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History of the Old School admin (Part III). Competition for 1000 $

After the closure of ArtMoneyCraft, I take a break for six months. I travel a lot, take a break from work. At the end of winter, I start to create a new project in the web studio using the same unique script - Astoria-Holding (working hours: spring 12 - September 12). The project did not represent anything special in terms of design, the legend was also wadded. But since the bloggers already knew me as an admin, the project went surprisingly well. I worked for 6 months, I earned about 2.3 million rubles.

In Astoria I only remember that I began to actively accept funds to bank cards of Sberbank, Alfabank and Qiwi wallet. At that time, cards were issued only for drops (now they are already doing for passport scans - this is reliable and guarantees at least that money will not be stolen). The likelihood of withdrawing money and a kick from the drop was high, although I chose trusted card sellers and with a guarantee. Nothing helped - they were withdrawing money anyway. A transfer will be received from the depositor, you must immediately withdraw it to the perfect or liberty. He hesitated - the card block, the money was withdrawn by the drop. You have to buy a new card, and this was always a problem at the time. Sellers of such a product (or "material" as they say in their circle) did not always have the necessary cards in stock. We made similar material to order, and this is a few days - a rather big problem for a working project. Depositors do not like to wait: they want to invest money through a bank, but I cannot accept. I lost many of these investors. Losses due to theft from cards in this project amounted to about 600 thousand rubles - 2 times 250 thousand were taken from Alpha, and 100 thousand through Sberbank. I lost money mainly because of my laziness - it was necessary to immediately withdraw the balance upon receipt of money. But this is life and it's hard to be on the alert every day. You think: okay they will lie down until the evening, at the same time I will spend the payments and bring the rest to Perfect. In the evening you go to Alfaklik - there are zeros. Be more careful in general with the cards, do not believe the guarantees of the sellers. Open cards better for parents, sister / brother or best friends (just kidding). The project was closed when large sums fell on the application. I closed it with the feeling that I didn’t get enough of it. Life has shown that this is a dangerous feeling. In the wake of the popularity and support of bloggers, people quickly went to Astoria - they still knew who the admin was and how much he worked. And since large sums began to enter quickly from the start, many began to withdraw too early, and the load on the cash desk was serious. Hence, only 6 months of project work. After the scam, there were a lot of threats, someone even wanted to write statements to the police. Flag in their hands.

Let's talk about contextual advertising in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. It has been customized in almost every project I have. I don't know how the admins of other HYIPs set it up and moderated it - admins usually don't like to share such things. I'll tell you how I did it. When I just for the first time, I don’t remember in which project, I decided to buy contextual advertising in Yandex, I just could not get through the ad moderation. Always a refusal for a reason that does not correspond to some law there. Simply put, because the pyramid. The project was already open, and I decided to take this step: I stupidly hang one page on my website, where I describe the fabulous conditions for investing in PIFs, stocks, bonds, and at the end I come up with a contact phone number and some details of the company with the office. And voila - I'm going through moderation in Yandex. I immediately remove this page from the site and return it to its previous appearance. The depositors hardly understood anything at all, besides, it was only for a couple of hours. In the future, I always did this, but already in advance, before the official opening of the project, I made sure to create an ad in Yandex, and on my website I posted a one-page page about what services for investing in Pifa. As for advertising on Google: there I began to advertise much later, in my opinion, just from this Astoria-holding project. Placed an ad, and it was available in the ad without any problems. On this Google account, I advertised the following 3 projects, but then it was blocked for me. Apparently they saw that I was advertising a pyramid project, or perhaps someone snitched from a competitor. I heard that now it has become much more difficult to pass moderation both in Yandex and in Google - probably there are a lot of pyramids and there are a lot of complaints about them, or because they finally defined the “pyramid” by law and adopted the “law on pyramids”. I think it became uninteresting to search engines to be substituted legally too.

Another interesting point - on behalf of some large projects, they wrote to me to remove ads for some keywords, otherwise we will allegedly write to the support service to close your ad. For example, they wrote from MMCIS, some kind of HYIP from Ulan-Ude (it was actively advertised by Alexei Rantier, it seems an e-bank) and some other blackmail was not going to remember everyone. In general, I advertised my last 3 projects only in Yandex - after the blocking Google did not approve of the campaigns. PPC advertising had a good arrival of investors for me, especially targeted investors who first learned about high-yield investments. This was very noticeable when the support team received questions “how to invest money”, “how to register in PerfectMoney”, “how to replenish what is there”, etc. At the start of the project, the daily budget for the context was set small - within $ 30 per day, after 3-5 months it usually brought it to $ 150. As a result, it was really high-quality advertising. Anything else is usually a waste of money.

