Crosswise and Noxima are scams! Partner compensation.
Compensation paid.
Projects have stopped paying.
The current fund amount is $ 500 + VIP fund for everyone.
Waiting for reports, sending them via bot @Bender_PHbot (very convenient)
or a special form for compensation:
02.03.22/14/44 27.75:27.75 Account Receive +17701077 Received Payment 173 USD from account U447021375 to account UXNUMX****. Batch: XNUMX. Memo: Payment API. Crosswise compensation from the Profit-Hunters portal Thank you!
Crosswise project received compensation: Received Payment 37.00 USD from account U17701077 to account U16337638. Batch: 447021383. Memo: Payment API. Crosswise compensation from the portal. Many thanks!
Thank you for the CrossWise compensation
The amount of 3.7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U177-> U293
Memo: Payment API. Crosswise compensation from the Profit-Hunters portal,
Date: 14: 44 03.02.22. Batch: 447021373.