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The history of the admin of the HYIP. A look on the other side of the business.

The other day I was approached by the admin of the HYIPs, and told my story of the ups and downs from the distant 2004 year. Have communicated with it, very adequate interlocutor. To me, as a person who learned about HYIPs in 2012, it was interesting to hear how the industry developed in zero, and even the eyes of the administrator.
I decided that it would be interesting to find out for many investors / players in high-yield projects. Yes, and it will be useful for admins to read it - I have not seen anyone describe the work in such detail "from the other side".
At my request, the HYIP administrator wrote down his story.

Confession on a given topic. Or the history of the Old School admin.

Dear friends. I call this story a book of Boris Yeltsin. If you read from beginning to end, then you will find out how I became an admin of HYIPs, I experienced the roller coaster of the period of rapid take-off and a sharp drop down to the level of the semi-bomzh. Many believe that the administrators of HYIPs are unscrupulous swindlers who, using eternal human weaknesses, are always in profit. They live the luxurious life of IT-oligarchs ... it's not. Everything has its price.

Many of the readers are unlikely to recall the HYIP industry of 2004, many of them did not even know the word "Haip" then. With my help we will travel in time.

For me, it all began in early 2004, when I created a betting topic on a popular at that time MoneyForum, where I published 1 forecast for a match every day. Let's just say the VIP rate of the day. During the 5 months that I was leading the topic, 4 months were in a good plus. He conducted the topic on a voluntary basis, without pursuing any goal. But in the summer, there was such an idea about creating a mailing list with paid forecasts. It was a very popular destination back then. Moreover, such proposals in the forum PM began constantly to come. Probably it was so, if I hadn't accidentally stumbled upon investment funds, where investors' money was collected and then interest was paid - HYIPs.

Dear reader probably does not know about those times, but I can explain that then the industry of HYIP was in the making. There was very little information, no competition. A scanned passport scan (no matter whose) was then considered a good guarantee of project honesty. And if in contacts the phone of the administrator was also specified - such a project was put almost at the very top of reliability, a giant project. Conversely, the incorrectly written street index in whois domain was recognized as a serious blunder for the admin. In general, these were the times of the "trader" Kalinichenko (reference to the famous swindler), Finlist and other similar pyramids. And so, having an 5 monthly positive rate history on the forum, I decide that I probably should create my own fund. I did not think about any deceit of investors in principle: everything will be fair.

At the start of a simple student 1 course in the presence was only 30 dollars. The first version of the site I did not order anywhere - did it myself, in Word. The picture in the cap and below is the text of what I propose. There are no accounts there, and so on. I wrote all the contributions to the Excel file - simply and reliably. We hung this site, made in the Word, indecently a lot. But it did not bother anyone, at that time many HYIPs were opened even on a free hosting of the And there were good investments - now it seems wild. His first project was called Artbet (August 04 - September 06, two years the project worked). I posted some links to the project in various forums. I met with one administrator of the investment forum, and he was very interested in my project, since there was almost no real evidence of the projects. Admin was the first to take my HYIP to my monitoring - so I learned about monitoring HYIPs. Some money began to come on a trifle, and for this money I already in a web studio for 100 $ ordered a four-page site to make the project look more decent. After the redesign, small contributions gradually began to flow. After about six months of the project, I received a letter from a woman: "I'll put in thousands of dollars for 2, but I want to talk to you on the phone for a guarantee." What kind of pancake guarantee? I did not even have a cell phone yet. From the city I called her, talked, gave her my number. The woman believed me, and the student got his first 2 thousand dollars) All night could not fall asleep, imagine? Apparently, then she told me about other people, as the popularity of the project went uphill. During the next 6 months, I had several meetings in real life, which further raised the level of confidence in Artbet. At the same time, I ordered a new design of the site: with accounts, all by feng shui. Acceptance and payment of deposits were available strictly in the first 10 days of each month. The last months of the project, investors made an order of 50-80 thousand dollars a month, with fairly small amounts for payments. Ordered conclusions were few, mostly went to the reinvest - hunteranne was not in those days as a class. Plus, the profit was set at only 10-12% per month. And now the question is how much did I earn after the closure of the project?

The correct answer is almost none. Except for the money invested in the next project. No, of course, some money was spent on a modest existence - I didn't drink, I didn't drink in restaurants, I didn't buy anything for myself from things. Why? Because I really did bet on sports, and I really needed to do it. I did not hide from investors, I gave everyone information about myself and my place of residence - the admins did not think about anonymity at that time. Therefore, even theoretically I could not imagine the option of closing the project with the appropriation of the cash register.

At one point something happened that was bound to happen: he caught a black streak in the bets and lost most of the pot. I was well versed in betting, but it's one thing to put your pennies calmly on the forum, and quite another to manage big capital, other people's money. Whatever one may say, responsibility and adrenaline play a big role. Digging even deeper: sports betting is an illusion that it is possible to make stable profit on them in the long term (precisely by making bets). But then I didn't think about it. And when in the next month a new amount of deposits came, she all went into the game, often to recoup. As a result, Artbet was closed when, in a particularly unfortunate month, the payout exceeded the amount paid. By the way, if I hadn't played at the rates, then (probably) I could have kept the project from six months to three years, purely on the inflow. Such is the "earnings" on betting, with a minus sign. "Popany", draw conclusions.

In total, after closing, I had to pay an additional 20 thousand dollars to people who knew too much about me. And that was not enough for everyone. But no one called me, they didn’t come home, the police didn’t look for me - although there were some lingering threats. Most investors agreed that the money was lost and cannot be returned. This was true.

The next project, this is already 2007, was It was ordered on a turnkey basis with a unique script, but the site turned out to be very simple. Topic - Forex. There is even nothing to tell about it - there were few investors, the project lived quietly for about 6 months, quietly closed without profit. Later I tried not to use the Forex legend, it never went with me.