My next project was GoldMeridianBet (working time: November 12g - May 13g). On the wave of success of previous projects, I create another project on the subject of sports betting close to me. In general, so lazy to order new scripts, come up with a design. Stupidly took ArtManiKraft, ordered a minimal alteration of the script and some simple design downloaded from public. I did not conceal from anyone who was in the project admin - and everything also worked out easily and easily. Several monitoring, plus several bloggers, went to work. Smooth development at 3-4 month, but there was a sharp jump in deposits at the end. I collected about 5 million rubles here. After this project, I had a wedding, I planned to buy an apartment in Moscow. Because of all this spending, I did a lot with my assistants and bloggers in this project, not returning them personal deposits. Because of this, many people took offense at me. Until then, I always planned a budget for return to those in need within 2-5 thousand dollars, depending on the project. In fact, the reputation in the HYIPs plays a huge role: in a very miserable site from the "trusted administrator" can throw a few million a month, and in an excellent prepared, expensive project without an insider will not go. This is especially noticeable among network bloggers, who often turn crowds into frank slag projects. Which themselves adminat (but this is not accurate).

So you ask, but how did I advertise GoldMeridianBet? But in any way, much has been built on the success of previous projects. Did not attract any networkers, PR people, speakers. The only thing I tried from the new one is sending out promotional brochures to mailboxes in Moscow. Plus in the Moscow region ordered the placement of advertising in elevators. Spent an order of 150 thousand rubles, taking into account the printing of beautiful color booklets. According to my personal feelings and according to the metrics / statistics - the result was not noticeable advertising, this did not give, either on deposits or on registrations. I do not recommend it.

Yes, Gold Meridian still had money for a kiwi wallet. In the last month of work, I did not have time to withdraw money from kiwi. For the day they threw 300-500 thousand rubles. At the same time, the conclusion was also decent, especially in Perfect, Liberty and Savings Bank (the rules of the project allowed to be output to any system). It was necessary for the day to manage to pour from kiwi into the perfect, in part sometimes it was even necessary to replenish Sberbank - it lost a lot of time with these movements of funds. But nevertheless, the margin was about 100-200 thousand clean per day, and it settled mainly on kiwi. And what is Kiwi as a payment for the administrator? This is a big hemorrhoids. Often, they block, with withdrawal through exchange offices, then there were also problems - too suspicious considered such an exchange. As a result, to the project scum on kiwi-purses there remained approximately 1.2 million rubles, which were frozen. I used the services of defrosting accounts from gray forums: one purse with a balance of 300 thousand on Simla Beeline helped me to unlock, but half of the man took for his work. The rest of the money (about a million) kiwi appropriated to itself. Such losses / risks for administrators.

We go further - the project (work time: January 13 - April 13g). For the first time I decided to use the h-script and the turnkey project. Probably not quite a good name, weekly plans, a "favorite" forex legend. At the peak deposits reached 20 thousand dollars, but then went the outflow and almost no new deposits by the end of the project. The Khitranners here tried their best. OnlineMoneyBank faded almost at the same time as GoldMeridianBet. Despite the different scripts, many draw parallels between the two projects, saying that the admin is one. I do not know with what it was connected, maybe somewhere it was pierced and signed in the letter not by that name or project. Still, it's hard when two projects work simultaneously, and you need to respond carefully to emails. In the support questions are often the same, and you can very easily mix for which project you write the answer. The bottom line is that there was no earnings, it is closed after the cash department is exhausted. He even refilled his funds in this project when there was not enough money to pay. All for nothing.

I want to talk in more detail about the cunning runners. They began to appear actively in my projects with OnlineMoneyBank and Astoria Holding. But if in Astoria this did not lead to closing without profit, then the opposite happened here. As you know, hitrunners are investors who enter at the start of the project, and then after a short time of up to 1.5 months take the investment with interest and look for a new project. Since 2012, the problem has become widespread. And there is no need to demonize admins - fast scams, this is the answer to the massive cunning.

