Grenbitpm - Scam! Compensation for partners.
Compensation paid.
The admin came to the call, predictably, purely in terms of the timing of the work.
The project stopped paying.
The current fund amount is $ 500 + VIP fund for deposits from $ 500.
Waiting for reports, sending them via bot @Bender_PHbot (very convenient)
or a special form for compensation:
Insurance came, + $ 153 thanks to the blog for covering losses!
Thank you for your payment!
163 TRX 2022-01-12 23:51:18 f6f2518e0e1b6db229997165204aab7fcee7b450c1d66e2fdf8bd4a08a0aabd5. Compensation for the Grenbitpm project from the Profit-Hunters portal.