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History of the Old School admin (the final part). Competition for 1000 $

My next project, not so distant history, is Point Union (it worked from September 13 to January 14). I am creating a new project about sports betting. Due to the non-return of personal deposits to bloggers in the previous project, I am very careful about ordering listings and communicating - mainly positioning myself as a new admin. Some of them, of course, knew that I was administering the project - I promised them to work for wear and tear. In the end, nothing good came of it. The project was not particularly popular and after 4 months it had to be closed due to the exhaustion of the cash register, although I even added my own funds, but it did not help. With this, I further upset the bloggers, whom I promised quality work. As soon as I did not try to pull it out - sponsoring a paintball tournament (oh, this tournament), and distributing leaflets on the street / in mailboxes. Zero effect.

I began to wonder periodically how many projects manage to collect the cash at the start and close. Why from start to projects goes so many people at once. These are not some giants, but rather ordinary projects. What kind of advertising do they buy? Somehow one site about stakes (Storm Betting) scammed and I decided to write to the administrator, well, how much you earned there. Admins usually rarely go to such a contact, but then received a response. He says that he did not work at all and generally opened the project for interest, like to understand how the industry is working now, and in general he has not been in business for a long time. Well, okay, at least answered.

I just had an idea for a long time: to buy out a recently scraped project with a database of depositors and their deposits. And restore it, transform it, make a full refund of all deposits (of course, if the total amount of deposits is acceptable to me) and start on a new wave of success to develop the project. I think that such a project would be a success. Here Storm Betting was already posted on many popular blogs, and I thought that if my idea is implemented - the project will immediately go up the hill. But the administrator of Storm did not go on sale, the base flatly refused to provide.

We talked with him and eventually decided to create a new joint project. The programmer, the designer had his own. Remains only with the bloggers to agree, but this, too, he will do for half the price / for the bonus. He says it is necessary to design the project according to the latest fashion in the world of design, and showed some advanced template. Said - done, ordered design and development. In total, somewhere around 3.5 thousand dollars I gave him, taking into account the purchase of advertising. Design on the topic of space was, the name of the site I do not remember something. Honestly, what they did to us was very raw and needed further work. The Goldcoders script, in some places the text simply was not read, there were many minor flaws. Somehow they podrihtovali it and put it into work. The late Born on his blog made a review, cumulatively calling our project a "dull shit". Despite all the moments, I was already wondering what would come of it. (Spoiler: Nothing good, as you can guess).

As a matter of fact, a fast profit project was obtained. The ads were typed with good discounts, there was movement in the projects - but according to my partner, the cashier did not raise more than 2 thousand. In fasts, many dozens players play, I did not know that either. As a result, I did not receive a penny from the project, and the cooperation turned out to be very muddy. Given that my "partner" offered me a second project to open - he deceived me well at the checkout, otherwise why would he second project in the negative? Refused, made conclusions.

And conclusions such - whatever one may say, HYIPs - is an industry of deception. And she draws people to her, let's say softer, not the most morally clean. Yes, and working in the industry of deception, any person begins to relate more easily to lies / distortion of facts. Reputation here is inexpensive, and everyone has a price. For all these years, I'm just not seen enough, not only the admin admin was throwing big money - friends were exchanging friends for money. What to say about admins, who by their very nature earn a deceit. If you are in a haypah, do not trust anyone, at least your money for sure.

We go further, my next project is VipMoneyBet (working time: September 14 - May 15.). The legend is my favorite sports betting. A new unique script, though the design is again simple. A distinctive feature of this project was the monitoring account of betting bets. Creating a positive account was in principle not a difficult task, although on the betampam there are some features that had to be bypassed. But many did not know about this. Yes, many, I think 99% assumed that the admin is really a plus player.

After the last failures, I realized that I had to change something in my actions. Therefore, I seriously prepared for the project before the start. On the passport scans I ordered a card of Sberbank (later one more). He ordered a video presentation, a video message with the actor to investors (in the aftermath, a video about the meeting of investors, which of course was not). Already when the project was working, I found a good web designer who made a qualitative redesign.

I want to depart a little from the topic. At this time, many bloggers have significantly raised the price of their services - I do not know what it's connected with. In fact, from 500 to 1000 dollars was worth a listing. At such high prices, of course there must be a return. Imagine: 5 blogs with a price of 1000 dollars. Project profit 40% per month for example. This 2 thousand must be given to them only to pay interest. More bloggers paid? Pay even more per month - and this is a load on the cash register. And will they bring investors? A huge problem for the whole industry now - bloggers are asking for very expensive listings, for which they do not guarantee any result. In one project people go from a blogger, in the other - by zeros. The blogger naturally does not return money, excuses from him in the style "I tried, just people did not go," "you just have a weak project," etc. The load on the cashier is growing, as a result, unscrupulous bloggers are killing their projects with projects. The second problem is that many weak blogs have divorced, which fill up projects with tons of offers to buy a listing. And in the general flow you will not understand, really this is a new blog with a good attitude, or a man with a bricks-busted metric that will merge right after the transfer or it will be breakfast you to the scaffold to feed. You will now say - poor administrator! Then the hitners are to blame, the bloggers - but not himself. It's not like that, I know for myself - I've always tried to pull projects to the last. I just want investors to know about the reverse side of the coin.

