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Basic strategy

There are three basic strategies of investing in HYIP or HYIP (High Yield Investment Program):

1. The first strategy operates on the principle of "all at once" and is the most popular among inexperienced investors. Beginners usually try to invest large sums of money, often taking someone's desired amount. They hope that by doing so they will be able to quickly, within a couple of months to get a good percentage of on deposit and withdraw it. But such a scenario development of successful passes are not always. However, many, receive a percentage of the contribution of the first, then invest money into HYIP again, that may end up very sad.
2. The second strategy of investing in HYIPs is much more moderate. Those who follow it to her, investing in HYIP certain amount of money is usually not very large, that is, the one which is not a pity to part with a bad script development. Such investors largely operate exclusively with their money and do not resort to borrowing. Once the money is invested, the investor is just waiting to profit. Once HYIP starts to pay interest, the money is derived, and the remainder is invested in the same HYIP that allows you to get an additional percentage.
This strategy is quite reliable and successful in terms of profit.
3. The following strategies can be attributed to the most classic and conservative. It is suitable for those who are not accustomed to risk a lot of money. Its principle lies in the fact that the investor, investing in HYIP some money, just waiting for the payment of the deposit as a whole. And then we think is beneficial if he will invest the money again or it is necessary to completely withdraw capital.

This article lists the most common HYIP investment strategies that will help you enter the market for such investments and understand which strategy is best for you.

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    Je cherche un site fiable de HYIP pour investir.