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PerfectMonet Epaycore Yandex Money Payeer Okpay Qiwi Payza BTC project overview. Investments in diamond mining up to 60% per month.

This time, a new mid-percentage Diamond Reserve parked on the blog, which seemed quite interesting and quality for us according to different criteria. In this regard, kindly put it in the VIP-format and from now on we will regularly monitor the mode of its operation. For investment, we offer two profitable rates with a moderate income, namely 40% for 20 days (every day for 7%, the deposit is included) and 15% after 10 days (the deposit body at the end). This bundle in marketing is working and in demand, and given the availability of instant payments, it is doubly more pleasant to consider such investments. The project started smoothly, which gives us an excuse to get in the first place and make a profit in time, we recommend you to take a closer look. (Project Start: January 30 2018 years). PROBLEMS

According to the legend Diamond Reserve is a dynamically developing company that searches for deposits of various precious metals, organizes their extraction and arranges supplies to different countries of the world. The founders of the project began their activities in 2010 and, developing over the years, were able to break through to the leading company in the precious metals market. The company "Diamond Reserve Group Limited" is officially registered in the UK on November 28, 2017 (registration number: 11084869).

Design project is developed on an individual order and is closely involved with the theme of the fund. In the outer part of the resource used light colors, a unique structure and good navigation. The personal interface is easy to use, the simplicity and ease of functionality is directly impressive. The content is not verbose, there are only two translation options so far (Russian and English). The main page is quite informative and combines the basic information from each section of the menu.

Investment Plans are composed of the most top-end proposals, which are often very well received by investors in a bunch. In essence, consider two tariffs: in one deposit is included in the accruals for 7% per day for 20 days, in another deposit body and profit are accrued on a one-time payment of 115% after 10 days from the moment of activation of the deposit. Both tariffs are interesting in their own way, and the availability of each of them is open from 10 dollars. The mode of active investment is conducted on a full weekly schedule, without holidays and weekends.

1. Classic
7 20% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 10000
Deposit is included in the payment
Total yield - 140%
Going through the breakeven 15 days

2. End
115 10% by calendar days
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 10000
Deposit and percentages in the end of
Total yield - 115%

Technical part:
- Samopisnaya script
- Dedicated server
- DDoS protection Ovh Hosting
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year) + GreenBar
- PM-Verified Account
- Unique design is translated into 2 languages: Russian and English.

For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:

View dynamic contribution to the project here:

Discussion of the project on MMGP:

Payment systems: Perfect money, Payeer, Advcash, Bitcoin.
payment type: Instant.
The minimum amount and no commission for withdrawal.

Affiliate Program (three-level): 5% -2% -1% on your partner contributions.
5% of partner contributions 1-level
2% of partner contributions 2-level
1% of partner contributions 3-level

Representative affiliate program (three levels): 7% -2% -1% on your partner contributions.
7% of partner contributions 1-level
2% of partner contributions 2-level
1% of partner contributions 3-level

To raise the status to a representative, you need to make a personal contribution from 200 $, attract at least 2000 $ from 1 level partners, and then make an inquiry to the administration.

Telegram: @Diamondreserve
Address, feedback form, online support, telegram-chats (eng / rus).

Conclusion: a high-quality middling on a script with all the resulting benefits, which can include current marketing and instant payments. Technically, the project has been assembled perfectly, it looks good in design, the office is comfortable, there is registration in England, greenbar, in general everything is at a high level. It is too early to judge the results of the work, even a small circle has not passed, but the probability of a positive outcome is high. How it will turn out, it will become clear in time, while for now we recommend allocating small amounts for investment. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" until 12 February 2018 year with the fund from 500 $. We offer our partners a refund of 8% from your deposit.

Do not forget about the new winter Seasonal stocks from the portal.

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64 review for " project overview." Investments in diamond mining up to 60% per month. "

  1. Avatar photo Good:

    The project went out of time because of compensation. Keep track of the terms of Deposit Protection.

  2. Avatar photo kopaweb:

    The site does not work. What kind of compensation is planned?

  3. Avatar photo b_pavel:

    The site does not work. SKAM

  4. Avatar photo Tandem:

    Operation date: 13 Feb 2018 10: 26
    Operation ID: 491590409
    Operation type: transfer
    Status: success
    Credited: 2.10 $
    Comment: Withdrawal: No.4132. DiamondReserve