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Overview project. Mullion with balanced plans for 7-30 days and good refbekom from

The Profit-Hunters portal continues to broadcast reviews of HYIP projects and in standby mode we have another middleman, which we briefly spoke about in one of the news digests. As it turned out, the admin has a good reputation and sufficient skills to promote such products. He has repeatedly appeared on the pages of our portal and successfully fulfilled the terms set by us for the protection of deposits. This time, too, we are monitoring a high-quality average interest rate "Solar Invest" from the same manager in the VIP listing category. Marketing is diluted with attractive investment offers for periods ranging from 7 to 30 days, low interest rates and instant payments. Let's move on to the extended version of the review and take a deeper look at what the resource is. (Project Start: January 11 2017 years) PROBLEMS!

According to the legend the international scientific company Solar Invest invests heavily in the development and production of power equipment, as well as in their installation and installation to obtain environmentally friendly energy from natural sources: sun, wind and water. Solar panels, underwater tidal turbines, wind generators and others are used as equipment for such electricity generation. Without electricity, humanity in the modern world will not be able to exist, which is why this niche is one of those in demand in business. To increase the company's working capital and produce more units, this investment platform has been created, which is able to unite the manufacturer and the investor. The company "SOLAR INVEST UK LTD" is registered in the register of companies of Great Britain since March 23, 2016 (reg. Number: 10080617).

Design The project is unique for the sphere of HYIPs and fully corresponds to the chosen topic. The site is offered for acquaintance only in English, which in many respects will complicate the task for the average native speaker of Russian or other languages, but there are also various ways of transliteration on the Internet, so we will not dwell on this. The site will be very convenient to use on any mobile device, the adaptability of the resource is present. Navigation is observed with all amenities, all sections are in a prominent place. The front page is quite informative, there are tariff offers, profit calculator, video presentation, news line, cash flow of investments in the form of graphs and tables, various channels of communication with the administration and other users. The personal interface is light and pleasant to use. All payments are broken down into separate balances, which is very convenient, in general, the functional of the cabinet allows you to track all movements of financial transactions on the account and watch the referral structure for the invitation of which a quality set of 4 banners of different dimensions was prepared.

In marketing 3 proposed investment plan with return of the deposit at the end of the period (0.7% -1.2% per day on 7-25 days) and one plan included a deposit (in 4.7 30% within days). The higher the interest rate, the longer the period of investment. Accruals come every 24 hours from the time of formation of the deposit and processed on any day of the week. Restriction on the minimum contribution is between $ 10, the maximum you can invest no more than $ 5000.

1. Earth
0.7 7% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 99
Deposit at the end of
Total profit - 104.9%

2. Wind
1 15% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 20 - $ 499
Deposit at the end of
Total profit - 115%

3. Water
1.2 25% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 50 - $ 999
Deposit at the end of
Total profit - 130%

4. Sun
4.7 30% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 400 - $ 5000
Deposit is included in the payment
Total profit - 141%
Exit to breakeven over 22 days

Technical part:
- Licensed script H-script
- Dedicated server
- DDoS protection Ovh Sas
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year) + GreenBar
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique design

For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:

View dynamic contribution to the project here:

Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, Payeer, AdvCash, Nixmoney ..
payment type: Instant - up to $ 500, manual - over $ 500 (within 1-24 hours).
The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 1, there is no commission.

Affiliate Program: 7% of each contribution referral.

VIP Partner Program: 11% of each contribution referral.
VIP-partner becomes automatically if your referral will make the amount of $ 500 or more.

Phone: + 44 2070-433-810
Address, feedback form, skype-chat, telegram-chat, groups on social networks of Facebook, Twitter and Google +.

Conclusion: on the whole, a positive impression was formed about the Solar Invest project. Perhaps someone will not like the design or the flaws in the materials provided on the site, but we regard it from the technical side, well-developed marketing and promotion dynamics. Investment plans cannot stand the cash desk and allow short-term participation with subsequent reinvestments, net daily income ranges from 0.7% to 1.36% per day. With an increase in the amount of investment for the investor, the approach becomes more loyal, so for deposits of $ 400 under the "Sun" plan, the face value is withdrawn from the project in equal parts along with payments, thereby passing the breakeven zone much faster. The people do not immediately catch up, they look closely from different sides, while the admin, in turn, is in no hurry with advertising, smoothly connects top bloggers and monitors to taste. Perhaps we will still see an updated series of tariff plans with a design upgrade, otherwise we tried to convey all the current information. The project is on our portal under "Deposit Protection" until February 10, 2017 with a fund of $ 500. We offer our partners a refund of 10% of your deposit.

13 reviews for "Overview project. The centerpiece of plans for balanced 7-30 days and good refbekom from"

  1. Avatar photo romserg:

    Contributed to the 1 plan. I worked, but decided to withdraw everything and invest in more profitable projects. Received Payment 10.49 USD from account U11075707. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 54178, romserg. Xnumx

  2. Avatar photo aleks

    SOLAR-INVEST Instant Payments:

    02.21.17 19: 49 Account Receive + 196.56 Received Payment 196.56 USD from account U11075707 to account U19 *****. Batch: 165367873. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 46660,


    21 Feb, 22: 30 Internal Transaction API U 8417 4154 7212 22.00 USD

    Transaction API Transaction ID: fa44bede-24ed-49fe-9723-36b2b025fa69 From: Amount: 22.00 USD Note: Invoice #46659,

    + new deposit!

    02.21.17 20: 01 Account Transfer -153.00 Sent Payment: 153.00 USD to account U11075707 from U19 *****. Batch: 165369509. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Invoice 46681,

  3. Avatar photo aleks

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    Instant payout! ❤️ Thank you! 02.15.17 20: 09 Account Receive + 260.03 Received Payment 260.03 USD from account U11075707 to account U19 *****. Batch: 164496495. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 38162,

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