Bittrades - scam! Partner compensation.
Compensation paid.
The project has stopped paying. The current amount of the fund is $500 + VIP fund (deposits from $500).
I'm waiting for reports, we send them through a convenient bot @PHmybot (you can track the status of the application);
or a special form for compensation on the blog.
Compensation Profit-Hunters Bittrades 49.5 USDT 9df3de624cce4a62501e653d6bb0e40f9727fe215e1515be50c969f8a76d954b 11 Apr 2023 15:22:36
Thank you for your payment!
36.6 USDT 55afdd47a87ed7104c860af30024e3f1f0a4ec2c11e980a3cb2f957762ab0a70 2023-04-11 13:56:51. Компенсация по Bittrades от портала Profit-Hunters biz
RCB Profit-Hunters Bittrades 3.69 USDT 4607acbd8462eec03ce6e10de25070756eafab01e8f6fdc0f37232bcba52a0e5 09 Apr 2023 18:28:36