In the same 2007 I started creating a series of successful poker projects. Successful first of all for me. The first project was (April 07 - December 07). The legend is this: the administrator and poker player Prokhor Kozmich Demidov recruited a team of poker players to jointly beat the opponents (team play). Prokhor lives in the abandoned village of Zaborovka in the Tver region and from there he does his dirty deeds. There is nothing more to tell here - the project was popular, there were investors. I don’t remember exactly how much I earned here, but I went abroad twice. And on the whole, I began to live better, through the efforts of Prokhor Kozmich and his team.

 ➡ Here I will make a small digression. In almost all projects, my active deposit phase began after 4-5 months of work. That is, there has always been a long period of “acceleration”, during which they gained trust and recognition. Hitrunners, raking the cash desk at the start in my projects began to appear somewhere after 2012 of the year. And this is a big problem for administrators, I will return to this topic later.

2007-2008 years. The time has come when the WebMoney system began to block wallets found to be accepting funds in pyramids. It was very sensitive, since it was through this system that a lot of money came. WebMoney was "popular", a popular payment system with a huge turnover among the population. The e-gold and Liberty Reserve payment systems were difficult enough for investors to understand, not adapted for Russian-speaking users. Now this is a lot of information about various exchanges in any direction, but then all this was presented in an embryonic form. It was a big problem for a person to change funds from a payment order to a payment system, or withdraw them into real money. I then found a way to replenish WebMoney by purchasing special PIN codes, which I myself made up. Then these pin codes were placed in the digital store Then this could still be done. And these pin codes could be bought for WebMoney or Yandex. The one who bought the pin code, then activated it in the Pokersonic account and voila - the deposit was credited to him, and even with a bonus (for the fact that the person figured it out). In short, I got out as best I could.

 ➡ I heard complaints from admins that now many payment systems (even conditionally bulletproof) block pyramid wallets in order to steal hyip funds. Qiwi, Advanced Cash, Coinpayments, PayPal, FreeKassa - that's exactly the problem with them. Payment systems know that the admin of the pyramid will not go anywhere to complain / write a statement about the theft. They are waiting for a good amount to accumulate on the account - and freeze the account with money. Money to yourself, a letter to the admin template. Such things happened in 2007, for example,, for example, blocked the account with 6700 dollars in my account. Serious money, it was very sorry. This is also the admin risks that have always been and always will be.

2008-2009 years worked for me projects AgriTradeCompany и PokerViolet. Either because of the E-Gold scam, or for other reasons - especially they do not remember anything.

In the summer of 2009 on the wave of their poker sites, where the legend of Prohor from a forgotten village was a success, I create a project Kidalo. Extract from the page about yourself:

«My name is Anatoly Viktorovich Kidalo. Born 2 October 1985 year in the city of Kozelsk, Kaluga region. The father by trade is a combine operator, mother is a milkmaid. Smoking and harassment of girls dropped in the first class, the first kiss was a very long time, heterosexual, did not try vodka and wine, did not encounter drugs, was not criminally liable. "

The stupid presentation caused heated discussion in various forums. I myself from personal accounts discussed everything and everything, warming up interest. As a result, for 4 months of work earned about 30k $. Yes, and would continue to work, but the project was a strong ddos, a lot of time was spent on recovery. Then another curtain caught the ban on the mmgp forum. Things went down, the project never recovered.

 ➡ By the way, about ddos ​​attacks - a few years ago it was a big problem. There was almost no hosting with serious DDoS protection, there was no support from the hosts. Ddosery enjoyed it with might and main. Blackmail was very common: they put the site and asked for a ransom from the admin - they had to pay. There were even several owners of large botnets who collected tribute from admins - a small amount from each project (for 50 $ or so), and all more or less serious projects were paid before launching. The peculiarity of the work is that the admin cannot wait for the hosting support to deign to respond and help or the ddos ​​attack itself stops. Panic in the project = outflow of money = scam, especially in fasts. Now as far as I know, the problem is not so acute. I bought hosting, for example, from - and the administrator can sleep peacefully.

January 2010 year. I open the project Jaguar-alliance. The Legend of Forex. I did not achieve a strong popularity. Contributions are few. Earned through 6-7 months about 2 thousand net, which allowed for the opening of a new project. But I liked this project, very good plans from 0.7% to 1.8% depending on the current deposit, and the move was small and the increased interest rate was available to almost any depositor. Different icons in the account, on the site, etc. Cute looked. Also here was the sponsorship of the rally team MRteam in the Russian championship. It was worth 2 thousand dollars for the 1 stage. It seems that I participated in the 2 stage, and then I had to skip the project. What can I say about sponsorship: it's all nonsense, it does not bring any dividends. Purely for the news of the project can be done, or to let the dust in your eyes. If you as an administrator decided to still participate as a sponsor of the event - the main thing is to not to repeat the news for another project. I know that some enthusiasts suggested that administrators become sponsors of some minor events, such as the Moscow paintball championship. And it's all very sad when several projects simultaneously announced this pathetic.

So, let's move on - summer 2010. Probably it was at this time that the fashion for partisan projects began to emerge. And if you look at my projects, they are all partisans to one degree or another. For the most part, the first 3-4 months is an imperceptible existence, a very small number of deposits. But I always thought this way, because why would I have deposits of more than $ 500 at the start of the project. After all, many people immediately put on reinvest and after 3-4 months they have a decent amount of several thousand on their balance sheets. Which will undoubtedly be ordered for payment when the project starts to gain momentum and unwind. It was always a big blow to the box office of the project.