Let's take an example: in OnlineMoneyBank, as I wrote above, at its peak the cash desk was $ 20 net. Now tell me what to do: close the project or continue working? It seemed to me that I needed to work further, because one more project was working in parallel and no matter how I came across this “movement” of hit runners. I worked further, the hit runners came out - there was no cash register, as a result, I worked out a lot. Despite a decent job, there was still a lot of negativity and reproaches in the key: the admin would work further, pay everything, then make more money! It was downright funny. In OnlineMoneyBank, I paid everything to myself in a few thousand losses, and investors did not make more deposits. Therefore, you can't guess here. Rather, by some intuition, you close the project and fix the income or pay further. By the way, hit runners come only from bloggers or from under monitors. In principle, I did not take some blogs / monitors into advertising, they obviously had everything too much. For a month, their referrals participate in the project, post payments (at least thanks for that), and then even if the project works for another six months, not a single contributor is active. I will not name these resources, so that Hunter will not be offended.

The conclusion from the above: everything is interconnected, quick scams - this is the answer of admins to the mass trick. If you are pouring mud at the admins, do not forget to pour mud at the hunters, who, by insiders, will deduct several thousand into the project from the start, do not post their deposits and payments anywhere (so that the project is not thrown), and then come out with a profit without doing anything useful for the project. This is a serious problem for everyone.

My next project, not so distant history ...

Competition for 1000 $:

The winners of the second stage:

1st place and $ 125 - Elian, for the story about CRP - we say hello to the Gadfly;
2st place and $ 75 -  Saliman, safety is our everything;
3rd place and $ 50 - Hype - "major" Iliad, like your easy approach to heavy deposits;

To all winners - write to me on contacts, I will transfer prizes 😉

And we give out money further. In the comments to the article, introduce yourself and tell:
Tell us about your maximum profit in the HYIP project (or HYIP projects)? Right where they went all-in, and earned.
Plus, tell (if any) the story of your super-luck in life (for example, you have discovered a rolex, or you won an apartment in Sportloto).

Your story should be duplicated in any social network blog (for example, in the comments group on VKontakte)
Prizes will be paid on Wednesday evening, after the publication of the final fourth part of the story.

14 reviews for "The History of the Old School admin (Part III). Competition for 1000 $"

  1. Avatar photo Aliaksandre:

    Good day to all! My name is Alexander.

    Earlier, I already wrote that after I burned myself in the MMM-2011, I did not participate in haypahs until 2017. But still I had experience working with the project MyFFi, which allowed me to earn good money for about a year (from 2012 to 2013), although it was not a classic HYIP in his understanding, but rather MLM, but I still think that my the story deserves attention.

    MyFFi entered the market in 2011 with a "super innovative" series of fuel-saving products, so-called catalyst additives, which, when added to fuel, increased the octane number, allowed fuel savings of over 30%, increased engine power by up to 20%, extended its resource, etc. They stated that these catalysts are the development of American scientists and the military, which have long been successfully used in the space industry, and now, thanks to them, they have become available to the general public. In general, the legend was there. Whether these catalysts worked or not, no one really knew, some insisted that this was all a deception, while others, knocking on the chest, proved the opposite.

    But the essence is not in this, but that, because MyFFi was a classic MLM, it means that it was possible to build its structure in it and earn money by attracting new partners, which actually interested me. To start working in this company, a mandatory condition was registration not directly on their website, namely under a partner who already was in MyFFi. In general, about this company, I accidentally learned from one not familiar person who was added to my friends in a social network and offered to earn. At first I was skeptical about this, but since this person was from my city, we met and he told me about everything in detail. As a result, I agreed to try and registered with MyFFi under his supervision.

    Further, in order to start building your structure and making money, you had to buy a certain tariff plan in the company yourself, which gave full access to your personal account and all earning tools, as well as an initial set of these "miracle catalysts". Depending on the chosen tariff plan, there were different opportunities and tools for earning money, different length of time for full access to the LC and a different starting set of additives. By the way, if necessary, these catalysts could be purchased additionally in the required quantity. Those. there were 2 main opportunities for making money: 1 - the resale of these "miracle catalysts" is more expensive than you bought them from the company yourself; 2- building a further structure of partners under oneself. When building a structure, money could be received for the fact that your partners buy tariff plans in the company, as well as a percentage of their sales. There was also a multi-level structure, so the partners of all your partners also brought money. In general, the second option for earning money was more attractive and in the future could allow receiving a stable passive income.

