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Forty Seven Bank - a platform that unites various financial worlds

Forty Seven Bank - a platform based on Blockchain. It has combined all the benefits for members who work with fiat money and cryptocurrency. We can say that the Forty Seven Bank service is a kind of connecting bridge between various financial industries. To achieve the set goals, the team uses new technologies: smart contracts, biometrics, and Blockchain technology. The developers of this platform have tried to create an up-to-date, maximally convenient and safe project.

Thanks to the competent unification of the two financial worlds, customers of ordinary banks, cryptocurrencies users will appreciate all the advantages of the Forty Seven Bank system. The order of the conducted transactions on the platform corresponds to the basic regulatory requirements. The various services of the bank on the platform can be used by private individuals, as well as employees of various companies. The system performs key functions on the basis of relevant regulatory documentation. Thanks to this principle of work, the full support of various crypto-currencies will be provided. Forty Seven Bank provides its users with the opportunity to use a unique product called the Multy-Asset Account. Thanks to him, access to various purses is provided. They can store crypto currency.

Goals of developers

The main goal of the creators of the Forty Seven Bank project is to build a unique ecosystem of financial products. They are intended for investors, businessmen, individuals, as well as developers and large traders. This site will simplify the process of purchasing, investing, selling, and exchanging funds.

What products does the company offer?

Clients belonging to the European Economic Union can open a multi-currency account, and also issue a special multi-currency card. With these tools, users can manage accounts that have been activated earlier in any of the banks (there are activities in the European Union). All necessary actions can be performed through the bank interface or by using a mobile application. Operations carried out with tokens, settlements, conversions, and payment with a bank card are carried out where these cards are accepted. Operations can also be conducted through an ATM.

Forty Seven Bank's interface was created taking into account the special PSD2 directive. It is created to easily manage G / L accounts. The norm was introduced on January 30, 2018. Thanks to him, it became possible to manage accounts from one point. In this case, the condition must be met - their opening was carried out in a bank located in Europe. To do this, you only need to indicate the account number, and also confirm that access is allowed to it. Once these conditions are met, access to the main services provided by Forty Seven Bank is opened.

The authorization and reassurance procedures are performed remotely. The list of data (biometric) serves as the basis for their conduct. The bank's partners can become everyone who visits the official website of this institution. Identification of the person is carried out in the present time mode. Once the user identification is completed, an account is available, and also the opportunity to work with crypto-currencies is provided. The card is sent by bank transfer. The interface is convenient for use, it contains various analytical data. Thanks to them, users will be well-versed in the modern financial market.

On the Forty Seven Bank website, you can find detailed information on how to effectively manage funds, conduct a waste analysis, select the necessary amount that is intended for savings. In addition, participants can plan the purchase of expensive items, as well as coordinate the budget as efficiently as possible. It is recommended that you take into account available tips and recommendations. Working with the crypto currency can be carried out on the exchange, which is inside the application. All transactions are carried out promptly, without delays. The commission is not so high. Currency conversion is carried out for any pair. In addition, the crypto currency can be translated into fiat money without much effort. After that, the funds are transferred to the specified account or bank card.

The developers also presented another particularly useful tool called SWIFT. With its help you can carry out secure crypto-currency payments. From the information given above, it can be concluded that a special service is available to Forty Seven Bank partners, which is available at a convenient time. It combines banking and various crypto-currencies.

Relying on the banking sector and the scope of cryptocurrency, the developers used only the best technologies to create the platform. The bank provides a flexible, open, and well-documented API. It covers most of Forty Seven Bank. The platform offers users unique applications that are built on the basis of the API. The creators of the service are trying to attract new participants, large partners due to the effectiveness of the created ecosystem.

The role of smart contracts in Forty Seven Bank

The use of smart contracts allowed to automate financial processes, thanks to which you can:

  • carry out all operations;
  • to provide credit funds;
  • to exclude fraud to a minimum.

Integration of training technology in an automatic manner allows you to create a special tool that controls the account, promptly processes all customer actions. A virtual assistant will also help in changing financial flows, in the timely translation of financial information. Biometric technologies allow you to open accounts remotely. Access to the application can be obtained through a smartphone. Such innovations help to significantly improve the security of personal as well as important payment data.

The value of Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology will help to improve the banking virtual sector. It will carry out various financial operations. The founders of Forty Seven Bank are especially proud of the fact that their project is an important part of the global transformation. It is likely that he will play a major role in development, ensuring the ideal production, as well as in creating new financial products, optimal solutions for customers. Advantages of the implementation of Blocking will be appreciated by fans of cryptocurrency, as well as other users, enterprises. All participants will appreciate this innovative technology.