The activity at VipMoneyBet was very good, and these listings payouts were invisible. The project was closed when payments began to significantly exceed replenishments. About 4 million rubles is my net income. All profits were generated in the last months of work. At some point it even seemed to me that nothing would come of it. In fact, until mid-March, the project worked at zero - what came in was immediately spent on payments. The project cashier hovered around 5k in free funds. Imagine a couple of large withdrawal requests and that's it - the end of the project. But then several large investors entered at once, and they immediately gave a significant leap up. And in April, payments have already become more significant, I made payments for $ 20k - I could afford it. The next week, the withdrawal was already 25k. There were no new receipts for these figures - I decided to fix the result. At that time, I no longer had a financial pillow, since the last successful project was 2 years ago. Therefore, I was quite happy with this amount.

I will give advice to large investors. Do you want to invest more than 5000 $? Split it into parts and different accounts. You are more likely to get them back if you stretch the withdrawal for a week from several accounts, and it's less likely to get the entire amount from one account at once. Psychologically, the administrator is always difficult to return large deposits - do not provoke J

TopMoneyProject project (August 15 - March 16). Created as a partisan, redesigned him in January 16. Legend is an investment in an offline business. Of course, there were no such lists of business plans as in online-deposit, but in general the project on the h-script turned out to be quite good. I recruited bloggers, ordered more ads after the redesign, bought an LLC with a checking account - the project did not go. At the peak, there were about 7 thousand dollars in the box office, which were almost completely withdrawn by March (along with the profit, of course). There were listings and bloggers who also had to pay a lot of money in the absence of a new influx. I got the costs for the project, advertising and payment in the 1st month of work after the redesign of the order of 500 thousand rubles. Then for some time I paid from my own funds, I did not see a way out of the situation. Made a decision to close TopMoneyProject for the sake of the second project, which was already working for me. He turned out to be the last for me.

MagicMeridian project (working hours: February 15 to May 16). It was also created as a partisan, redesigned in February 2016. Legend - sports betting. The total cost of it, taking into account payments in the first month after the redesign, is about 700 thousand rubles. At its peak, in early March, there were about 15k deposits, but by the end of March everything was completely withdrawn. The monitoring and bloggers especially touched me. In the beginning, people were brought in, and then they had no one left with an active deposit - practically it was like that for everyone. Hitran has become a mass phenomenon, with all that it implies.

Digress, there was an unpleasant moment - I was bribed for money. It is one thing to receive a block of an account, withdraw money from the card with a drop, and hack a hosting. And it's another thing to get into it yourself. Probably, all this happened due to a stressful situation, when the project seemed to be normal, but all the money was gone, and there were no new receipts. In short, in April someone knocked on my skype who wanted to help with the promotion of the project. He offered to hire speakers, negotiate with bloggers for a bonus or half the listing price. He demanded money only to pay for services, and it was much lower than the official prices. Why not agree? Moreover, I have never used the services of speakers - let him then work in this direction. Indeed, he began to negotiate as promised. We were accommodated in several places for a bonus, where a discount. The speaker was hired, he also promised to negotiate with others. And then, for some reason, the new version of Skype began to work poorly for me; I downloaded and installed. I was delighted. And then, when the first investor with $ 3.5k came from that foreign referrer, in the evening I go to withdraw it to the reserve wallet - and there is zero. I began to think, analyze how this happened. I realized that skype was a surprise. An unpleasant moment.

He also noted that there were a lot of fake applications - clones of famous bloggers, unknown bloggers, incomprehensible intermediaries between admin and blogger, Facebook promoters, YouTube bloggers ... Admins - be careful.

