Bitvision and Bot-future - SCAM! Compensation for partners.
Compensation and bonuses paid.
The projects stopped payments. The current amount of the fund is 300 $ and 500 $, respectively.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation:
15 November, 2016
Already paid, sorry.
Hi, can I get more compensation or is it already closed?
Thank you for your payment:
Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U2477294 to account U9768760. Batch: 153816411. Memo: Compensation of losses in Bot Future from the portal
Only on the RM. For the submission of 48 hours.
According to Bitvision, compensation is only for a PM or is it possible to address BTC ???
BTC depal to the project.
how much time to submit reports ???
thank you