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Boosteroid - a unique platform for data storage, operational computing

Boosteroid Is a cloud technology service. It provides users with access to computing resources as well as storage, various software-related products. Thanks to this, users can create 3-d graphics in a separate cloud, as well as play popular games. The main requirement is a stable and fast Internet connection.

The idea of ​​creating a service Boosteroid arose because, at the present time, the price of leasing the right capacity from the leaders of the market, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google is very high. This is a common problem that the Boosteroid developers have tried to eliminate. Work on the project started in autumn 2016 year.

Relevance of the problem

Currently, the most pressing problem is the lack of access to technology. It is with their help that you can speed up the resolution of the biggest problems. Therefore, cloud technologies are the optimal solution. Practice shows that they become popular over time.

Cloud technologies mean the location of applications, all data on a stand-alone server on the Internet. They can be accessed from a tablet or your own PC. The computers that perform these operations are called the "computing cloud".


Advantages of the Boosteroid platform

Among the positive features of the Boosteroid platform are:

  • extensive leasing options: based on the length of time a cloud computer requires, users can agree on the length of the lease (several days, years);
  • low cost of computing systems: the developers have thought through every element of the system. The costs incurred by the user in the process of work are moderate. Due to the special architecture of the application, you can always be sure that the budget will not be particularly affected;
  • the ability to select the required processing power: to carry out these settings do not have to spend time on such operations. To select the optimal power, it is enough to perform a couple of mouse movements;
  • an advanced security system: platform developers took into account the opportunities, and also found the best option for protecting important data. Therefore, the Boosteroid project participants can be assured of the security of important data from hackers and other users.

Access to computing power is provided through the browser and special desktop applications. To do this, one account will be created on the PC and mobile devices. Due to the convenience of the platform, users can select the most suitable program and perform its quick start. The system automatically selects the required processing power. More advanced users can change this setting. To do this, open the settings of your cloud computer. The services are paid using BTR tokens, as well as BTC, EUR and ETH. Rental of computers is provided for a period of 1 hours to several years.

Features of the implementation of the Boosteroid project

The Boosteroid project has a fault-tolerant, as well as distributed backup storage system. In addition to the main data stores, it is planned to create a reliable storage with a significant amount of memory. As for the software part, it is based on products that are designed for server and network visualization, transformation of infrastructure into an automated computing environment. Thanks to this concept, it will be possible to create many virtual devices in the cloud based on Intel Xeon processors, as well as graphics accelerators of NVIDIA cards (they provide a minimum loss of power).

To ensure effective, as well as convenient work in the cloud, to obtain prompt access to services specialists have developed the most convenient interface. Connection to the cloud computer is via VPN. After successful connection, users can use models, games, and also certain applications. In order to start using the service, the participant must register on the website or in the application. You must specify e-mail, login, password. To activate the account you need to follow the link in the received letter.

Among the proposed applications Boostore you can find paid, as well as free applications. The user can select the appropriate products in the application store, the optimal rental time for the cloud device (if not previously defined). In this case, the user selects the right time and adds the necessary application to his basket. It is here that the final cost is calculated. The system will immediately offer to pay for selected paid applications. To make a payment, you need to register a credit card. The registration process takes quite a bit of time. It does not include the execution of complex settings. At the same time unnecessary information is quickly deleted. Due to this the system is not overloaded.

Project Boosteroid Tokens

BTR tokens are created on the basis of Ethereum blockchain, they correspond to the ERC20 standard. After the end of the financing, the repeated sale of the tokens will not be conducted. Tokens can be used to pay for services. All unallocated tokens will be destroyed after ICO Boosteroid.

Distribution of tokens

Service payment mechanism

Developers of the Boosteroid project plan to develop services for the exchange of BTR tokens to BTC, BTR, as well as USD and ETH without registration procedure, as well as profitable trade on special exchanges. The exchange process will be integrated into the interface of the site where payment for the use of electricity will be made. This section will also reflect information about the course, conducted payments. The exchange rate is similar to the rate offered on the exchanges. At some points it is updated, for transactions of an exchange with the client an insignificant payment is raised.