I open in June 2010 project UltraHedgeClub. The legend is hedge funds. The site turned out to be so-so, maybe there were some mistakes in design, frivolous style a-la "flowers-leaves," many associated it with shkolota on vacation. I was not offended. The main thing is the result after the closure. I kept the project in the partisans and only in December 2010 began to actively promote it, a little design corrected. For the first time, I bought a card from Alfabank for a receipt-payment of funds (running ahead I will say that this is the only card for a drop (a person who draws a card for himself and sells it to another), which has not been blocked for a very long time. project). Plus screwed to the project Qiwi - and the contributions went. The project developed well, and in the spring 2011 decided to make a PR-share in it - the return of all deposits to investors. The amount at the time of return was about 20 thousand dollars. I made a share, returned the people contributions. Immediately after this, the inflow to the project increased sharply, about 2 times. After that, UltraHedgeClub could work for about 1.5 months, and I had to close it. The logic of investors was simple - after such a share the project will work for at least a month, this month everyone invested. The outflow of deposits began, and I closed the project. Everyone was deceived: investors could not make a profit, and I could not "get" a serious amount on the reputation. As a result, I fulfilled the project with dignity, and I also earned it well in it.

In parallel, in the autumn of 2010, while UltraHedgeClub was in the partisans, I decided on this wave to create another partisan with small investments. Project The legend is an investment in the markets of China and India. The first design is simple, but with a unique script. In 2011, I made a redesign, buying a unique script from a hayp that was closed. In general, he spent more than a year in guerrillas and so I abandoned him, although there was a thought to keep him 2 year in the same place. But the project, as the saying goes, "did not go," chindia had no contributions at all. The monitoring worked in the empty, and closed it at a loss.

 ➡ I want to say separately about the legends that go among the admins about the "Asian market". There is such a legend that if the administrator possesses secret knowledge, has "access to Asia", then serious investors from the big narrow-eyed tycoons, the Chinese Triad and the Japanese Yakuza will shower him with deposits to his brightest mind. But the mentality of Asians is such that they are in no hurry to invest in pyramids. Plus, China has its own national firewall, which blocks all the dirt - and you can really break into the market only through Chinese social networks. Do you know Chinese to figure it out? Just go to the most popular Asian search engine baidu - and you will be amazed at how it differs from Google, what social networks Asians have. For all the time I have been working with HYIPs, I have only heard about a couple of projects that worked “on the ground” and also tried to enter Asian markets from offline - that they did something. And when the fasta admin tells you in personal correspondence that "deposits are coming from Asians now, we are not focused on the CIS market" - you can be 100% sure that he is blatantly lying to you.

We return from the mysterious Asia to our earthly affairs. While partisans are working, I plan to create a blog-monitoring about haypah. To develop, untwist, and then actively involve people in your projects from your blog. I saw how this happens from the side with the example of some projects. Constantly admins open their blogs, lure investors with furious insurance and eventually throw everything. In general, think about - why should an administrator give a normal blogger a large insurance, for example, on 5 or 10 thousand dollars? And for several large investors. Admin, however, needs to pay interest for deposits, and if he gives the insurance - then the administrator can not dispose of money with these money. That is, the sense of such big "insurances" admins zero, unless he "insures" his project. Therefore, if you are in a chat some blogger offers to insure the deposit for 2-3-5 thousand dollars, you do not run the car to sell, but think with your head - who benefits at all. In 95% of cases you will be deceived, and even if you pay once to the break-even, not the fact that they will pay the second. At me too such thought sat in a head - to untwist a blog, to collect on reputation the big pool or "insurance" to distribute in some projects, and it is good to earn. The blog decided to call ArtMoneyCraft. I think many people remember this name. But in the end he twirled and abandoned the idea, he decided to create another HYIP on this domain.

Project ArtMoneyCraft (October 10 - summer 11). Legend - sports betting. I order a website with a unique script from a web studio for 3.5 thousand bucks. And, perhaps, I didn't have more investments here. I bought 5 HYIP monitors at the start. I never ordered a larger quantity, there is no point in them for the project. Here I did not think of partisans, I began to develop them as usual. Quiet at first, then more active. The project took off thanks to individual bloggers, and probably especially thanks to Alexei Cap, aka Rentier. There was really no design there, but people went to the project. The same chindia after the redesign was much more beautiful than ArtMoneyCraft - and had to be closed without deposits. I don't even know what was so special about the sports project. Only probably drawn statistics of rates. And in order to draw this history of bets, one still had to make small bets on Betfair, then copy the history from there, delete some bets, adjusting it to the desired result and post it on the HYIP website. It was my simplest, hassle-free and most profitable project of mine. There is not much to tell here, everything was so good. Super smooth development, major investments started in 3 months. The largest deposit in this project was $ 30000, and it remains so in my entire history of work. The project turned out to be so successful that many monitors began to advertise it on their own, bloggers advertise on their own for personal deposits, and this excitement was no longer repeated in any of my hype. Of course, many wrote to credit them with a bonus deposit, but as a rule it was no more than $ 100. At the same time, I still chose to give or not, based on the popularity of the resource. And I also practiced the following, and not only in this project, but in all. Let's say a blogger has posted my project on a paid basis. There are no or few referrals from him. I start to add referrals with deposits to him through the admin panel. Deposits range from $ 100 to $ 1000, and in some cases even more. Watching over the next weeks for his reaction. If a blogger begins to praise the project, advertise, talk about the project, post news, etc. - then everything is fine. PR works - the blogger began to work on the project, people went through it. He starts getting refs even without me. And now the opposite situation, I made referrals with deposits to him, but the blogger's reactions are zero. Even in a weekly review on his blog, he will not write a couple of positive proposals. And he gets refs for my fakes. In this case, I waited 2-3 weeks for some kind of reaction, and put the blogger on my black list. By the way, this is a big problem for modern bloggers - indifference to projects. You send money to the listing, and the person will not even write to you - the payments are posted by someone on the forums and that's it. No work, no referrals, no news - nothing. I received the money, but the result "depends on the investors." Indifference is the main problem of bloggers, and it was and is. I will return to bloggers a little later ...

