Ebayshares - scum! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. Current amount of the fund - $ 500
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation: https://www.profit-hunters.biz/zakazat-kompensatsiyu/
September 24, 2017
¡Hola! el proyecto ya no paga.
Buenas tardes está pagando esta hyip de eBay ??? Me quedaron 19 dólares por cobrar .... ???????????????. No me contestan los soportes de la página pero siguen corriendo las ganancias
Transaction 1.00 USD on U15726139 account has been successfully completed.
Number operations #: 189343741
Time: 09.26.2017, 21: 30
received compensation for the Ebayshares project. Many thanks.