Let's go back to the project. At the end of March, I was contacted by a foreign referrer. He really liked that MagicMeridian had a monitoring account (I made an account for Betpamm in advance). The refund manager promised that he would talk about the project and actively bring people. Sometimes those who are not even familiar with the Internet. In his words - 100 thousand dollars, this will be the minimum investment. And if everything goes well, then a large amount of $ 300-500kk is not the limit. I did not lose my head, of course, not a beginner. He asked to test the project for a start with small amounts, gradually increasing the flow. On this and agreed - went deposits from him, from 1k to 10k dollars. I also picked up bloggers and some referrals. For a week or two, the deposit will lie down, order part or all of the withdrawal stably. Then a new deposit comes from another client. By the end of April, the amount of deposits from this referrer was about 45 thousand dollars, but the project had about 10 thousand free funds in the box office (plus some more money on hand from previous projects). Why is that? Basically, deposits were on plans 1.3 and 1.6% per day, and thanks to the affiliate program from 3 levels, it was possible to receive more than 50% of income per month. Due to reinvestment, deposits grew rapidly, but daily payments grew along with them. And from the last days of April-early May, orders of these deposits for withdrawal begin. It was ordered about 25 thousand dollars. There is no such money in the box office, but the project needs to be saved (in order to earn more later). I tried different methods - nothing helped, the money runs out. I am making a very difficult decision: to mortgage a one-room apartment for 2 million rubles, which I inherited from my parents. In dollars it turned out to be about 35 thousand, taking into account commissions. I make payments, pull the project. With all these rescue measures, at the same time I communicate with this foreign referral. He swears to me that new clients will come soon. At the same time, as if casually, he says: the test of your project is already ending, I am very glad that the payments of such amounts are on time. Nevertheless, the remaining 20 thousand on the deposits of his referrals are also submitted for withdrawal. No reinvestments, everything goes towards payment. I withdraw 20k, hoping that new additions will begin soon. It was, well, already "last" money, and there was simply nothing to pay further. I am starting to stall for time with ordinary depositors of the project, who there also decide to order a payment from the deposit. The reffer me is dynamite - he says that he is now away for a week and when he arrives, his people will go into the project. Allegedly, most of them are pensioners and without him they will not be able to understand the project. It's funny to read it now, but for me this situation was just a nightmare. The next week, I was looking hard for people who could help me save the project. I was thinking about a bank loan, but I would hardly have been given a large sum of money. Nothing helped. Then messages about non-payments began to appear. There were no new contributions. It turns out that the referrer “cheated” me. Even though he wrote to me later - when payments will start, etc.

My personal fairy tale of the length of 12 years has ended. As a result, there was absolutely no money. It's not like creating a new project, but simply without a livelihood. Over the years, I have never worked, I have not received any skills useful to the society / I have not received any experience in any places - accordingly, the search for good work turned into a hopeless business for me. Nobody wants to hire an employee with a gap in the experience of 12 years. Some were non-permanent earnings, fell into a depression against the backdrop of hopelessness. It is necessary to understand that I have a family, a small child was born at the time. And I have no money. I took a loan for 200 thousand rubles. Subsequently, he collected more microloans, now there should be about 150 thousand micro credits - the debt grew like a snowball. The loan was recently a court, but I did not even go. Perhaps we should wait for the bailiffs? Do not care, I still have nothing to take.

It was very hard to fall from a solid prosperity into poverty. The pledged "odnushka" was soon used as a pledge - there is simply nothing to cover it with. Six months later, such percentages came up as almost on the full cost of the apartment. After a year of such a life, my wife filed for divorce, explaining this by my inability to support my family. He left her our common apartment in Moscow and a car - after all, we have a common child. I checked out of my apartment and bought a temporary registration. He himself moved to SNT outside the city. The dacha remained from his parents, he lived there until December. The house is not winter, but it was heated somehow. You may not believe me, but now I work as a courier. Not a courier from paradise - an ordinary courier. When I lived in the country, I got up very early, went by train to Moscow, returned in the evening, etc. In December, the ex-wife offered to return home, to help with the child - it is difficult for her to live alone. In return, I will have to rent my "odnushka" and give half of the rent money to her. Plus, to help with the salary in addition, because I work as a courier. Whether it was a good proposal or not, I still don't understand. Because she is not aware that I no longer have a one-room apartment, and I have to give part of the rent money on the condition of returning to her. There is a discrepancy in money, you cannot earn a lot of them by courier. So I'm spinning, I'm saving myself a lot now. But I live in a warm place and next to my child. There are some prospects for improving my life - I am looking for myself on the Internet, I still have a lot of experience in 12 years. But so far the prospects are very vague.

This is the fate that sent me to pay for the creation of HYIPs, for deceiving people and "easy money." Karma is, and everything has its price in this life. I for myself firmly decided not to go back to haypam ever. I really hope that my story will make every reader think.

The investor is that the admin is also a person who is not always to blame for the scum. And that skoroskamy and huntrneri - two sides of one problem.

The blogger / monitor - that any payment you need to work out, and not just take money for air. With this approach, soon there will be no normal admins, and all will work as couriers like me.

Admin - is the highest justice, do not lose your head from greed, remain a man even in such dirty work. Think about the future, HYIPs are not eternal - and what are you going to be without them?

A novice in investing - do not get into HYIPs, or carefully weigh everything for yourself. There is no freebies and buttons "loot", do not trust anyone. We need experience, luck and connections in order to earn stably. Perhaps it is better to make efforts to achieve success in another area.

Thanks to everyone who read my monologue to the end. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Competition for 1000 $:

The winners of the third stage:

1st place and $ 125 - Marishka, very emotional story, as if the G-8 itself pulled out;
2st place and $ 75 - Evgehka, all my life I dream of a metal detector (and a treasure) - my hands do not reach;
3st place and $ 50 - Aliaksandre, for a new car with a royal discount;

To all winners - write to me on contacts, I will transfer prizes 😉

The final hand will be a bit personal. In the comments to the article, introduce yourself and tell:
What conclusions have you made from the story of the administrator? How to make the HYIP industry better? (your opinion)
Plus, write your wishes for improving the blog - what do you dislike, what to add / change / improve?

Your story and opinion should be duplicated in any social network of the blog (for example, in comments group on VKontakte)
We will pay the prizes on Sunday evening, thank you all for participating.