After the closure of ArtMoneyCraft, I take a break for six months. I travel a lot, take a break from work. At the end of winter, I start to create a new project in the web studio using the same unique script - Astoria-Holding (operating time: spring 12 - September 12g). Nothing special in terms of design, the project did not represent, the legend was also wadded. But since bloggers already knew me as an administrator, the project went surprisingly well. I worked 6 months, I earned clean about 2.3 million rubles.

➡ In Astoria, I only remember that I began to actively accept funds to bank cards of Sberbank, Alfabank and Qiwi wallet. At that time, cards were issued only for drops (now they are already doing for passport scans - this is reliable and guarantees at least that money will not be stolen). The likelihood of withdrawing money and a kick from the drop was high, although I chose trusted card sellers and with a guarantee. Nothing helped - they were withdrawing money anyway. A transfer will be received from the depositor, you must immediately withdraw it to the perfect or liberty. He hesitated - the card block, the money was withdrawn by the drop. You have to buy a new card, and this was always a problem at the time. Sellers of such a product (or "material" as they say in their circle) did not always have the necessary cards in stock. We made similar material to order, and this is a few days - a rather big problem for a working project. Depositors do not like to wait: they want to invest money through a bank, but I cannot accept. I lost many of these investors. Losses due to theft from cards in this project amounted to about 600 thousand rubles - 2 times 250 thousand were taken from Alpha, and 100 thousand through Sberbank. I lost money mainly because of my laziness - it was necessary to immediately withdraw the balance upon receipt of money. But this is life and it's hard to be on the alert every day. You think: okay they will lie down until the evening, at the same time I will spend the payments and bring the rest to Perfect. In the evening you go to Alfaklik - there are zeros. Be more careful in general with the cards, do not believe the guarantees of the sellers. Open cards better for parents, sister / brother or best friends (just kidding). The project was closed when large sums fell on the application. I closed it with the feeling that I didn’t get enough of it. Life has shown that this is a dangerous feeling. In the wake of the popularity and support of bloggers, people quickly went to Astoria - they still knew who the admin was and how much he worked. And since large sums began to enter quickly from the start, many began to withdraw too early, and the load on the cash desk was serious. Hence, only 6 months of project work. After the scam, there were a lot of threats, someone even wanted to write statements to the police. Flag in their hands.

 ➡ Let's talk about contextual advertising in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. It has been customized in almost every project I have. I don't know how the admins of other HYIPs set it up and moderated it - admins usually don't like to share such things. I'll tell you how I did it. When I just for the first time, I don’t remember in which project, I decided to buy contextual advertising in Yandex, I could not get through the ad moderation. Always a refusal for a reason that does not correspond to some law there. Simply put, because the pyramid. The project was already open, and I decided to take this step: I stupidly put up one page on my website, where I describe the fabulous conditions for investing in PIFs, stocks, bonds, and at the end I’m coming up with a contact phone number and some details of the company with the office. And voila - I'm going through moderation in Yandex. I immediately remove this page from the site and return it to its previous appearance. The depositors hardly understood anything at all, besides, it was only for a couple of hours. In the future, I always did this, but already in advance, before the official opening of the project, I made sure to create an ad in Yandex, and on my website I posted a one-page page about what services for investing in Pifa. As for advertising on Google: there I began to advertise much later, in my opinion, just from this Astoria-holding project. Placed an ad, and it was available in the ad without any problems. On this Google account, I advertised the following 3 projects, but then it was blocked for me. Apparently they saw that I was advertising a pyramid project, and perhaps someone snitched from a competitor. I heard that now it has become much more difficult to pass moderation both in Yandex and in Google - probably there are a lot of pyramids and there are a lot of complaints about them, or because they finally defined the “pyramid” by law and adopted the “law on pyramids”. I think it became uninteresting to search engines to be substituted legally too.

Another interesting point - on behalf of some large projects, they wrote to me to remove ads for some keywords, otherwise we will allegedly write to the support service to close your ad. For example, they wrote from MMCIS, some kind of HYIP from Ulan-Ude (it was actively advertised by Alexei Rantier, it seems an e-bank) and some other blackmail was not going to remember everyone. In general, I advertised my last 3 projects only in Yandex - after the blocking Google did not approve of the campaigns. PPC advertising had a good arrival of investors for me, especially targeted investors who first learned about high-yield investments. This was very noticeable when the support team received questions “how to invest money”, “how to register in PerfectMoney”, “how to replenish what is there”, etc. At the start of the project, the daily budget for the context was set small - within $ 30 per day, after 3-5 months it usually brought it to $ 150. As a result, it was really high-quality advertising. Anything else is usually a waste of money.

My next project was GoldMeridianBet (working time: November 12 - May 13). On the wave of success of previous projects, I create another project on the subject of sports betting close to me. In general, so lazy to order new scripts, come up with a design. Stupidly took ArtManiKraft, ordered a minimal alteration of the script and some simple design downloaded from public. I did not conceal from anyone who was in the project admin - and everything also worked out easily and easily. Several monitoring, plus several bloggers, went to work. Smooth development at 3-4 month, but there was a sharp jump in deposits at the end. I collected about 5 million rubles here. After this project, I had a wedding, I planned to buy an apartment in Moscow. Because of all this spending, I did a lot with my assistants and bloggers in this project, not returning them personal deposits. Because of this, many people took offense at me. Until then, I always planned a budget for return to those in need within 2-5 thousand dollars, depending on the project. In fact, the reputation in the HYIPs plays a huge role: in a very miserable site from the "trusted admin" can throw a few million a month, and in an excellent prepared, expensive project without an insider will not go. This is especially noticeable among network bloggers, who often turn crowds into frank slag projects. Which themselves adminyat (but this is not accurate).

