History of the Old School admin (Part I). Competition for 1000 $
Confession on a given topic. Or the history of the Old School admin.
Dear friends. I call this story a book of Boris Yeltsin. If you read from beginning to end, then you will find out how I became an admin of HYIPs, I experienced the roller coaster of the period of rapid take-off and a sharp drop down to the level of the semi-bomzh. Many believe that the administrators of HYIPs are unscrupulous swindlers who, using eternal human weaknesses, are always in profit. They live the luxurious life of IT-oligarchs ... it's not. Everything has its price.
Many of the readers are unlikely to recall the HYIP industry of 2004, many of them did not even know the word "Haip" then. With my help we will travel in time.
For me, it all began in early 2004, when I created a betting topic on a popular at that time MoneyForum, where I published 1 forecast for a match every day. Let's just say the VIP rate of the day. During the 5 months that I was leading the topic, 4 months were in a good plus. He conducted the topic on a voluntary basis, without pursuing any goal. But in the summer, there was such an idea about creating a mailing list with paid forecasts. It was a very popular destination back then. Moreover, such proposals in the forum PM began constantly to come. Probably it was so, if I hadn't accidentally stumbled upon investment funds, where investors' money was collected and then interest was paid - HYIPs.
Dear reader probably does not know about those times, but I can explain that then the industry of HYIP was in the making. There was very little information, no competition. A scanned passport scan (no matter whose) was then considered a good guarantee of project honesty. And if in contacts the phone of the administrator was also specified - such a project was put almost at the very top of reliability, a giant project. Conversely, the incorrectly written street index in whois domain was recognized as a serious blunder for the admin. In general, these were the times of the "trader" Kalinichenko (reference to the famous swindler), Finlist and other similar pyramids. And so, having an 5 monthly positive rate history on the forum, I decide that I probably should create my own fund. I did not think about any deceit of investors in principle: everything will be fair.
At the start of a simple student 1 course in the presence was only 30 dollars. The first version of the site I did not order anywhere - did it myself, in Word. The picture in the cap and below is the text of what I propose. There are no accounts there, and so on. I wrote all the contributions to the Excel file - simply and reliably. We hung this site, made in the Word, indecently a lot. But it did not bother anyone, at that time many HYIPs were opened even on a free hosting of the people.ru. And there were good investments - now it seems wild. His first project was called Artbet (August 04 - September 06, two years the project worked). I posted some links to the project in various forums. I met with one administrator of the investment forum, and he was very interested in my project, since there was almost no real evidence of the projects. Admin was the first to take my HYIP to my monitoring - so I learned about monitoring HYIPs. Some money began to come on a trifle, and for this money I already in a web studio for 100 $ ordered a four-page site to make the project look more decent. After the redesign, small contributions gradually began to flow. After about six months of the project, I received a letter from a woman: "I'll put in thousands of dollars for 2, but I want to talk to you on the phone for a guarantee." What kind of pancake guarantee? I did not even have a cell phone yet. From the city I called her, talked, gave her my number. The woman believed me, and the student got his first 2 thousand dollars) All night could not fall asleep, imagine? Apparently, then she told me about other people, as the popularity of the project went uphill. During the next 6 months, I had several meetings in real life, which further raised the level of confidence in Artbet. At the same time, I ordered a new design of the site: with accounts, all by feng shui. Acceptance and payment of deposits were available strictly in the first 10 days of each month. The last months of the project, investors made an order of 50-80 thousand dollars a month, with fairly small amounts for payments. Ordered conclusions were few, mostly went to the reinvest - hunteranne was not in those days as a class. Plus, the profit was set at only 10-12% per month. And now the question is how much did I earn after the closure of the project?
The correct answer is almost none. Except for the money invested in the next project. No, of course, some money was spent on a modest existence - I didn't drink, I didn't drink in restaurants, I didn't buy anything for myself from things. Why? Because I really did bet on sports, and I really needed to do it. I did not hide from investors, I gave everyone information about myself and my place of residence - the admins did not think about anonymity at that time. Therefore, even theoretically I could not imagine the option of closing the project with the appropriation of the cash register.
At one point something happened that was bound to happen: he caught a black streak in the bets and lost most of the pot. I was well versed in betting, but it's one thing to put your pennies calmly on the forum, and quite another to manage big capital, other people's money. Whatever one may say, responsibility and adrenaline play a big role. Digging even deeper: sports betting is an illusion that it is possible to make stable profit on them in the long term (precisely by making bets). But then I didn't think about it. And when in the next month a new amount of deposits came, she all went into the game, often to recoup. As a result, Artbet was closed when, in a particularly unfortunate month, the payout exceeded the amount paid. By the way, if I hadn't played at the rates, then (probably) I could have kept the project from six months to three years, purely on the inflow. Such is the "earnings" on betting, with a minus sign. "Popany", draw conclusions.
In total, after closing, I had to pay an additional 20 thousand dollars to people who knew too much about me. And that was not enough for everyone. But no one called me, they didn’t come home, the police didn’t look for me - although there were some lingering threats. Most investors agreed that the money was lost and cannot be returned. This was true.
The next project, this is already 2007, was Insidefx.info. It was ordered on a turnkey basis with a unique script, but the site turned out to be very simple. Topic - Forex. There is even nothing to tell about it - there were few investors, the project lived quietly for about 6 months, quietly closed without profit. Later I tried not to use the Forex legend, it never went with me.