    To begin with, I bought the cheapest fare to try out how it all works. First of all, I decided that I would be engaged in the sale of catalysts. In the company itself it was recommended to sell them not cheaper than with an extra charge of 2 times, i.е. with the sale of one catalyst was to go 100% net profit. I sold my initial set of additives in less than a week with an extra charge of 2 times as recommended. I managed to sell the catalysts quickly, because I had a lot of familiar motorists, and also because these funds only entered the market and there were simply no negative feedback on them in the network, so people are listening to how they save fuel mainly for them willingly bought.

    But having sold all the additives there was a problem to sell them further, it was necessary to again order the products on the site and wait until it again comes by mail, which took a certain amount of time, sometimes even more than a few weeks. I did not want to wait, tk. it was just a waste of time. Moreover, some people have already begun to understand that a special effect of additives is not given, and maybe even not vice versa, they only harm the car, so the further, the more difficult it became to sell them. Because of this at this stage, I refused to further sell them, and decided to build only an affiliate network.

    On the proceeds from the first sale of catalysts, I bought myself another more advanced tariff plan in the company and began to attract partners. In the company MyFFi, it was on the construction of a partner structure that almost every daily vebnar was held, on which they told how to entice people into themselves into the structure. There worked quite competent marketers and they really could learn a lot. From the part and their merit is in what I managed to achieve further.

    I was attracted as just familiar people, telling them about the limitless opportunities for earning, and from social networks, creating special accounts for this. I was adding friends to strangers offering them the opportunity to make good money. During the first week of offline I was able to attract 5 people and a couple of people from social networks. And all these people bought their tariff plans in the company. To be clear, I will explain how much I received from one such attracted partner. If the partner bought the tariff plan in the company, I was paid 50% of the cost of TP, and the most advanced and expensive tariffs in the company cost more than 500 $, and I was paid 50% c from each sale of products by the partner. The catalysts cost differently depending on their type and properties, some reached a value of up to 100 $ and above. All tariffs in the company had a limited validity period, i.е. my partner, to also earn had to constantly buy more and more new tariffs, and I in turn each time received from this their 50%. Plus, everything came to me from my partner's partners as well. the structure was multilevel.

    In the first month, I attracted 20 people from offline, but then all my acquaintances who were ready to participate in this campaign ended, and I switched only to attracting people from the Internet, mainly from social networks. By that time, my affiliate network had earned my first $ 1000 for me. I didn't stop there and tried to attract people more and more actively. But it became harder and harder to work with social networks, because accounts were often banned, sometimes only at the mention of the word MyFFi. I had to find various ways out of this situation. At first, I registered new accounts myself, but it was very problematic, for each account a new phone number was required, and people somehow did not really want to trust the newly created account. Then I just started buying ready-made accounts, they were relatively inexpensive. All this gave its advantages and gradually I came to an income of $ 450 - $ 600 per week. In the near future, I had to reach the $ 1000 mark a week.

    But the constant work in social networks was very stressing and wasted quite a lot of time, so I decided to act differently. I ordered myself the creation of a site like the original MyFFi, where everything was told in detail about the products and the opportunities for earning money on it, only if they registered there, they immediately got into my structure. After the creation of the site, I had only to actively promote it, so that the flow of new participants did not end. I posted ads for my site in Google Adsense, Yandex.Direct and other less known ad networks. The cost of advertising immediately paid off, and my income continued to grow. At the peak, it was more than 1000 $ per week, with the income really becoming passive, I myself did almost nothing, except that I paid for advertising for my site.

    So, it seems everything is super, my dream began to come true, I began to receive passive income, it seemed I could only rejoice, but no. Gradually income began to fall, people began to register less and less in my structure. To advertise your site was no longer profitable, you had to cut down the advertising budget. Then I completely refused advertising. The former effect it no longer brought. For some time I still received payments from old partners, but it was evident that an increasing number of people refused to work in the company, buy tariff plans and sell products. In the end, it all went so far that all these additives and catalysts were no longer needed by anyone, except for the partners themselves of this company. People realized that they were inefficient, and stopped buying them. Some partners probably still remain with this unnecessary product, I know that many people could not even pay back their expenses for the purchase of the tariff plan in the company.

    As a result, in 2014, the company MyFFi as such did not become. Afterwards, they announced either re-rebranding, or merging with JEUNESSE, a cosmetics trade company, about changing the direction of their activities, etc., but that's another story that also ended with the story of the original MyFFi.

    To summarize, I say that after working with MyFFi, I did not incur any losses, but I stayed in a good plus, but this is the main thing.