Users of Forty Seven Bank will be able to store crypto currency in a special purse, as well as check the status of the balance, promptly send and receive digital currency on the account. If necessary, users can request a history of ongoing operations. Working with the existing tokens will be easy and simple. To fully service various types of crypto currency, the Forty Seven Bank platform also integrates special tools. Open, closed keys are stored in complete security. Worry about the security of important data to users of this service will not have to. Forty Seven Bank also has the following key elements:

  • a crypto currency gateway system;
  • perfect payment scheme for various crypto-currencies;
  • Black, as well as a white list for more fruitful cooperation with other users.

Individuals, businesses can use the data validation service. Thanks to these features it will be possible to solve the issue of stability of current prices.

Full automation of ongoing business processes

A smart contract can be used to link business processes with different operating organizations. Contracts of this type can be used to translate certain data about the company:

  • confirmation of booking;
  • performance of a certain part of the planned work;
  • customer consent to pay for services, quality service.

Evidence that the above events occurred really, are in different social blocks. If necessary, anyone can open it for verification. In alliance with strict implementation of the financial part of the smart contract, Forty Seven Bank provides the maximum degree of trust between organizations that have decided to combine their business processes. To meet the financial part of a smart contract, the service monitors transfers between users and customers of the system.

Checking the quality of operations performed

At Forty Seven Bank, analytical and operational functions are carried out in an automatic manner. This is especially important for detecting any fraudulent transactions. In the event that the transaction is carried out correctly, the system has no questions for it. If the operation is characterized as "suspicious", the process is carefully investigated by specialists. The advantage of this method is the verification of colossal amounts of information. Even the most experienced employee will not be able to achieve such indicators in the course of his work. Fraudulent transactions tend to be closely interconnected in space as well as in time. To identify them, special automated programs are the best suited.

Opening of a multi-account in Forty Seven Bank

Multi-account for users with a card is the main product of this service. Identification as well as authentication is carried out on the basis of passport information (biometric passport). This service has the following features:

  • a unique combination of tools for payment using SWIFT;
  • the possibility of issuing credit, as well as debit cards;
  • work with an electronic wallet.

In this case, the client can work with all types of coins in the banking application. Another important factor is that service parameters can be converted. Analytics' clear, user-friendly interface allows all clients to make the right decisions. They are based on AI algorithms.

Advantages of working on Forty Seven Bank platform

Specialists have made every effort to create a convenient service. Forty Seven Bank has the following advantages:

  • access to the site is open;
  • Control of cryptoshell can be performed on the platform;
  • the conduct of bank accounts can be carried out in one of the most convenient ways;
  • users can evaluate the simple conversion of phyto-crypto-currency into ordinary (and vice versa);
  • participants of the Forty Seven Bank system can make debit and credit cards (they are available for all accounts without exception);
  • users of this service can be provided with technical support (necessary for conducting successful activities on the platform). Answers are provided for all questions.

In addition, users will appreciate the opportunity to insure the object on the platform. The presence of a smart ATM, an intelligent customer support system is another plus. In the event that the user has any questions regarding working with cryptocurrency on the platform, it is enough to contact the support service. Comprehensive, detailed answers are provided immediately. They are provided only by responsible, competent employees. All users can ask questions without exception.

Opportunities for individuals

Individuals who use the Forty Seven Bank service for work will appreciate the following positive features:

  • unique interface: users will appreciate convenient virtual banking, a unique application for managing customer accounts. Accounts can be managed in various financial institutions (from one network). You do not need to enter an account number. You just need to confirm your consent to access. The client will immediately be available all the necessary information;
  • authentication, authentication is carried out on the basis of complex data (biometrics including): to become a client of a virtual bank, you must visit the official website and download a special application. The identification of participants is carried out in the present time mode. At the same time, there is no need to visit the branch of a financial institution. Immediately after registration, the user becomes available a whole range of tools for working with crypto currency, payment cards;
  • help financial analyst: the expert's recommendations will be useful in the process of analyzing the algorithm. It will also help to choose the range of fundraising, planning of major purchases. Thanks to the tips, the user can perform flexible management based on various tricks;
  • the possibility of selling, buying Crypto-currency within the platform: you can buy or sell tokens at low prices, without long-term expectations. To translate crypto currency into real money, minimal effort will also be required;
  • availability of debit, as well as credit cards: customers will appreciate integrated modern banking services. Thanks to this, it is possible to combine the best technologies of Blockchain. Tools remain available for registered participants at any convenient time of day.

Services, useful tools for financiers and developers

Developers of Forty Seven Bank are ready to offer users a wide range of opportunities for partner banks, software developers. This list includes the ability to maintain accounting records, as well as the application of financial services provided through the API call.

Access to the API can be used to develop, integrate modern services based on the already created infrastructure. Independent developers can create unique applications. They greatly expand the capabilities of a virtual bank.

