Exima Trade - scam! Compensation to partners.
100% + bonuses paid compensation.
The project stopped payments. The current amount of the fund is 500 $ + VIP fund for depositors from 500 $.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a bot or a special form for compensation: https://www.profit-hunters.biz/zakazat-kompensatsiyu/
PS: Do NOT apply for compensation to multiple resources. All scammers will be left without insurance.
Compensation received! Under the project Exima Trade. Under the program "Protection of deposits" compensation
100% loss + bonus 10%. 1.078 Ether. Transaction Hash: 0xc096be3d1958201cbe7341aba5b4f7781ca9bcb0296 3272e83308f8f74f86ae2 Thanks to the Team Profit Hunters.
Received compensation, thank you very much!