    About the stories of luck. There were several of them in my life - these are small winnings in the lottery, and finds of money, I even found jewelry (gold chains, rings), but all this is somehow small, so I will not focus on them, but I will tell you about my very profitable car purchase. This is also a kind of story of luck, only I came to it more on my own, and it doesn't mean that I was just lucky and something took and fell on my head.

    So, everyone probably remembers the sharp drop in the ruble against the dollar in December 2014. And the day of December 16, when the ruble lost the most in its value, still remains in history as "Black Tuesday", then during the day the dollar rate increased by more than 20 rubles and the value of the dollar reached over 80 rubles.
    People then had a panic, many tried to get rid of the ruble, because they were afraid that it would fall even more, so someone bought dollars, because of what in the exchangers there were huge queues and there were problems with buying currency, someone bought everything in stores in stores, while price tags have not grown much.

    I was planning to buy a new car. I saved money for him in dollars, so I did not bother at all with a sharp devaluation of the ruble. The amount that I had at that time was slightly more than $ 9 thousand, so it was more clear, then in early December this was about 500 000 rubles. For this money, a new car could in principle be bought, but only budgetary or in the poorest configuration, but wanted something better. Therefore, I stayed either to continue to save, or to wait even more for the ruble to sink in order to change my dollars for more rubles and have time to buy a more expensive car.

    A plus for me from the rapid devaluation of the ruble was that prices in car dealerships were also in rubles and did not have time to respond to it as quickly, and for some time kept at the same level, which was established when the ruble was appreciated more highly.

    16 December 2014, when the exchange rate for the dollar in some exchangers exceeded 80 rubles, and then I decided to exchange all my savings for rubles. Exchange currency for rubles was not a particular problem, unlike the reverse operation, so I chose the exchanger with the best rate, went there and exchanged money. I got almost 800 000 rubles! It is not already a bad price for buying a more or less solid car.

    Since the beginning of December, I have already considered several variants of cars for purchase, and decided to stop on the off-road car Renault DUSTER. So now I could only find the salon with the most favorable price, where the price tags had not yet been lifted, and also that the necessary machine was immediately available. In fact, every minute was decided, tk. prices in the salons grew very quickly, and some just stopped selling cars to stabilize the situation on the market.

    I dialed dozens of car dealers, but everywhere I heard almost the same thing: not available, until we sell it; and if the machines were in stock, they usually tore the inadequate price. I was already beginning to regret my exchange of money, tk. I thought that nothing would be able to find anything normal, but if I change money back, I will decently lose it.

    And suddenly, when I already phoned almost all the salon numbers that I could only find, in one salon they tell me that the car is in stock, and in luxury equipment and cost only about 750 000 rubles. I asked to reserve this car, although I did not exactly promise anything, and rushed headlong into this salon to buy it.

    Coming to the salon, I, you can say, bought a car without looking, but for such a cost it would be simply a sin to complain about something. Yes, as it usually happens, I also stuffed all kinds of extra doses in order to make more money on the client, but nevertheless I fully invested in my money, and I still have a little left. Also, as I later learned, it was the last car in the warehouse, and it turns out that those who wanted it were already there, so if I were still a bit late, I would not have bought anything. In general, really lucky.

    By the evening, the ruble began to restore its lost positions, and for the dollar began to give only 68 rubles, and by Thursday the ruble has recovered even more. So I did not lose money and exchanged money at the most favorable rate. Though later the ruble partly returned its lost positions, but the prices for cars in the salons just continued to grow every day. Therefore, I can say, I was lucky even twice: the first time that I profitedly changed the currency, and the second that I bought a new car at an old price. By the way, this car I still have, and I do not plan to sell it yet)

  2. Avatar photo AlexBet:

    Greetings to all, my name is Alex.
    So, the topic of my story about a successful HYIP will be outlined around the project - It was in Bitsi that I was able to increase my start-up capital by regularly reinvesting profits, even at those moments when I was already beginning to doubt the advisability of further investing money.
    With the initial deposit of 100 dollars, in bats at the time when the rate regularly rose up, I managed to 4 times to re-invest profits from the project.
    The Bitcy project has regularly been gaining momentum, the development of which could be found not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad. The advertising of the bit (initially) project was everywhere - in Instagram, Facebook, Google, Yandex and many more where.

