is also easy to unlock, just scan the QR-code through the BABB application.

Currency BABB and ICO

BABB has created its own currency called BAX; it will be used to coordinate and manage platform services in all countries and jurisdictions served by BABB. BAX is the basis of the platform; all services and licensing are carried out on its basis.
This token is based on Blockchain Ethereum (ERC20 / EIP20 compatible token), which indicates its liquidity and a high level of security. The BAX currency is compatible with many platforms and projects. The active ecosystem and technology make Ethereum perfectly suited for BAX.
Total number of tokens release BAX - 20 billion Price of the token during ICO: 1 BAX = 0.0012 USD; Accepted currencies: ETH, USD. The sales date is from 7 February to 7 March 2018.

All tokens will be distributed in the following proportions:
• 60% will go to public placement with ICO (the sale will be preliminary and official);
• 20% will go to the project team (they will be blocked for a year);
• 18% will be left as a reserve for the BABB platform (to maintain liquidity in transactions with the currency);
• 2% will remain for the campaign bounty.
All unused currency will be burned; tokens paid for the operation of the platform will also be gradually burned and frozen.
In addition to internal operations on the platform, BAX can also be used:
 as an input / output tool;
 for conversion into the currency between the accounts of the platform;
 for international settlements;
 as a means of raising funds.
All the funds that will be received from the ICO, after will be used to further develop the platform, mobile application, to cover the costs of operating the infrastructure.

The BABB project gathered under its banner businessmen and specialists in blockchain-technology, they were also interested in large investors, bankers, engineers and scientists.
They will do everything possible for the stable growth and development of the project, creating a new era in banking.

The road map of the BABB project looks like this:

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