Dobro-father - scam! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. Current amount of the fund - $ 500
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation:
28 October, 2017
Thank you for your payment!
Thank you very much for the compensation for the Dobro-Father project!
Хеш: 40d3a4322fd15a932893078926e9ef13d0d2088ab6ac0dab9e ce432c4e2c55e0
Grateful for Dobro-Father's Compensation for losses from the Profit-Hunters portal.
Transaction ID:
From: infinityluckprofit_gmail_com
Sum: 7.80 USD
Note: Compensation for Dobro-Father losses from the Profit-Hunters portal.