    My choice initially fell on the tariff plan - "CASUAL" at 2,3% per day for 15 days. I just planned to regularly withdraw money from the project, and only then go to the profit reinvestment. For 60 days (four profit reinvestments), I managed to get about 150% of the profit from the initial deposit. And that's not all, because bitcoin was constantly climbing upwards, thus the profit grew before my eyes. It was especially nice to see the rate - $ 18000 for one bitcoin. So, in the end, the profit increased even more, because the deposit was made at the level of the bitcoin cost of 12-14 to dollars, and was sold at the level of 18 to dollars, roughly speaking.

    Plus, in the bitsey project, you could easily earn bounty (this is a special supplementary program for additional earnings), which could similarly be displayed on the bitcoyne purse. The bounty was provided for the performed actions, for example, reposting in social networks and twittering, video of withdrawal of money, signing on the forum mmgp. And I could not restrain myself from additional profits, on this business I still successfully earned 158 $, because the company bounty was held regularly, and posts could be reposted every working day.

    Many people compared the admin Bitcy with the admin of RazzletOn, because the similarity of the projects was not only in work, but also in design. And Razleton was remembered by many investors from the times when the project worked for a very long time, specifically in relation to other projects. And it seems to me that this fact warms the souls of many investors, because I am already waiting for a comparison of the next project from this admin, namely with the previous project - called Bitcy.

    I will continue my story with two small stories from the super-life moments.

    The first lucky moment is my winnings on 1xbet - the latest version of my iPod. Luck turned to me in front of me, because everything was decided by random, although I did not believe in this idea until recently. I took part in a repost contest from a social network - about 1000 people, and it was my last name that was chosen, there is even a video and a post on the Internet with congratulations from the administration of the bookmaker's office. I received the prize a month later, it was even delivered to me in another country. After that moment, I began to believe in the best, because I could never believe in such a randomness, when, among 1000 people, the program chooses exactly your surname. This happy moment can be called a moment of euphoria. After all, this was my first device from the Apple brand.

    The second lucky moment is my winnings on the Olympus website (bookmaker's office), from $ 1 - $ 500, that's how I managed to win the contest - the sweepstakes. In particular, it was necessary to make up of 15 events (victory, draw, victory), for each event separately its own forecast. Then wait until the football matches are over, and then find out the number of events that coincided at that time.
    I managed to guess 13 from 15 events, and money could be obtained from 10 guessed events, but only the amount would be different from the number of past events and their coefficients.
    I was overjoyed, after all, after the successful withdrawal of funds, I purchased my first computer, it was assembled assembly for winning money from the tote. I also helped my father with the insurance for the car, as they say, he made a nice surprise for himself and his father that day. So try to win luck on your side, because the one who risks, he always drinks champagne!

