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Ecorental, Pure-energy, Bots-family, Eva-synthesis - SCAM! Compensation for partners.

Compensation and bonuses paid.

Projects stopped paying. The current fund amount is 500 $ for Bots-family and Pure Energy, 300 $ for other projects.

I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation:

PS: I apologize for the delay - I was on vacation. I will pay compensation for the project tomorrow evening so that no one has flown by with applications.
Resend applications if already sent - not necessary.

PPS: While I was away, Instantco, Tokioinv and Larawithme nibbled - there will be no compensation for them, since the term of "Protection of deposits" came out before the scam.

4 feedback to "Ecorental, Pure-energy, Bots-family, Eva-synthesis - scams! Compensation to partners."

  1. Avatar photo Ru25:

    Thanks for the compensation!

  2. Avatar photo Hermes:

    Just in case (maybe this is my mistake), in the application form for compensation were the letters PM and I wrote the wallet U12679728. But I received a refback from Bitcoin 14A9ao2vZ6gYEM3TY3FdBzRnafwBrR8qju. In case you recheck referrals at the refback address. Thank.

  3. Avatar photo bona:

    Good evening. Today there will be compensation, just working on it.

  4. Avatar photo Hermes:

    Hello, I beg your pardon my question. I lost a lot of money and for the first time I am applying for compensation. The evening of December 12, I have no feedback with the site administrator. The application was sent a few hours after the announcement of the Scam Bots Family. You have written that 12 should be paid in the evening. I did not receive anything. Maybe besides the form you had to send something else? Thanks for the answer.