12 reviews for "The History of the Old School admin (Final part). Competition for 1000 $"

  1. Avatar photo Evgehka:

    Hello. After reading all the 4 parts of the history of the old school admin I was very impressed and made some conclusions for myself. I'll start in order.
    In his first part, the admin wrote: <> So I thought the same way, but after reading the first part to the end, I realized that HYIP admins can also lose their money, that simply payment systems are appropriating it for themselves, and you really there is no place where you can not complain and write a statement. And before I did not even think about this, at most I thought that the project may not recoup its costs and you will remain in the red.
    After reading the second part, I realized that an important role is played by good design, design, script and most importantly active advertising of the project, I understood how much the administrators can earn and how much money there is in general, and if the project spins and inspires confidence, , as the admin wrote to him threw even 30k dollars and I think this is not the limit. I even thought about creating my own HYIP project.
    If after reading the second part I had thoughts of creating my HYIP project, then 3 part of this desire completely repulsed. After reading how the administrator was losing a lot of money from the cards, how his accounts were frozen, the problems with advertising, the hijackers, the big competition and other nuances, I decided that it was not for me, you need to decently take your time, pay a lot of time to the project and not the fact that all this will pay off, you can also enter into a big minus.
    And then came 4 part, after reading it to the end I was very surprised by the development of events in this vein, I did not expect such an end of this story. But as you know, not everything ends well and since we want it. To a greater extent, probably affected by the fact that the admin was a trusting person and more than once describes how he was thrown for money. That's because of this credulity, he actually lost everything. The fact that he laid his apartment, in my opinion was clearly not the best solution. In general, everything comes back as a boomerang, good is good, evil is evil and I'm convinced of it more than once. Admina of course sorry, and I'm grateful to him that he shared his interesting history, I'm sure for many it will be useful and each for themselves will draw certain conclusions.
    From all the history for myself, the main conclusions are as follows:
    1) HYIPY is a very risky business, and in most cases it all depends on luck, to anticipate when the next project does not descend, but always rely on luck is not worth it.
    2) Trust. Do not trust everyone in a row, it seems everyone knows, but sometimes forgets about it, after this story I was convinced even more how dangerous it can be to trust people, especially when something concerns money, you always need to be careful and careful.
    3) And the most important thing. I decided for myself that HYIPs are not for me, at the moment I am participating in one HYIP project, and if I am lucky I will withdraw the money and close this topic for myself. I will try to find some kind of stable permanent income without losses.
    In my opinion, the HYIP industry is especially better off and not done, because everything is built on deception and everyone knows about it, it was so, so it is and it will be. Everyone wants to fill only his pocket, but he does not think about others, but in terms of investing in the HYIP industry, they do better than the same portals as profit-hunters, thanks to them, beginners have a chance to make profit in HYIPs, learn the whole truth about HAIPs, and also get protection for your contribution.
    My wishes for improving the blog
    1) I would like to see a mini chat on the blog itself.
    2) It would be nice to make the application on mobile phones where you could view news, read articles, communicate with other people and stuff.
    3) I would like to have a section on sports betting, with the most useful articles and basic rules.
    4) Of course I would like to see more competitions and various actions, it's interesting and attracts people.
    Well, that's all, thank you all for your attention, all good luck.

  2. Avatar photo Shurochka:

    Hello everyone, my name is Shura.

    In HYIPs, my experience is relatively small, less than a year, and it is more negative than positive. If we take all my projects in which I managed to participate, then the overall result will be negative, I lost more money than I managed to earn. Of course, I also had successful investments, but then a scam of one or two projects completely nullified all previous successes. And moreover, I noticed that the further, the fewer HYIPs I continued to carry. Sometimes projects did not have time to complete even their minimal plans, let alone longer-term ones. Therefore, I began to approach the choice of projects more and more carefully, I looked for information on them in various specialized forums, blogs, HYIP monitoring, and only after making sure that the project was really working stably, I entered it, but nevertheless, even this did not always help me. I don’t know why it happened, maybe the fact is that I haven’t learned how to select the “right” projects, maybe it’s my luck, or maybe it’s just the greed of the admins. But after several quick scams in a row, I decided for myself that now all the HYIP admins just got drunk and became insolent, not allowing anyone to earn money except themselves. Therefore, for the last half year, I completely stopped participating in HYIPs. But nevertheless, I followed the HYIP industry a little, and thought that in case of finding something original, tempting and worthwhile, I would try my luck again. I think anyone who has ever participated in HYIPs will understand me. The point is this: I tried, I won - I want to win, I tried, I lost - I want to win back)

    And just today I came across a blog I read here the history of the Old School admin, and immediately all four parts at a time. Written though a lot, but the reading was very interesting, the time for reading flew by not noticeably. The given story for me was the present revelation, before it I absolutely on another perceived хайпы and concerned to their admins. I will say so, I thought that they always remain in good stead, absolutely not thinking about anyone except themselves. But it turned out that not everything is so simple. Especially it becomes clear from the 4 part of the story, when the admin made payments with his personal funds, laying the property for this, but only to continue to pull the project. I do not know if there were any more admins in the history of HYIPs, but this one really surprised me! I probably never could have taken such a step myself.