The exchange service has reserves of BTC, USD, and also BTR, ETH. All Exchange requests are instantly processed. In the event that the stock of a particular currency runs low, the exchange service orders it on the currency digital exchanges in an automatic manner. The exchange service operates on an autonomous exchange service, which is connected to exchanges, as well as to modules of crypto-currency wallets. The public API is designed to accept fresh exchange requests, as well as to inform about today's exchange rate and the status of eserves.

Conducting ICO

The ICO Boosteroid is carried out from November 2017 on 15 February 2018. The sale of tokens is carried out in two stages. In the event that the necessary amount is achieved, the ICO will be completed ahead of schedule. The final cost of the BTR token is 2,78 $. By August 2018, the price of the token will be at least 5 $. In addition, it is planned to open a store of various Boostore applications.



In September, 2017 attracted investments of Pre-ICO Boosteroid, as well as the development of MVP. From October 2017 to February 2018 year is held 3 stage ICO. In May 2018, the convenient software will be finally finalized, as well as the beginning of receiving tokens to determine the optimal power. In the same month, the BooStore application store will be launched.


Dejan Puzic - Counselor

Znakhur Sergey - creator of AI

Tsengaz Kaptan - investor, advisor

Savin Yuri - infrastructure developer

Scriabin Bogdan - blockchain specialist

Shvaychenko Ivan - CEO, founder

The Boosteroid platform is designed to solve the problems existing in the modern IT industry. Regular capacity utilization, as well as its own thoughtful architecture, have a significant impact on the price of cloud computing. Experts are sure that Boosteroid will be the first service that provides access to cloud computing for all project participants.

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10 reviews for "Boosteroid - a unique platform for data storage, operational computing"

  1. Avatar photo Giusi:

    Non e una piattaforma seria!
    Non si riesce più ad annullare il pagamento automatico. Non fate!

  2. Avatar photo Giusi:

    Non e una piattaforma seria!
    Dopo mesi di pagamenti e giocabilità deludente decido di annullare l'abbonamento. Ora continuano a prelevare i soldi dalla carta nonostante sia annullato il pagamento automatico. Cosa devo fare?
    Tutto questo ha un nome, sì chiama truffa.

  3. Avatar photo Alexander:

    Well, they launched, and then nothing. Many games are simply missing. When you ask if they will add it or not, they simply say that you won’t be able to play this game because we don’t have it. And they can't figure it out.
    What kind of owners is such a resource….

  4. Avatar photo matyas:

    je to děsný ... za ty 2 stovky se nepřipojíte ani do blbého GTA V .... NEKUPUJTE TO

  5. Avatar photo Anthony:

    Ma poi si puó giocare con tutti i giochi presenti o solo quelli gratis?

  6. Avatar photo Anthony:

    Buonasera la mia ragazza oggi ha fatto l'abbonamento mensile su boosteroid ma ancora non la fa giocare gli chiede infinite email e pass gli e li mette ma non va lo stesso, che si deve fare ??

  7. Avatar photo Denis:

    Ciao questa app scommetto che questa app è molto bella direi quasi unica

  8. Avatar photo Giuseppe:

    Ho acquisito accesso a Boosteroid per 1 mese ma quando mi loggo dalla piattaforma EPIC non mi fa inserire il carattere @ nel campo email

  9. Avatar photo CLAUDIA:

    Good morning
    avrei bisogno di ulteriori informazioni riguardanti la piattaforma Boosteroid.
    Mio figlio giocando a Fortnite si lamenta sempre della connessione lenta in quanto non ha mai una buona visione delle schermo e le azioni del gioco sono molto lente con varie pause, quindi chiedo se la vostra piattaforma potrebbe essere la soluzione. Lui mi parla Sampre del PING alto tipo 400/500 ma io sinceramente non capisco del tutto.
    Avrei inoltre bisogno di capire di che abbonamento si tratta e se esistono tempi per una prova ed il costo mensile.
    Ringrazio e attendo Vs. gentile risposta.
    With best regards

  10. Avatar photo Tatyana:

    Hello! Please help by contacting IA Shvaychenko. Please pass my mail to him and 89168820029 number. Thank!!!