EQUI - an interesting combination of a revolutionary investment platform with a new crypto currency. Based on Blokchan-technology, it breaks the tradition of venture investment and enables the crypto-currency society to join the next era of venture capital investment.
Using the EQUI currency, investors will have the opportunity to purchase shares in emerging projects and benefit from large investments.
Venture capital
Venture capital is a form of funding provided by individuals, firms or institutions for the early stages of new projects that are considered to have high growth potential but lack access to equity markets. Such investments are usually classified as the most risky, due to their illiquidity, but they can also provide impressive returns in subsequent stages of their development.
There are different stages of venture investment:
1. Pre-start stage. The first external investments that help raise the project from scratch.
2. Early stage. The investment is given to a company that has already successfully proven its concept in order to accelerate their sales and marketing efforts.
3. Stage of growth / Serie A / B. Further rounds to provide additional financial support to help the project move into its next development stage, usually through a sales and marketing strategy.
More about EQUI
EQUI will use Ethereum to process and store credentials, information and transactions, including the acquisition of shareholdings, distribution of profits, placement of investment income and reward to investors. The use of smart contracts ensures security, reliability and transparency for all EQUI participants.
Currently EQUI is a web application that can be accessed through any web browser. After the ICO, the platform will be fully developed with funds raised.
It will be user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing and provide all relevant information to investors to plan their investments and review their portfolio.
To register your participation in the ICO and use the EQUI platform, you will need to provide a full name and address. Also, the user may be asked to submit scanned copies of the document proving his identity.
Each project submitted on the platform will be stored using a set of smart contracts that contains all information regarding the project, including the expected maturity, etc.
The owners of platform tokens will be able to access the personalized dashboard, which will provide information about the reserves of tokens and invested projects.
After the expiry of the project, the income is distributed in the appropriate proportions in the form of an air-deposit in the purse EQUI. The ether can be stored in EQUI purse, transferred or used for further investments on the platform.
EQUI identically divides all its users into three groups:
1. Investors. Investors are the participants who transfer their EQUI-tokens to the EQUI platform. The level of obligations is very flexible and is determined by the level of investor interest in a particular project. Number of projects in which a participant can invest unlimited. All investors will receive 70% of the profit (proportionally), derived from the projects in which they invested their tokens. As an additional remuneration mechanism for investors, EQUI provides a loyalty program - investors of each of the projects will also receive a bonus that will amount to 5% of the tokens invested by them. EQUI-loans will be converted into tokens and transferred to a personal EQUI-purse at the end of the first year of investment. There are no restrictions on the number of projects that a participant can invest in.
2. Owners. Prefer to keep their tokens on the platform without participating in projects. They will receive 5% (proportionally) from the profit of projects.
3. Traders. participants who decided to withdraw their tokens from the EQUI platform and earn their own profit only by fluctuations in the price level of the token on exchanges.
ICO and EQUI tokens
EQUI created their own currency, which is called: EQUI-token. This token is based on the blockbuster Ethereum (ERC20), which indicates its high liquidity and security.
All owners of EQUI-tokens will have access to the platform and the ability to view the sample from developing investment projects. Absolutely all demonstration projects before publication on the platform will be preliminarily evaluated by the special investment group EQUI.
The total output is 250 million tokens. Price: $ 0,50.
Pre-sale will start from 1 March on 8 March 2018. The main ICO will be held from 8 March on 31 March 2018.
Minimum investment level for pre-sale participation: $ 100 thous.
Accepted currency at the pre-sale stage: USD, GBP, EUR and BTC. In public ICO: BTC, ETH, LTC and XRP.
The distribution of EQUI-tokens focuses on creating a long-term value for investors:
• 65% of all tokens are calculated for pre-sale and ICO for the public;
• 12% is distributed among the founders of EQUI (block option for 6 months);
• 15% will be divided among members by the EQUI team on a quarterly basis for two years (block option for 6 months);
• 6% quarterly within two years will depart to the Advisory Board (block option for 6 months);
• 2% are calculated for a bounty campaign.
The proceeds from the ICO will complete the process of decentralizing the investment platform. All surpluses will be used by the EQUI platform for investment in projects along with currency holders.
• 30% - further development of the platform;
• 30% - recruitment of personnel and salaries;
• 20% - marketing;
• 10% - expenses for rent and head office;
• 5% - legal issues;
• 5% - equipment and fixed assets.
All tokens intended for public sale and unsold at ICO will subsequently be redistributed as follows:
50% is distributed among the ICO participants on a pro rata basis;
50% will be distributed back to EQUI and will be used to support future investment projects.
This structure protects the investor, allowing only ICO members to take advantage of free tokens, helping to control price speculation.
The EQUI project has brought together a strong team of investment specialists with extensive experience in identifying really promising projects. They will do everything possible for the stable growth of this project, as they have a solid track record and open access to the flow of transactions and the investment market as a whole.
The road map for the EQUI project is as follows:
Official site - https://www.equi.capital/
White paper - https://www.equi.capital/whitepaper/EQUI_Whitepaper_050218.pdf
ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2888110.60
Twitter - https://twitter.com/equi_capital
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/equi.capital/
Telegram - https://t.me/equicapital
* Our BTT account - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1473358;sa=summa
21 February, 2018