In the same 2007 I started creating a series of successful poker projects. Successful first of all for me. The first project was pokersonic.org (April 07 - December 07). The legend is this: the administrator and poker player Prokhor Kozmich Demidov recruited a team of poker players to jointly beat the opponents (team play). Prokhor lives in the abandoned village of Zaborovka in the Tver region and from there he does his dirty deeds. There is nothing more to tell here - the project was popular, there were investors. I don’t remember exactly how much I earned here, but I went abroad twice. And on the whole, I began to live better, through the efforts of Prokhor Kozmich and his team.
Here I will make a small digression. Almost in all projects, I had an active phase of contributions after 4-5 months of work. That is, there has always been a long period of "dispersal", for which credibility and recognition were gained. Hitrannery, raking out the cash at the start in my projects began to appear somewhere after 2012 year. And this is a big problem for administrators, I'll come back to this topic later.
2007-2008 years. The time has come when the WebMoney system began to block wallets found to be accepting funds in pyramids. It was very sensitive, since it was through this system that a lot of money came. WebMoney was "popular", a popular payment system with a huge turnover among the population. The e-gold and Liberty Reserve payment systems were difficult enough for investors to understand, not adapted for Russian-speaking users. Now this is a lot of information about various exchanges in any direction, but then all this was presented in an embryonic form. It was a big problem for a person to change funds from a payment order to a payment system, or withdraw them into real money. I then found a way to replenish WebMoney by purchasing special PIN codes, which I myself made up. Then these pin codes were placed in the digital store Plati.ru. Then this could still be done. And these pin codes could be bought for WebMoney or Yandex. The one who bought the pin code, then activated it in the Pokersonic account and voila - the deposit was credited to him, and even with a bonus (for the fact that the person figured it out). In short, I got out as best I could.
I heard from administrators complaints that now many payment systems (even conditionally bulletproof) block the purses of the pyramids in order to steal the means of HYIP. Qiwi, Advanced Cash, Coinpayments, PayPal, FreeKassa - these are exactly the problems with them. Payment systems know that the administrator of the pyramid will not go anywhere to complain / write a statement of theft. Waiting for the account to accumulate a good amount - and freeze the account with the money. Money to yourself, a letter to the template admin. Such things happened in 2007 year, for example, for example, Plati.ru shop blocked an account with 6700 dollars in my account. Serious money, very sorry. These are also the risks of the admin, who have always been and always will be.
2008-2009 years I worked on projects AgriTradeCompany and PokerViolet. Either because of the E-Gold scam, or for other reasons - especially they do not remember anything.
In the summer of 2009 on the wave of their poker sites, where the legend of Prohor from the forgotten village was a success, I create the project Kidalo. Extract from the page about yourself:
«My name is Anatoly Viktorovich Kidalo…. (read more in 3 days)
Competition for 1000 $:
In the comments to the article, introduce yourself and tell: How did you get acquainted with the HYIPs? What was this experience?
What did you think about when you started to delve into the subject?
Your story should be duplicated in any social network blog (for example, in the comments group on VKontakte)
Prizes will be paid on Wednesday evening, after the publication of the second part of the story.
January 21, 2018
Hi all!
I read the first part of the story - and in the evening I plan to swell from nostalgia ... But first things first. My acquaintance with the industry of HYIP projects happened back in 2004 thanks to the MMGP.ru forum, then, as a first year student, I was tempted by the idea of earning money on anything, if only there was enough for life. Having saved up my first capital in bucks - I invested - I lost everything - I dropped the topic as potentially dangerous.
But on this my career as an investor has not ended, many years of trial and error of various methods of earning on the Internet from books and paid assignments to my own blog have passed, but all these kinds of earnings vainly demand time-efficiency as good work, and sometimes even a party . Even studying at the university began to work and time for the rest, time-consuming methods of earning did not remain so my search for additional earnings returned to the Internet.
I plunged into Forex again, I went bankrupt, I studied strategies at night, I ran them on demos, I used them on real accounts, and all one thing - another depot drain. I started investing in PAMM accounts and there is either a meager percentage - or a drain ...
And after graduating from university, I got a job, the employer sent me on business all the way to our vast homeland, and as always, when you are left alone with your thoughts, and for many hours traveling around the country at that time, the car (I'm sorry for the oxymoron), again and again again returned to HYIP investment.
Again returned to the MMGP forum again started combing the topic of HYIPs, developed a strategy: to enter only fresh projects, invest no more than 10% of the depot in the project, of course the knowledge gained from Forex has contributed to the diversification and budget planning, and, as always, comprehend the topic. I will repeat because of the busy time schedule for additional study of information regarding the methodology for investing in HYIPs was not, but the self-developed strategy + detailed reviews on the forum have borne fruit. I started to follow the constant investors from the forum who have many years of experience in investing and listening to their opinion. So I got acquainted with the portal Profit-Hunters.biz and as always diversification, one portal is no more than 10% of the depot.
And in conclusion I want to thank the administration Profit-Hunters.biz for the help rendered in the covering wave of SCAM at the end of 2017 for insurance of deposits and for a good ref-back. I look forward to a long-term and fruitful cooperation.