So you ask, but how did I advertise GoldMeridianBet? But in any way, much has been built on the success of previous projects. Did not attract any networkers, PR people, speakers. The only thing I tried from the new one is sending out promotional brochures to mailboxes in Moscow. Plus in the Moscow region ordered the placement of advertising in elevators. Spent an order of 150 thousand rubles, taking into account the printing of beautiful color booklets. According to my personal feelings and according to the metrics / statistics - the result was not noticeable advertising, this did not give, either on deposits or on registrations. I do not recommend it.

 ➡ Yes, in Gold Meridian there was also a reception of money for a kiwi wallet. In the last month of work, I did not have time to withdraw money from kiwis. The day there threw 300-500 thousand rubles. At the same time, the withdrawal was also decent, especially in Perfect, Liberty and Sberbank (the project rules allowed for output to any system). It was necessary to manage to pour over the day from kiwi to the perfect, sometimes even I had to replenish Sberbank - I lost a lot of time with these movements of funds. Nevertheless, the margin was about 100-200 thousand net per day, and it settled mainly on kiwi. And what is Kiwi as a payment for the admin? This is a big hemorrhoids. Often they blocked, with the withdrawal through exchange offices then problems were also too - such an exchange was considered too suspicious. As a result, to the scam of the project on kiwi-purses there were approximately 1.2 million rubles, which were frozen. I used the services of defrosting accounts from gray forums: one wallet with a 300 thousand balance on Beeline’s SIM card helped me to unblock it, but the person took half of his work. The remaining funds (about a million) were appropriated by kiwi. Such losses / risks from admins.

We go further - the project (working time: January 13 - April 13). For the first time I decided to use the h-script and the turnkey project. Probably not quite a good name, weekly plans, a "favorite" forex legend. At the peak deposits reached 20 thousand dollars, but then went the outflow and almost no new deposits by the end of the project. The Khitranners here tried their best. OnlineMoneyBank faded almost at the same time as GoldMeridianBet. Despite the different scripts, many draw parallels between the two projects, saying that the admin is one. I do not know with what it was connected, maybe somewhere it was pierced and signed in the letter not by that name or project. Still, it's hard when two projects work simultaneously, and you need to respond carefully to emails. In the support questions are often the same, and you can very easily mix for which project you write the answer. The bottom line is that there was no earnings, it is closed after the cash department is exhausted. He even refilled his funds in this project when there was not enough money to pay. All for nothing.

 ➡ I would like to talk more about cunning runners. They began to appear actively in my projects with OnlineMoneyBank and Astoria Holding. But if in Astoria this did not lead to closing without profit, then here the opposite happened. As you know, hitrunners are investors who enter at the start of the project, and then after a short time of up to 1.5 months take the investment with interest and look for a new project. Since 2012, the problem has become widespread. And there is no need to demonize admins - fast scams, this is the answer to the massive cunning.

Let's take an example: in OnlineMoneyBank, as I wrote above, at its peak the cash desk was $ 20 net. Now tell me what to do: close the project or continue working? It seemed to me that I needed to work further, because one more project was working in parallel and no matter how I came across this “movement” of hit runners. I worked further, the hit runners came out - there was no cash register, as a result, I worked out a lot. Despite a decent job, there was still a lot of negativity and reproaches in the key: the admin would work further, pay everything, then make more money! It was downright funny. In OnlineMoneyBank, I paid everything to myself in a few thousand losses, and investors did not make more deposits. Therefore, you can't guess here. Rather, by some intuition, you close the project and fix the income or pay further. By the way, hit runners come only from bloggers or from under monitors. In principle, I did not take some blogs / monitors into advertising, they obviously had everything too much. For a month, their referrals participate in the project, post payments (at least thanks for that), and then even if the project works for another six months, not a single contributor is active. I will not name these resources, so that Hunter will not be offended.

The conclusion from the above: everything is interconnected, quick scams - this is the answer of admins to the mass trick. If you are pouring mud at the admins, do not forget to pour mud at the hunters, who, by insiders, will deduct several thousand into the project from the start, do not post their deposits and payments anywhere (so that the project is not thrown), and then come out with a profit without doing anything useful for the project. This is a serious problem for everyone.

The next my project, is not such a distant story - Point Union (worked from September 13 to January 14). I am creating a new project about sports betting. Due to the non-return of personal deposits to bloggers in the previous project, I am very careful about ordering listings and communicating - mainly positioning myself as a new admin. Some of them, of course, knew that I was administering the project - I promised them to work for wear and tear. In the end, nothing good came of it. The project was not particularly popular and after 4 months it had to be closed due to the exhaustion of the cash register, although I even added my own funds, but it did not help. With this, I further upset the bloggers, whom I promised quality work. As soon as I didn’t try to pull it out - sponsoring a paintball tournament (oh, this tournament), and distributing leaflets on the street / in mailboxes. Zero effect.

I began to wonder periodically how many projects manage to collect the cash at the start and close. Why from start to projects goes so many people at once. These are not some giants, but rather ordinary projects. What kind of advertising do they buy? Somehow one site about stakes (Storm Betting) scammed and I decided to write to the administrator, well, how much you earned there. Admins usually rarely go to such a contact, but then received a response. He says that he did not work at all and generally opened the project for interest, like to understand how the industry is working now, and in general he has not been in business for a long time. Well, okay, at least answered.