    If all admins were the same as who told us their story, then at the start of projects, one could invest quite calmly, without even being afraid to go to reinvest several times. But as my practice showed, unfortunately, such cases are rare. Although it becomes clear from the history of the admin that there are quite decent people on the same level of hype, it can even be more decent than some investors.

    But it was precisely this kind of dedication of the admin to projects, trust in other people that led him to a very sad ending. If he were like the main majority, he could probably arrange a quick project, and this would never have happened. From the whole story, we can conclude that both investors and admins have risks, and admins can sometimes even be much higher, which I had never even thought about before. After all, a person had a lot, it would seem, that could go wrong, but as we can see, in the end he was left with almost nothing ... To tell the truth, after reading the story, I would never want to be a HYIP admin. just didn't pull it all.

    As it seems to me at the moment, the HYIP industry is going through hard times: the projects in their majority do not work for long, there are certainly exceptions, but there are very few of them, sometimes except for a beautiful legend, nothing stands, and not even her. Therefore, about how to make the HYIP industry better, I have several options.

    Behind the HYIP should be not just a design and a legend, but also real actions of admins in the development of their projects. Receiving money from investors, admins should try to make this money work somehow further, and not just that they lay dead weight. For example, if an administrator understands sports betting, then why not increase his money in betting, by the way, since the old school admin started from history, if in trading, why not trade on Forex, if in crypts, then why not invest the attracted money in promising tokens, etc. I think the course of my thoughts is clear. At first, it may seem that in this way it is a greater risk for the admin and investors, because with an illiterate approach, he can drain all the money, but on the other hand, because he can also multiply them several times. Therefore, if the admin has experience and abilities in anything, then it's definitely worth trying.

    Well, the second improvement option depends more on the investors themselves. They must fully understand and understand what they are dealing with, and also accept all the risks. After all, some come to HYIPs completely without understanding what it is. Seeing huge interest, they are thrown in large sums for a long term (plans for Buratin), in the hope of hitting a huge jackpot, but in the end they get nothing. And such a person will most likely not come to HYIP a second time, tk. will think that he will be deceived again, and he will be left with nothing. But, if a person approached all this wisely, would invest in an adequate tariff and an adequate amount, then most likely he could win something, and then he would go again, albeit in another project. Also, the well-known problem of HYIPs is the hijackers, but they arise, it seems to me, mostly because of the fast projects, if the admins develop their projects in every possible way, as I suggested earlier, then the hijackers will go to reinvest, seeing that the project is working long and stable.

    Regarding the wishes for the blog Here it is difficult for me to write something, because I only recently met with him. But I can already say that the blog is of high quality and stands out prominently on the background of other blogs of this kind. I wish I had known him before. Therefore, I will formulate general recommendations, I hope they will be useful.

    1. The first acquaintance with the blog made it clear that there is a lot of useful information on it, not only on HYIPs, but also on other areas (cryptocurrencies, ICOs) that allow you to earn money. I think that the blog should continue to develop in different directions, and not dwell on only HYIPs. 2. In general, I was brought to the blog by his advertisement on the financial forum MMGP, although I somehow did not come across this blog in the results of search engines. Perhaps it should be promoted more on new different search queries, this should increase the influx of new users. 3. To be honest, most of all I was attracted by the current competition, I wanted to participate in it and registered. Therefore, similar contests should be held in the future, the more the better. Even if not with such big cash prizes, they are still very good at stimulating new users. 4. I have already noticed that you have protection of deposits, this is certainly very cool, but on other blogs I saw that some projects offer 100% compensation for losses in cases of scam. Make 1-2 projects with the same 100% protection, because for many investors this can be decisive in choosing a project and a referral under which to enter it. 5. The design of the blog is simple and usable, in principle I like it, but perhaps it would be worthwhile to update it a little to match the modern trends of 2018 - translucent buttons, gradient, 3D images, juicy graphics, etc. - all this, in theory, should increase conversion. 6. It would be possible to do something like a forum on the blog, where its members could communicate with each other, discuss projects, create their own topics, etc. 7. And the last thing I propose to make an affiliate program so that already registered blog members have an incentive to attract new users to it. I think it will not be very financially costly, and the number of new users should noticeably increase.

    On this perhaps all, thank you all for attention!

  3. Avatar photo MoRKowDRooG:

    Hello again! And again I will introduce myself: my name is Ilya, and I'm an adventurer. But I have not been in haypas for three years already * applause *. However, interest in this phenomenon is present. That's why I'm still following this movement, to this day I have not left the chat in Skype (already since 2014 year), subscribed to telegrams, and, of course, I take part in the action on the activity in social networks.

    Earlier I earned all the bonuses I earned, but from this year I decided to save them, in order to start investing again. Thus, what I have planned can be called an experiment "Hyp-investment without investments", which became possible, thanks to the Profit Hunters team. For example, if I did not spend bonuses for activity in 2017 year, by the beginning of 2018 I would have 60 bucks. It is quite an angry briefcase for a lover of "chervonets" as deposits.