  3. Avatar photo MoRKowDRooG:

    Kind time of the day, dear friends! I am still called Ilya, and I continue to talk about my poor but fairly vivid experience with HYIPs. I want to talk about my victories in this field and not only.
    Initially, I had no idea of ​​any investment strategies, and I did not have a portfolio as such. And it was like this: highly paid work (by the standards of my city) and interest in Internet projects, sports betting, poker, etc.
    Simply put, with a salary of 2000-2500 dollars, I could quite painlessly allocate a couple of hundred dollars for my personal budget in order to experience fortune. Therefore, I can not say that I went all-in. At the initial stage of my "friendship" with the HYIPs, I lost more often than I received the profit, but somehow I managed to get a fairly solid profit.
    Maybe someone remembers the project "Zverinvest". According to the legend - this is a team of capers who played a stable plus. The project was not particularly quoted from experienced HYIP players from the MMHP forum, as it was very weak in the technical part - the site was very poor and often fell. But, nevertheless, the project worked to spite all skeptics and paid regularly, having made a dozen circles in three months of its work.
    I threw in a hundred dollars, signed a few refs for myself, which also deposited, and in less than a month, my balance was already about 240 dollars. I deduced 200, and 40 left this "wonder-cappers" to twist. I talked in skype chats "Zverinvest", so there many people said how to lose several thousand bucks, and sacredly believed in the infinity and the limitless profit. However, "Beasts" nevertheless scoffed, leaving a bunch of disgruntled investors. But I always remember this project from the good side, because in it for the first time I felt what a profit in HAIPs is.
    And now I'll tell you about my main super-luck in life. Like many of us, I started my way moneymaker with bets on sports. As you know, very few people play stable plus, and I did not belong to them. Yes, there were victories, a series of winnings, a solid increase to the deposit, but they alternated and painful defeats, when with such excessive labor the untwisted bank melted before our eyes, from which the nerves were turned over, and the money in the account became even smaller (I think this is familiar to many) .
    Several years ago I was playing on Fonbet (now BC Background). There was a tote, but I rarely looked there, and I won it even less often. If anyone does not know, TOTO Fonbet was (and certainly consists of) 15 events, and to win at least something, you need to guess at least 8 outcomes from 15. But this is extremely difficult, and even a deep analysis does not really make sense.
    Once we sat in a bar with a friend, drank beer and watched a football match, I do not even remember who played with whom, it does not matter, it's about betting. It is quite logical that we were in my smartphone, where I launched the Fonbet application. Razgorjachennye alcohol, we bought on the coupon, stitching off a flip of checks in "P1", "H" and "P2."
    The next day the Tote started. I began to follow the matches lazily in my friend's coupon and coupon, and the further I did it, the more excitement I felt. The friend's coupon merged at the very beginning, but my forecasts came one by one. As a result of the draw, I guessed 13 outcomes from 15, and my winnings were about 45000 rubles (with a bet in 50).
    The most interesting thing is that the matches with the participation of the regular favorites against whom I have set off did not go. In matches where the conditional Wigan played against Liverpool (and that's for sure) and the conditional Udinese played against Inter (also for sure), I took draws, as these glorors at that time were very feverish (2012 / 2013 season), but the favorites still won . By the way, a friend in the coupon just was shown for them, but it did not help either him or me (I mean to break the jackpot, and at least 8 to guess in total).
    Nevertheless, the winnings in 45000 rubles at the rate in 50 can be considered a real success - neither of which happened to me before or after this commemorative Tote coupon, in a hurry and under the degree filled in the sports bar. I wish everyone a profit and meet their luck more often!

  4. Avatar photo Saliman:

    Greetings to you my dear reader. Today I want to share with you my history as I was lucky enough to get the maximum profit in the HYIP project. It was still in the distant 2014 year, and to be more precise, I 23.04.2014 made my first deposit into the project "Clever-Company". The deposit was the size of 250 $. I received a reflex of 10% size and began to receive my interest. If anyone remembers, the project positioned itself as a real company. But in the meantime, I decided to create my own blog on investment, as I saw that many investors who had their own blog raised their money on the reffer very well. And so, I'm such a pro, I decided to create my own blog on investing on the Internet, since I already had the experience of creating a blog on another topic, and it exists successfully and in general, And why not ???
    The article was written (, the contribution was made to that, I just enjoyed the interest. But one fine moment, one person knocked on Skype and asked to phone. We had a pleasant talk with him and he told me he was ready to invest through me in the Clever-Company project. Well, I was naturally delighted, as it was one of my first referrals through the blog. Later, later it turned out that this was the only user of the site who decided to invest through my blog. (((I later sold it, because after a series of scaffolding projects GMT - invest, ForexIcreg LTD, GBGroup, where together for half a year I got on 4429 $ I no longer had anything to invest.
    But back to my referral. Since I worked with the project for a month, I already knew practically all the nuances that I told my partner.
    What was my surprise when on the next day I received a notice of the referral reward received in the amount of 1000 $ !!! It turns out that my referral went into the project for 10000 $. For the whole day I could not believe my success. How so? I was practically nobody, you can say a simple investor who created a simple blog on vordpres, and here is such a big luck. Yes, I was in seventh heaven with happiness.
    But it's not even in this large deposit, but the fact that the person was under his own structure, which later began to register in the project and accordingly make deposits, from which, and I started accruing interest. You will not believe, but I just had golden days at that time !!! I could fall into the account every day from 100 to 300 dollars, with all that my deposit was only 250 bucks and that, this money was given to me with difficulty.
    But that was not all, after three or four weeks, my main referral of the first line, made another deposit for 10000 dol. I thought I was in paradise! These were my initial times, when I conquered the world of Internet investment! At that time, I was already ready to start work, since I earned three times more in a month than at my main job for the YEAR !!!
    But happiness did not last forever, SCAM as always crept imperceptibly. But it was no longer important to me. I then raised almost 4 yew. dol for a month !! What was just a fantastic result.
    And even three years later, I can not repeat the result that was achieved in 2014.
    As for my history of super success in life, then I can say only one thing. I was very lucky to meet a man who later became my family and friends - this is my wife. But this is a completely different story!