I just had an idea for a long time: to buy out a recently scraped project with a database of depositors and their deposits. And restore it, transform it, make a full refund of all deposits (of course, if the total amount of deposits is acceptable to me) and start on a new wave of success to develop the project. I think that such a project would be a success. Here Storm Betting was already posted on many popular blogs, and I thought that if my idea is implemented - the project will immediately go up the hill. But the administrator of Storm did not go on sale, the base flatly refused to provide.

We talked with him and eventually decided to create a new joint project. The programmer, the designer had his own. Remains only with the bloggers to agree, but this, too, he will do for half the price / for the bonus. He says it is necessary to design the project according to the latest fashion in the world of design, and showed some advanced template. Said - done, ordered design and development. In total, somewhere around 3.5 thousand dollars I gave him, taking into account the purchase of advertising. Design on the topic of space was, the name of the site I do not remember something. Honestly, what they did to us was very raw and needed further work. The Goldcoders script, in some places the text simply was not read, there were many minor flaws. Somehow they podrihtovali it and put it into work. The late Born on his blog made a review, cumulatively calling our project a "dull shit". Despite all the moments, I was already wondering what would come of it. (Spoiler: Nothing good, as you can guess).

As a matter of fact, a fast profit project was obtained. The ads were typed with good discounts, there was movement in the projects - but according to my partner, the cashier did not raise more than 2 thousand. In fasts, many dozens players play, I did not know that either. As a result, I did not receive a penny from the project, and the cooperation turned out to be very muddy. Given that my "partner" offered me a second project to open - he deceived me well at the checkout, otherwise why would he second project in the negative? Refused, made conclusions.

And conclusions such - whatever one may say, HYIPs - is an industry of deception. And she draws people to her, let's say softer, not the most morally clean. Yes, and working in the industry of deception, any person begins to relate more easily to lies / distortion of facts. Reputation here is inexpensive, and everyone has a price. For all these years, I'm just not seen enough, not only the admin admin was throwing big money - friends were exchanging friends for money. What to say about admins, who by their very nature earn a deceit. If you are in a haypah, do not trust anyone, at least your money for sure.

Go ahead, my next project VipMoneyBet (working time: September 14 - May 15.). The legend is my favorite sports betting. A new unique script, though the design is again simple. A distinctive feature of this project was the monitoring account of betting bets. Creating a positive account was in principle not a difficult task, although on the betampam there are some features that had to be bypassed. But many did not know about this. Yes, many, I think 99% assumed that the admin is really a plus player.

After the last failures, I realized that I had to change something in my actions. Therefore, I seriously prepared for the project before the start. On the passport scans I ordered a card of Sberbank (later one more). He ordered a video presentation, a video message with the actor to investors (in the aftermath, a video about the meeting of investors, which of course was not). Already when the project was working, I found a good web designer who made a qualitative redesign.

 ➡ I want to move away from the topic. At this time, many bloggers have significantly raised the price of their services - I do not know what this is connected with. In fact, from 500 to 1000 dollars cost listing. With such high prices, of course there must be a return. Imagine: 5 blogs with the price of 1000 dollars. Profit project 40% per month for example. This 2 thousands need to be given to them only for interest payments. More bloggers paid? Pay more per month - and this is the load on the cashier. Will they lead investors? A huge problem for the entire industry now - bloggers are asking for very expensive listings for which they do not guarantee any result. In one project people go from a blogger, in another - by zeros. Naturally, a blogger does not return money, excuses from him in the style of “I tried, people just didn’t go,” “you just have a weak project,” etc. The load on the cash register is growing, as a result, unscrupulous bloggers kill projects with their listings. The second problem - a lot of weak blogs have divorced, which flood projects with tons of offers to buy a listing. And in the general stream you will not understand, really this is a new blog with a good mood, or a person with a boiled-up metric that will merge immediately after the transfer or will have breakfast for you to feed. You now say - poor admin! That cheatransy blame, the bloggers - but not himself. This is not so, I know for myself - I always tried to pull projects to the last. I just want investors to know about the other side of the coin.

The activity at VipMoneyBet was very good, and these listings payouts were invisible. The project was closed when payments began to significantly exceed replenishments. About 4 million rubles is my net income. All profits were generated in the last months of work. At some point it even seemed to me that nothing would come of it. In fact, until mid-March, the project worked at zero - what came in was immediately spent on payments. The project cashier hovered around 5k in free funds. Imagine a couple of large withdrawal requests and that's it - the end of the project. But then several large investors entered at once, and they immediately gave a significant leap up. And in April, payments have already become more significant, I made payments for $ 20k - I could afford it. The next week, the withdrawal was already 25k. There were no new receipts for these figures - I decided to fix the result. At that time, I no longer had a financial pillow, since the last successful project was 2 years ago. Therefore, I was quite happy with this amount.

 ➡ Give advice to large investors. Want to invest more than 5000 $? Break it apart and into different accounts. You are more likely to get them back if you stretch the output for a week from several accounts, and less likely to receive the full amount from one account at once. Psychologically, the admin is always difficult to return large deposits - do not provoke.

Project TopMoneyProject (August 15 - March 16). Created as a partisan, redesigned him in January 16. Legend is an investment in an offline business. Of course, there were no such lists of business plans as in online-deposit, but in general the project on the h-script turned out to be quite good. I recruited bloggers, ordered more ads after the redesign, bought an LLC with a checking account - the project did not go. At the peak there were about 7 thousand dollars at the box office, which were almost completely withdrawn by March (along with the profit, of course). There were listings and bloggers who also had to pay a lot of money in the absence of a new influx. I got the costs for the project, advertising and payment in the 1st month of work after the redesign of the order of 500 thousand rubles. Then for some time I paid from my own funds, I did not see a way out of the situation. Made a decision to close TopMoneyProject for the sake of the second project, which was already working for me. He turned out to be the last for me.