    As I have already said, the peak of my activity in HYIP investment came in 2014 year, and by the end of this period I stayed in a decent minus (about 3000 thousand dollars). We all know how in the second half of that year life in Russia has changed, incomes have fallen, so I retired. Today I am determined to return to this movement, but, so to speak, without sacrificing blood. Let's see what happens. I will inform you about the course of my experiment.

    Oh yeah, too many lyrical digressions. It's time for the topic. I read the story of this admin with great interest, I liked the very accessible and very interesting presentation of the material. There are suspicions that the artistic fiction has not been avoided, but on the whole, it is quite a life story based on real events.

    What conclusions did I draw from the story of the admin? Yes, in fact, my "haypovospriyatie" especially this story has not changed. I never wanted to get into the skins of the admin of HYIP projects, and even did not want to become the same reformer. I knew several people who somehow managed to get people into the scaffolds, without any insurance, and what can I say, often without any reflexes. And every time on their pages in sots.setyah appeared new super-projects. I do not know how this is happening now, they stopped interested me after I got acquainted with blogs and monitors.

    How to make the HYIP industry better? It begs a cruise phrase - you want to win a casino, never play in a casino. The history of this admin showed that even sitting on sacks of other people's money, read, standing at the head of a locomotive, it is impossible to guarantee a permanent profit and a bright future. Accordingly, and every investor should understand that HYIPs are an industry of deception, and therefore the money that he invests there, he, in fact, already loses. However, if he manages to make at least some profit - this can be considered a pleasant exception, but do not rely on his chuyku or "reinforced concrete" of someone's promises.

    Make the HYIP industry better only one way - information. I will explain to people who carry money in the kip, you need to have an idea of ​​what they are going to. But this is a utopia, because in the industry of deception a simple law operates: the less suckers, the more suckers. I think it is not necessary to explain the meaning of this phrase.

    And now my wishes for the work of the blog Profit Hunters. First of all, I want to wish the project team and its partners further prosperity, more profit and fewer scams. What's not to like? Seriously - I can not find any significant shortcomings in the blog. I like everything and everything suits me from the moment of my acquaintance with the portal. But there is no limit to perfection ...

    As you understand, we imperceptibly moved to the point of change / add / improve. I have been thinking about this improvement for a long time. I think it has already been proposed and more than once. HYIPs and similar projects are famous not only for high profitability, but also for the availability of partnership programs. Why not implement an affiliate program on the portal? I understand, it's hard to do, but you will agree, the presence of a partnership will attract new people to the project.

    How will it look and in what complexity? Let's say there is an investor Vasily, who enters projects through Profit Hunters, receives refbacks and insurance in the event of scams. He is pleased with everything, praises and thanks the project on MMGP, in social networks, why he gets even more bonuses.

    Once Vasily talks about Profit Hunters in the circle of his comrades, among whom there are people who are not strangers to the spirit of adventurism. Two of his friends - Peter and Michael, became interested in the project and want to start investing too. Let's say that the development team managed to implement the affiliate on the site, Vasya's friends are registered, inspected and start investing in projects. Vasily, who invited his friends to Profit Hunters, could receive a one-time reward, for example, 5% from the first deposit of his friends - the reward is paid with a refund or compensation.

    Or to implement the affiliate on a permanent basis, when Vasily will receive, say, 1% of each contribution of the participants invited to the portal. I understand that this is very haemorrhoids, and it is difficult to implement, but here we come to the apotheosis of my idea of ​​improvement! This is the implementation of its own crypto currency with the support of smart contracts! Call it - PartnerCoin (first invented a dozen other names for the crypt, but they were busy with either blogs or existing digital currencies, but PartnerCoin at the time of this opus, is still free).

    So, referral and other fees will be credited in the form of coins of Profit Hunters PartnerCoin. Already at the ICO stage it will be possible to create an incredible excitement around this project - tokens will be accrued not only for the listed partners, but also in proportion to the deposits made. In the future, this crypto currency will become a payment instrument for investing in HYIPs, along with the grandfather of BTC, will go to the exchanges and enter the top CoinMarketCap. The blog will go down in the annals of history, like the first blog about haypah, which created its own crypto currency!

    Well, that's it, that's all, dreamed, and it will be! All good luck and profit!

  4. Avatar photo NET:

    Greetings to All.

    "Die in a Dream"
    Of course, the administrator's story is interesting and informative, but I will probably be the first with my opinion, and I think you will not judge him very much. I do not consider his last action to be correct, because only hundreds and thousands of mistakes can be obtained. I don’t want to give banal examples of the great Jobs, Ford, Jordan…. What are we talking about, even "Angry Birds" - the game that everyone played, was released after a hundred failures! I really want to believe that the person about whom this story will see support and warm words from us and still find the strength to go further, to develop in what he gave so much time and effort! And I really want him to be able to be with his child.
    You need to be strong, you need to believe in yourself, you can't give up! “To live is to risk everything. Otherwise, you are just a sluggish bunch of randomly collected molecules floating with the flow of the Universe. "(C)
    Having looked without emotions, I emphasized the following: Mani management was invented not in vain, everything regarding the material component can not be surrendered to feelings, only calculation, only a clear understanding.

