Budabi - scam! Compensation for partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. Current amount of the fund - $ 300
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation: https://www.profit-hunters.biz/zakazat-kompensatsiyu/
April 11, 2016
Thanks 128374223 U2477294
Profit-hunters.biz + 17.00 421.49 Received Payment 17.00 USD from account U2477294. Memo: Compensation of losses in Budabi from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz
Sent Payment: 647.00 USD to account U9807542 from U11940573. Batch: 127370990. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Invoice 1642, barabanvit.
Received Payment 97.05 USD from account U2477294 to account U11940573. Batch: 127378697. Memo: RCB Budabi