Project MagicMeridian (working hours: February 15 to May 16). It was also created as a partisan, redesigned in February 2016. Legend - sports betting. The total cost of it, taking into account payments in the first month after the redesign, is about 700 thousand rubles. At its peak, in early March, there were about 15k deposits, but by the end of March everything was completely withdrawn. The monitoring and bloggers especially touched me. In the beginning, people were brought in, and then they had no one left with an active deposit - practically it was like that for everyone. Hitran has become a mass phenomenon, with all that it implies.

 ➡ Distracted, there was an unpleasant moment - I was divorced for money. It is one thing to receive a block of an account, withdraw money from the card with a drop, and hack a hosting. And it's another thing to get into it yourself. Probably, all this happened due to a stressful situation, when the project seemed to be normal, but all the money was gone, and there were no new receipts. In short, in April someone knocked on my skype who wanted to help with the promotion of the project. He offered to hire speakers, negotiate with bloggers for a bonus or half the listing price. He demanded money only to pay for services, and it was much lower than the official prices. Why not agree? Moreover, I have never used the services of speakers - let him then work in this direction. Indeed, he began to negotiate as promised. We were accommodated in several places for a bonus, where a discount. The speaker was hired, he also promised to negotiate with others. And then, for some reason, the Skype of the new version began to work poorly for me, he sent me the file of the old version of Skype "out of friendship". I downloaded and installed. I was delighted. And then, when the first investor with $ 3.5k came from that foreign referrer, in the evening I go to withdraw it to the reserve wallet - and there is zero. I began to think, analyze how this happened. I realized that skype was a surprise. An unpleasant moment.

He also noted that there were a lot of fake applications - clones of famous bloggers, unknown bloggers, incomprehensible intermediaries between admin and blogger, Facebook promoters, YouTube bloggers ... Admins - be careful.

Let's go back to the project. At the end of March, I was contacted by a foreign referrer. He really liked that MagicMeridian had a monitoring account (I made an account for Betpamm in advance). The refund manager promised that he would talk about the project and actively bring people. Sometimes those who are not even familiar with the Internet. In his words - 100 thousand dollars, this will be the minimum investment. And if everything goes well, then a large amount of $ 300-500kk is not the limit. I did not lose my head, of course, not a beginner. He asked to test the project for a start with small amounts, gradually increasing the flow. On this and agreed - went deposits from him, from 1k to 10k dollars. I also picked up bloggers and some referrals. For a week or two, the deposit will lie down, order part or all of the withdrawal stably. Then a new deposit comes from another client. By the end of April, the amount of deposits from this referrer was about 45 thousand dollars, but the project had about 10 thousand free funds in the box office (plus some more money on hand from previous projects). Why is that? Basically, deposits were on plans 1.3 and 1.6% per day, and thanks to the affiliate program from 3 levels, it was possible to receive more than 50% of income per month. Due to reinvestment, deposits grew rapidly, but daily payments grew along with them. And from the last days of April-early May, orders of these deposits for withdrawal begin. It was ordered about 25 thousand dollars. There is no such money in the box office, but the project needs to be saved (in order to earn more later). I tried different methods - nothing helped, the money runs out. I am making a very difficult decision: to mortgage a one-room apartment for 2 million rubles, which I inherited from my parents. In dollars it turned out to be about 35 thousand, taking into account commissions. I make payments, pull the project. With all these rescue measures, at the same time I communicate with this foreign referral. He swears to me that new clients will come soon. At the same time, as if casually, he says: the test of your project is already ending, I am very glad that the payments of such amounts are on time. Nevertheless, the remaining 20 thousand on the deposits of his referrals are also submitted for withdrawal. No reinvestments, everything goes towards payment. I withdraw 20k, hoping that new additions will begin soon. It was, well, already "last" money, and there was simply nothing to pay further. I am starting to stall for time with ordinary depositors of the project, who there also decide to order a payment from the deposit. The reffer me is dynamite - he says that he is now away for a week and when he arrives, his people will go into the project. Allegedly, most of them are pensioners and without him they will not be able to understand the project. It's funny to read it now, but for me this situation was just a nightmare. The next week, I was looking hard for people who could help me save the project. I was thinking about a bank loan, but I would hardly have been given a large sum of money. Nothing helped. Then messages about non-payments began to appear. There were no new contributions. It turns out that the referrer “cheated” me. Even though he wrote to me later - when payments will start, etc.

My personal fairy tale of the length of 12 years has ended. As a result, there was absolutely no money. It's not like creating a new project, but simply without a livelihood. Over the years, I have never worked, I have not received any skills useful to the society / I have not received any experience in any places - accordingly, the search for good work turned into a hopeless business for me. Nobody wants to hire an employee with a gap in the experience of 12 years. Some were non-permanent earnings, fell into a depression against the backdrop of hopelessness. It is necessary to understand that I have a family, a small child was born at the time. And I have no money. I took a loan for 200 thousand rubles. Subsequently, he collected more microloans, now there should be about 150 thousand micro credits - the debt grew like a snowball. The loan was recently a court, but I did not even go. Perhaps we should wait for the bailiffs? Do not care, I still have nothing to take.

It was very hard to fall from a solid prosperity into poverty. The pledged "odnushka" was soon used as a pledge - there is simply nothing to cover it with. Six months later, such percentages came up as almost on the full cost of the apartment. After a year of such a life, my wife filed for divorce, explaining this by my inability to support my family. He left her our common apartment in Moscow and a car - after all, we have a common child. I checked out of my apartment and bought a temporary registration. He himself moved to SNT outside the city. The dacha remained from his parents, he lived there until December. The house is not winter, but it was heated somehow. You may not believe me, but now I work as a courier. Not a courier from paradise - an ordinary courier. When I lived in the country, I got up very early, went by train to Moscow, returned in the evening, etc. In December, the ex-wife offered to return home, to help with the child - it is difficult for her to live alone. In return, I will have to rent my "odnushka" and give half of the rent money to her. Plus, to help with the salary in addition, because I work as a courier. Whether it was a good proposal or not, I still don't understand. Because she is not aware that I no longer have a one-room apartment, and I have to give part of the rent money on the condition of returning to her. There is a discrepancy in money, you cannot earn a lot of them by courier. So I'm spinning, I'm saving myself a lot now. But I live in a warm place and next to my child. There are some prospects for improving my life - I am looking for myself on the Internet, I still have a lot of experience in 12 years. But so far the prospects are very vague.