    "Distorted the very essence."
    It is possible and necessary to make the industry better by going back to the beginning, when HYIPs were really accelerated investment projects, and not hitndrans from both sides. But all these are dreams, and you will not be full of dreams. I think to raise the bar, that is, to cut off unnecessary garbage with new and good requirements for projects, by means of creating a “parliament” between monitors.

    "Unfinished masterpiece"
    This is my return to the HYIP industry and I'm really glad that I'm doing this with Hunter, a really good community.
    Improvements I see in the following:
    1) The ability to collect pools (under the administration or veterans of the project)
    2) Simplify the search for suitable projects (make tabs "projects up to 20%", "up to 80%" and "100% +".
    3) To enable participants to become a part of the project (sale of shares of the project "profit-hunters")
    4) Status of applications (ordering refback or insurance, see their status in the personal cabinet - the amount, time, etc.).
    5) The general statistics of the participant (in the personal cabinet to see all their operations for a period, that is, not to use third-party tables, etc., just invest with the hunter, where your workspace and everything is easy to calculate)
    6) Additional insurance (to allow the participant to form his own insurance fund like CASCO on cars, I think this offer would be in demand).

    Thank you very much for your attention, and all the profit.
    ps Once again I wish good luck and strength to fight the author of the article!

  5. Avatar photo TenDemon:

    Honestly I am struck by the history of the admin.

    And perhaps with the former administrator to contact by telegram Well or by Skype, a couple of questions to ask?

    And you can so that on the blog, when a new project comes out, there was a link to the forum. Well, what's more, er
    then of course it is unlikely to be realized, well, I will still say my opinion, if it is possible to do so, pay for the post on the blog for those projects to which I deposited (at least half a penny, for 10 days, so that it is possible not to write down as many posts , so that they are displayed on the blog in your account), it will be good if I know how much I've earned a reflex on a blog.

  6. Avatar photo MarinaG:

    Hello! To be honest, I was very impressed with the history of Admin. I would never have thought that there are such difficulties on the other side of the project. I imagined this all a little differently, or rather, in a completely different way. I thought that all admins only earn on us, investors - well, they invested a lot in the site, the script, in promotion, etc. And then sit and rejoice - make a profit. Tired - closed the shop. I really felt sorry for this admin. To be honest, reading this story in parts, as in a fairy tale, hoped for a happy ending. That the admin keeps some top project, and we will be told in secret what. And in the end I nearly cried at the end. Thanks a lot to Admin, that he shared his story with us. This revelation opened my eyes to many things. I now finally realized that money is just so easy for nobody to give. Luck is more likely to play here. Yes, it is direct as in a casino, it is possible to hope only for a prize, but something to calculate in advance it is difficult. After all, everyone wants money - administrators, monitors, investors, payment systems and other interested structures. It reminds me of the game "Fort Boyard", if anyone remembers and watched. There at the end of the game, participants will run into the cage with tigers for coins. One minute is given, during this time it is necessary to take out as much as possible coins (at this time the tigers are locked). Participants, as soon as not contrived to endure as much money as possible. Gradually, the cage was closed, and it was necessary to run out urgently, otherwise the tigers would be released and all ... How much I play in HYIPs I always imagine this picture. I did not have time to run out of the cage with money, everything, scum ... It seems like money with you (on the balance looks nice), but you can not withdraw them any more.
    Are you asking how to make the HYIP industry better? No way. After all, initially, everything was built on deception, as the administrator correctly noted. It turns out that you are asking how to make deception better. Here, there is simply a redistribution from one pocket to another - whoever first deceived, outwitted, wins. Of course, for those who are cooking in this, this is all clear and the norm - somewhere lost, somewhere gained. I, too, take all the risks among them - I know what I'm going for. But for those who accidentally plunged into this world, beginners who do not know what's what, this is very dangerous. Although, of course, now there is a lot of information about HYIPs. Every self-respecting blog and monitor necessarily posts investment rules, materials for beginners. The main thing is to stumble upon them in time, and not after a project that promised to pay for a long time and suddenly stops opening a lot and for some reason does not pay, ay yay yay.
    As for your blog He has changed a lot for the better since the time I first met him. I like that all projects on the left are arranged in the order of addition - you can immediately find the "fresh". I have always liked and like the blog's policy on deposit insurance. Coupled with 120% refka, this is simply heavenly conditions for an investor. Also, recently, "personal deposits" have appeared, projects in which you enter with your own funds. This brings some credibility to the project, and gives hope for a better job. Thanks for the update. And what I really like, your contests are something! Firstly, seasonal promotions - I earned more on 100% insurance than just on ordinary deposits, because the risk, as they say, is a noble cause, but if there is an opportunity to insure your deposit in full, this is so great, and you sleep more peacefully and the profit is more tangible. In the case of a scam, which, by the way, rarely happens in such cases, the losses are compensated. Thank you separately for this promotion! All investors love it sooo much! By the way, we are looking forward to it this month! Secondly, this is an interesting competition with excellent cash prizes and an opportunity to speak out, tell about yourself, about your arrival in the world of HYIPs, ups and downs. Thanks a lot!
    What I would like to add to the blog. It seems to me, it would be nice to add the function of tracking the number of deposits and participants in a particular project. For example, in the form of a table of payments referral or oblige all participants to comment on the contribution and (or) payment of refs. It would be convenient for us, investors, approximately to calculate the total amount of investments in the project for an approximate concept of the amount of compensation in the case of (pah, pah, pah) scum. Although, probably, you know better and it's not specifically done, so that the participants are not afraid of a decent amount of deposits in a particular project :). I also have a suggestion to make the section "Pool in the project". I observe that now this is a very fashionable direction for investors, they are bunching around in chats, they themselves choose a project for the pool, agree and make a deposit. In most cases, the pool is triggered. I myself also take part in them, but I do not always have time to collect a new one. It would be great if there was an opportunity to go to the pool formally, so to speak officially, from your portal. It is possible, for example, that each, in your opinion, more or less worthy project had a sub-section - "go into the pool" and there investors gathered, each with its possible contribution amount. After the required amount for the minimum contribution to a favorable tariff was collected, a contribution would be made. Next, would have already collected for a new pool and so to the scum. The idea, of course, is raw, needs to be worked out, but I'm sure that there would be many who would like it. You also benefit - contributions from your portal would be more significant.
    More I do not see any flaws - the reflow is paid quickly, the bonus for activity is also almost immediately, compensations are paid, there are no complaints. Everything works clearly and smoothly. So, I wish your blog further success, only profitable projects that understand the HYIPs of investors, and not newcomers who, if they merge the bank, then leave for good, adequate admins who honestly fulfill their obligations and work for a long time. Thank you once again for such a wonderful contest, I hope not the last one. I liked it very much. And Admin, I want to wish not to get upset, I'm sure everything will be fine!

