Finaktiv - scam! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. Current amount of the fund - $ 300
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation:
March 14, 2016
Compensations on the site are real - but read the rules carefully. You must be our referral and apply within 48 hours after the scam was announced on the portal. Therefore, we cannot now compensate you for your losses.
Introduced 50 $, deduced 5.36 $ (the body of the deposit was to be returned at the end)
Guys, how real is your topic? Or is this another divorce? I would like to return my money of course: (((
55 $ introduced, deduced 5.90 $ and everything.
Thank you!
Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U2477294. Memo: loss compensation from Finaktiv portal
1280 $ is deduced 153.6 $ (with referral%), at least something to receive (.How to insure your contribution?
41 $ is deduced 22 $ (with referral%) when it is possible to expect compensation?
25 $ deduced 4,18 $