Abnormal growth of Bitcoin - why is the cryptocurrency growing in the course and what to expect from it?

April began for the cryptocurrency market surprisingly well and for many the leap of bitcoin and altcoins came as a real surprise. The main cryptocurrency in one day went up by more than 20% and now you can observe the rapid growth of other coins. Is the cryptozyme over and the market will continue to grow? An anomalous event will be discussed in this article and try to find out what to expect from cryptocurrencies in the near future.
April 3, 2019
Tether (USDT) is a scandalous dollar in the world of digital coins

Mass tokenization has affected not only business, but also fiat funds. Now the field of cryptocurrencies does not need green papers, because it has its own dollar that exists in the blockchain plane. What is a cryptodollar and is it really a useful cryptocurrency - everything is detailed in this article.
August 30, 2018
Crypto-currencies in the Third World countries: will bitcoin soon become a national currency?

Until the general distribution of crypto-currency in everyday life is still far away and while they are still more the money of the Internet. But not many people know that in some countries bitcoin is used as a means of payment in the offline world and it is not technically advanced states, but those that are usually ranked among the countries of the third world.
August 23, 2018
Unexpected leaps of the bitcoin course: does the crypto currency really grow and what is the catch?

A few months ago, at every corner, it was trumpeted that very soon we would see bitcoin on 100 000 $. While this event is far away and the main crypto currency is not in a hurry to surprise us with the culmts of its course, rather the opposite - the market went into an unprecedented correction, it can not get out of which already from the very beginning of 2018. But recently in the price of bitcoin oddities were seen in the form of a solid rise in price in a matter of minutes. Perhaps these are the first calls of a speedy movement "to the Moon »?
August 5, 2018
Crypto currency Kolion - the story of how agriculture came to the blockade

Cryptotechnologies, which far from all residents of the capital managed to master, are being actively implemented in the Russian outback. It turns out that here they not only know what bitcoin is, but also create their own cryptocurrencies and even conduct ICO! How a simple farm became a headliner in technological progress and why the first agricultural crypt was born - read in this article.
July 6, 2018
Hacking The DAO - multi-million robbery and the appearance of Ethereum Classic

The DAO is one of the most dramatic pages in the history of the Ethereum platform and the entire crypto currency industry. The developer's mistake, which resulted in the loss of 50 $ million, caused the community to step back from decentralization, the main principle of crypto-currency. What consequences did this have and why did Etheria become two?
28 June, 2018
Crypto currency EOS - the main competitor of Ethereum or the project without realization, in which 4 $ billion is invested?

The crypto industry is developing confidently and the coins of the last generation, such as Bitcoin, have come to replace new, more functional and powerful ones like the Etherium. The latter set the tone for the production of crypto-platforms, and this trend led to the appearance of a large number of such competitors on the air. One of the most promising of them is called EOS, which is called only "etherium on steroids." But, it turns out, not everything around EOS is iridescent and the token has become really scandalous. What is the reason for the sensation around EOS and is it worth expecting from a future breakthrough platform?
9 June, 2018
Crypto currency Zcash is an anonymous coin that has reached the rate in 32000 BTC

One of the most popular anonymous crypto currency is a coin called Zcash. A lot of people have heard about it, but not everyone knows about its features, moreover, the unknown remains the fact that initially the price of Zcash was more than 32 thousand bitcoins! What is this such a precious coin that caused a furore in the crypto community, and what is its merit - we will tell about everything in this article.
6 June, 2018
Attack 51%: is there a probability of network capture and what kind of crypto currency is it to be afraid of?

Cryptocurrencies have the reputation of reliable and super-secure payment systems, but are they really impregnable? It turns out that everything is not so simple and you can even hack such an invincible coin as Bitcoin. Representatives of the community are afraid of “51% attacks”, which can not only bring down the course of cryptocurrency, but also simply destroy it. What kind of animal it is and whether the 51% attack really will lead to a cryptocurrency apocalypse - we’ll sort everything out in this article.
May 30, 2018
What do celebrities and billionaires talk about crypto-currencies?

The public can not remain silent on topics that concern it, but the topic of crypto currency is worried about everyone. The incredible success of bitcoin and his fellows, the huge interest of profits and the multibillion-dollar turnover of the market - all this gives rest to neither mere mortals nor the powerful of this world. What do billionaires and celebrities think about crypto-currencies, who welcomes the digital economy, and who intends to openly criticize it?
May 12, 2018
Crypto currency of Olga Buzovy (BuzCoin) - a scam or break of the year?

It seemed that the world of blockade technologies and crypto currency can not surprise us, because we saw different projects - from genius to absurd. But, when in one sentence the search engines began to combine the word "Block"And Olga Buzov, it became obvious that the real thrash is just beginning. Why does the television company need crypto currency and who will manage to make money on buzkoinah - this is our today's article.
April 26, 2018
Regulation of Crypto-Currency and its impact on the market - what to expect in 2018-m?

If the past year is called the year of the breakthrough of the crypto-currency, then 2018-th many experts designate as the year of regulation of this sphere. Indeed, with the desire of the authorities of different countries to encroach on the "holy" we have already seen first hand, and news resources continue to regularly throw up new news about the actions of regulators. As far as the state machine can control the sphere of independent money and how it affects the crypto currency market - we'll talk about this later in the article.
April 14, 2018
The market of crypto currency in 2018 year - will there be growth and what will the investor do?

Undoubtedly, 2017 year has become for crypto-currency a year of prosperity and wide distribution. Users and occasional witnesses of its success only had to watch this boom and guess what the heights could be achieved by the crypto-currency market in 2018. But, as it turned out, in the new year the crypt not only failed to show new records, but also caused a universal panic with its active falls. What happens to the crypto currency market this year and is it worth waiting for space courses?
April 1, 2018
Crypto currency with weirdness: rating of the most unusual digital coins

All of us have long been aware that crypto-currencies are a means of payment, the money of the future and a good tool for speculation. At the same time, each of them is unique in its own way and created, often, for a specific purpose, but there are also very strange coins that have surprised with their own characteristics and scope of application. In this article you will not find recommendations on investments and obvious practical benefits, but you will definitely know how rich and diverse the crypto-currency world is.
March 24, 2018
Lightning Network - a technology that will change bitcoin

If you watch out for kryptons, you probably heard about a solution like the Lightning Network. Many have high hopes for him and expect as a miracle that bitcoin will save and make a real breakthrough in the entire crypto industry. Should we expect the technology to solve all the problems or is it another attempt to modernize bitcoin, which will not come true?
March 14, 2018