This is the fate that sent me to pay for the creation of HYIPs, for deceiving people and "easy money." Karma is, and everything has its price in this life. I for myself firmly decided not to go back to haypam ever. I really hope that my story will make every reader think.

The investor is that the admin is also a person who is not always to blame for the scum. And that skoroskamy and huntrneri - two sides of one problem.

The blogger / monitor - that any payment you need to work out, and not just take money for air. With this approach, soon there will be no normal admins, and all will work as couriers like me.

Admin - is the highest justice, do not lose your head from greed, remain a man even in such dirty work. Think about the future, HYIPs are not eternal - and what are you going to be without them?

A novice in investing - do not get into HYIPs, or carefully weigh everything for yourself. There is no freebies and buttons "loot", do not trust anyone. We need experience, luck and connections in order to earn stably. Perhaps it is better to make efforts to achieve success in another area.

Thanks to everyone who read my monologue to the end. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

21 reviews for "The story of the HYIP admin. A look from the other side of the business."

  1. Avatar photo Mars:

    This legend (story) from the admin from the current, quite recognizable web studio. )))

  2. Avatar photo maskit333:

    I read it in one breath. This is a piece of the administrator's life, his choice is natural. Nobody canceled the boomerang rule. I wish you good luck in becoming an admin.

  3. Avatar photo Ruslan:

    Strong article! Thanks to the author for your candor. Many people think that only investors are losing, and admins are always in chocolate. I learned a lot for myself. I think that HYIPs are neither good nor bad. Everyone makes their own decisions and must be aware of their risks.

  4. Avatar photo Ira:

    Such an awkward feeling when you read and not a drop of sympathy ... During the quarantine, I was fired, I did not agree with the policy of the leadership regarding the additional obligations imposed on me. And so, my mother's friend, knowing that I had lost my job, dragged me into B2B by force. She put me in a car and took me to a foreign city. I didn't even know that there were such projects, and it's clear how the maddened woman bought certificates, damn them, for 500 dollars! All my ears in the store (!!) were buzzing that this is the most reliable unique project! I still cannot fully understand how they brought me into such a trance! Then I registered in the B2B telegram chat and off we go! They began to hook me, offering different HYIPs, assuring me that they were paying, that they were of high quality. This is why I already started checking information, domain time, reviews on sites, the time of the start of the project, but what was it worth !!!! I do not even want to voice the numbers of losses and how I got through it all. And without that dismissal, without experiencing the stress of losing my job, the death of my father, I would never have climbed here. BUT! I managed to find worthwhile projects that really work, give great knowledge and confidence in the future! And most importantly, I met interesting people who are not just REFEREERS, but are engaged in network business and help others in development. And these HYIPs are mouse fuss, earn 50 bucks on HYIPs, lose 300 and amuse yourself like a fool with a carnation? What to say about this confession…. Let him live with this until the end of his days, would be in China, figured out and get a bullet in the forehead, and a bullet worth one dollar would be compensated by his wife. The hangman is also crying for Gonta. Throwing all the pensioners with that kind of money, many of them have already died from a heart attack. never waiting for a life in abundance. Thanks to the admin for the article.

  5. Avatar photo Just a man:

    Well what can I say, karma for what you wanted to fuck people. There is no net profit in HYIPs and it was not. This is someone else's money and you should understand. To build a pyramid, at the expense of other projects and people to beat back past projects does not make you conscientious, you just blown away the application of transcendental deposits. The conclusion is, 12 years of experience, and the fool remained.

  6. Avatar photo Max:

    Thanks to the author for sharing his experience.
    In my understanding, the very idea of ​​haipa has been stung.
    You can work normally and pay interest to customers and what we see after the fact that many organizers of haipov simply decided to cut the dough, that's all.
    Everyone wants to make money and all our actions are just a boomerang.

  7. Avatar photo lady1111:

    What can I say. There are two fools in the market — one sells, the other buys. The world is so arranged that either you deceive someone or you are deceived. Every investor, too, is trying to earn money, taking the money from those who came after him. This is the principle of HYIP. All in profit can not be. Always if someone added, it means someone will decrease.

  8. George ... it’s a pity .. that you didn’t understand ... you didn’t understand anything .. this is the CONFESSION of a person who has gone through the difficult path of the Admin ... a person ... wanted to earn money .. but .. met with a cool deception on the internet and PULLED until the last project ... is it to the end ??? Admin ... I respect .. that you told us your story ... !!! Thanks and very instructive — BUTTONS = BABLO in the internet, no .. or you take risks or ... you earn, but in any case ... WE FOR EVERYTHING, we will pay in our life !!! Monitoring — I wish — further prosperity ... !!! and fewer Scam projects ... there are also Admins — whom Monitoring — Trusts ... and they ... are also losing the reputation of Monitoring ... and, first of all, us !!! All Peace and Good !!!

  9. Avatar photo Georgy:

    I do not understand pity for the author. He initially went the curved path of life, deceiving people. Now you got paid, what are you snotting all the snot? He lived in chocolate for many years, now let him feel how they live deceived investors.

  10. Avatar photo Andy:

    It's a pity for this admin, he had to create economic games instead of hype