Crypto-bank - scam! Compensation partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. The actual amount of the fund - 1500 $ (1000 $ eternal protection + 500 $ Protection of Deposits)
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation:
March 22, 2017
Classes available every day from Nine AM to Twelve midday.
Je n'arrive pas à recuperer mon capital se 30000E à crypto banque.
Ils ne répondent plus?
Que puis je faire.
Thank you
après xnumx jours toujours aucune nouvelle du monte no versement de monté compte à cloturé le 45 décembre 18! Quelle action entreprendre?
Bonjour CRYPTO BANQUE a visiblement disparu
possibilité de récupérer les fonds engagés?
Voici un site qui est une belle arnaque: Après un mois d'attente pour effectuer une retrait on me demande maintenant de payer des taxes pour récupérer mes sous.
Received compensation, thank you very much!
23: 46 24.03.17
Receive 170041478 U12287794
Received Payment 34.3 USD from account U12287794.
Memo: Crypto-bank losses compensation from the portal
23: 29 24.03.17 Receive 170040835 U12287794 Tim + 23.1 Received Payment 23.1 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Crypto-bank losses compensation from the portal
Thank you for your payment !!!
Received Payment 4.4 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Crypto-bank losses compensation from the portal
Thank you very much)))
Transaction 16.9 USD on U12555745 account has been successfully completed.
Thanks so much for the compensation! Above all praise.
Transaction number
From wallet
U 5191 ... ..
The amount of administration
8.20 USD
On purse
U 1717 ... ..
Amount to be credited
8.20 USD
And approximately how long to wait for compensation!