Overview Elizion.org project. Investbot new generation with automatic payments and yield 3.33 60% within days.
We added one of the top projects, acting on the basis of the already studied Telegram application, to the portal. For many people, the investment bank, considered by us today, located at elizion.org, will not seem to be a novelty for many, since it was launched in November of last year, but I assure you that even after the passed stage of development, the administrator had motives for further work. The project marketing was designed to double depositors' investments for 60 days, charging immediately to the purse at 3.33% per day of the amount. The result of the legitimate actions of the admin on the person, but I see no reason to rely on the long service life of the project, since the main payment card PerfectMoney is not even connected at the hype market, which later will unconditionally create a new wave of deposits. We recommend to join before the emergence of this wave, taking advantage of the excellent offer from Profit-Hunters to return RCB and security for the amount of 500 $.
Elizion.org (Project start: November 3 2016 years) SCAM!
According to the legend Elizion company is engaged in crypto-currency trading on the well-known in the world crypto-exchange markets. Economic analysis shows that the use of crypto-currency over the past few years is increasing at a rapid pace and is being actively used by the world's largest banks and various international organizations as a universal payment instrument. Trade in crypto-currencies is one of the most profitable and effective directions in the trading market. That's why Elizion chose this niche and, being great experts in this field, developed its own new-generation bot-programs that can conclude trading risk-free transactions and generate a stable income.
Design the site is somewhat simpler, but given its main purpose as a business card, it is quite possible to evaluate the work of designers from the positive side, especially since the resource is unique and functions on a handwritten script. All sections are located on both sides of the working window, work quickly, without pre-loading pages. The FAQ is divided into 4 categories with answers to basic questions, the news section is regularly updated with announcements of innovations, including the addition of new localizations (currently Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and Indonesian) and the connection of new methods of replenishment (originally there was only Bitcoin, now also AdvCash, Payeer and Ethereum). In addition, a visit to the site is accompanied by motivating tracks, and when you hover the mouse over any section, an audio response is triggered. On the main page there is also an announcement of a future video presentation, so to be continued ...
investment decision It proposed the same for all participants in the project for up to two months (60 days). Charges are processed every day 3.33% of the invested amount, moreover do not lie in the balance, and in due time come to you specify details of the EPS. Since the daily calculation of the contribution is already integrated itself, the early withdrawal is not provided by par. The minimum investment is established when there is from $ 10, the amount offered by the contributions has no restrictions.
3.33 60% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 10000
Deposit is included in the payment
The total percentage of charges: 199.8%
Going through the breakeven 30 days
Technical part:
- Samopisnaya script
- The domain is redeemed for 5 years (up to 2021 year)
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 6 months)
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique multi-language design
- The project works through Telegram app.
For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:
View dynamic contribution to the project here:
Payment systems: Payeer, Bitcoin, Advcash.
payment type: Auto. The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 1, there is no commission for withdrawal.
Affiliate Program (duplex): 10% -3% on investment of your partners.
10% of the investment 1-level partners (requires a personal contribution)
3% of the investment 2-level partners (the amount of personal investment of at least $ 500)
Our ID: 137470658
E-mail: support@elizion.org
Telegram: @elizion_support
News Channel and the community in a telegram, the official group in the social. networks such as Facebook and VK.
Conclusion: So, the project can rightfully be called top-ranked, the admin clearly built the development strategy and continues to adhere to it, attracting constant attention to its creation from investors and PR people. For 80 + days of work, the number of users exceeded 10 thousand people, and the first depositors already multiplied their deposits in twofold. The term of the deposit is calculated for 60 days with a yield of 3.33% per day. As a result, at the end of the first month of investment, the amount of your investments is repulsed, after the second month the investments are doubled compared to the initial ones. The Fund is provided with good technical software, it is constantly developing, as can be seen from the published events from the newsline. Systematically the administrator connects new payment systems (many are waiting for the appearance of PM), adds languages, and it is also planned to introduce personal cabinets on the site. We believe that the site has a huge potential, so it's not too late to stop. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" until 5 March 2017 year with the fund from 500 $. To our partners we offer refund of 12% from your deposit.
January 20, 2017
All, scam here. Do not invest!
Elizion pays! In your purse Payeer P229 ***** daily payment in the amount of 3.33 USD was sent in accordance with the investment ID 1429413.
Transaction number: 330189501
Date of intervention: March 23 2017 11: 15
Operation ID: 330323686
Type of transaction: Transfer
Status: Done
obtaining Amount: $ 0.33
Comment: Daily payment according to the investment ID #1437047
From: P52792883