In addition, for developers such tools can be useful:

  • DevDays for other enterprises: soon the developers will begin to develop the communication system. It will target financial institutions, as well as independent developers. This tool can be used by all users who want to develop products that are available through the API. In addition, it is planned to conduct educational programs, various courses with access for token holders;
  • “White label”: many financial institutions provide a separate list of services that are designed to develop, maintain their own brand, and expand their customer base. A partner bank operating under its own brand has the ability to quickly launch the selected services for its audience. No infrastructure changes will have to be made. It is enough to change the order of some procedures and obtain licenses from certain regulatory bodies of banks;
  • presentation of various financial applications: thanks to this, an infrastructure is created that unites all application creators with users of the Internet bank. An application created at the request of customers will help create a stable source of profit for autonomous financial service providers, powerful software.

Forty Seven Token

Forty Seven Token is a specially issued cryptocurrency that provides its owners with a worthy place in the Internet bank. Token holders can participate in the ongoing Forty Seven program. Bank participants who are active can be credited with bonuses in the form of FSBT tokens. The amount reckoned depends on the results of the activity of the resource over the past year. The emission of the FSBT cryptocurrency is provided by a list of smart contracts that interact with each other.

FSBT tokens are necessary for users to increase the important operational, financial performance of using smart banking contracts. As for private individuals, FSBT provides them with a lot of advantages in the use of services, various products of Forty Seven Bank. With their help, you can also take a leading position in the loyalty program. Within its framework, you can get all kinds of prizes once a year. After the kraudfending-campaign ends, tokens will be traded on all possible crypto-exchange exchanges.

Features of the ICO Forty Seven Bank

Pre-ICO kicked off 30 October 2017 year. Its completion took place 6 November 2017 year. During the Pre-ICO, the ETH crypto currency was used. The main stage of the ICO is now underway, it will be completed by 31.03.2018. Current course: 1 token FSBT = 0.00393 ETH. The largest number of tokens produced: 11 063 829 FSBT (including Bounty, bonus tokens, and also token tokens). During the ICO Forty Seven Bank, the following currencies are accepted: BTC, ETH, and EUR, EUR.

Distribution of tokens

The order of distribution of tokens was approved by the developers. In accordance with the plan, the FSBT tokens will be listed in different niches. For example, 90% of the available crypto currency is allocated to the backers. In total 5% of tokens will be reserved for the founders of the project. As for the remaining 5% of tokens, they will be used to reward the most active participants.

Bounty-campaign Forty Seven Bank

As mentioned above, 5% of the total number of tokens is allocated to encourage active participants. The distribution of this sum of tokens will occur as follows:

  • signatures, avatars (25%);
  • Community-management (10%): group management on Bitcointalk, and also on Reddite, Telegram;
  • translations (20%): localization of text documents, translation on sites of small, medium, large-scale texts;
  • Facebook (10%): The user can earn up to 10 points per week. To receive bonuses, you must follow the prescribed requirements;
  • Twitter campaign (10%): a participant in this case can earn up to 2-5 points per week (the size of the reward depends on the number of subscribers: 300-999 - 2 points, more than 1000 subscribers - 5 points);
  • work in Telegram (2%): participants of this program can earn 10 points if they fulfill the requirements (join the group, communicate actively, help newcomers, and also answer their questions).

Each participant of the Bounty campaign can choose the most suitable job. You can see their list on Bitcointalk.


Malin A. - Director

Astapchik I. - Operations Manager

Tomko V. - Head of Marketing

Skoblov M. - Financial Director

A. Azamatov - technical director

Abols E. - Head of Legal Affairs

L. Kovalchuk - art director


The team employs experienced, creative specialists. They are working on realizing the best ideas. Despite the convenience of the resource, experts are trying to improve it.


In October 2016, the concept of a modern bank, Forty Seven Bank, was developed. It was originally created to work with crypto-currencies and fixed assets. In February 2017, the formation of the project team took place, as well as the analysis, market research. In March 2017, leading experts elaborated the project plan in detail, formed a financial model of the bank, and carried out preliminary calculations. In December 2017, Launch was successfully launched. Specialists summed up the first results. In January of the year 2018, procedures were developed, a database of documents for the company was created. In May 2018, integration with the SWIFT system is planned. In the summer of 2018, certification will be conducted according to the QSA PCI DSS Level 1 standard. A little later, PI, EMI licenses will be obtained. It is also planned to authorize work from FCA.



Developers Forty Seven Bank managed to create a unique, the most convenient platform, designed for finteh creators. Users can launch their products, gaining access to the infrastructure in the client base. Users with small and medium capital can develop new white-label applications. These projects will compete with ordinary banking institutions. Thanks to the project of Forty Seven Bank, the financial area of ​​the European Union will be changed for the better.

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