  7. Avatar photo Marishka:

    Thank you very much for the prize! 02.02.18 11: 59 Receive Received Payment 125.00 USD from account U2477294 to account U14000189. Batch: 203886771.

  8. Avatar photo AlexBet:

    All welcome, my name is Alex.

    I managed to read this life story from cover to cover, learned useful points for myself, plus rethought some things for life.

    The conclusion was not so simple for me as it seemed from the first lines of the story. After all, I assumed this development from the very beginning of the text, but in my heart I hoped for the fact that a person could overcome and overcome his problems. But it happened as it should have happened, because other people's money once does not provide a person with freedom of action, or receiving immeasurable wealth on an ongoing basis. Since any person is prone to rapid enrichment at the expense of strangers, ideas or opinions. A person is simply ready to follow the heads of other people in order to achieve the maximum result. And it's hard to stop it, in fact, nature has laid such complex qualities in a person. In this case, do not forget that the white band can easily change to a black bar, or vice versa, it all depends on life situations in general.

    I understand the administrator, because I put myself in his place. Simply easy money stupefies the head and brain of a person first and foremost, you begin to realize all the moves and actions on your way to your own becoming among the society. It's sad to read the last paragraphs of the story, because everything was originally happening smoothly in his life, although loans are ruining many people around the world. And you need to be aware of this fact, and it is better to live within your means, not thinking about the return of money in the shortest possible time. Since it is difficult to predict your own fate in the future, we simply try to live today, but we must always be aware of the consequences of our actions. In this case, they can be favorable, or bad for a person. Everything depends on the goals, luck, loss, mood, nerves. It's nerves, because they practically come from all the problems in life.

    The admin is great in any case, since not everyone would be able to share this story with everyone. And the negative ending, on the contrary, should help other people on the way to the cherished heights. Either help them dot the "i's", or start their own lives from scratch ...

    The HYIP industry can be done better with the help of stable projects, honest admins (although you rarely see such on the Internet), but if they were not on the network, then people would be less engaged in HYIPs. Behind the HYIPs, the future is clear, since it's much more pleasant to make money on the Internet than to go booby to someone else's uncle in real life. And haypas provide great opportunities for maneuverability, plus interesting connections, fruitful communication, pleasant pastime. Plus, great earnings in the end, although the risks are big in HYIPs. But with experience, the risks are clearly diminishing at times, I noticed this directly in my actions. Yes, and the choice of projects, because you begin to think up for yourself more difficult ways, prefer them easier inputs and exit projects.

    It seems to me that the HYIP industry will make itself better, because the postulates for all of this are known, it is just necessary to adhere regularly to these laws of the modern world. And the development of Internet projects that promote enrichment in a more rapid manner can be seen with the naked eye. And the HYIPs are now experiencing their own development, they are becoming much larger, plus there are additional opportunities for earning in projects, in particular, Bounty campaigns, which generally increase the investor's balance.

    I like the development of the blog -, but there are some wishes related to the improvement of the blog.
    1. I would like to see more articles on the site, namely an information character, where any investor will draw useful facts for himself.
    2. To change as a whole nothing is needed at the moment, you just need to gradually develop the whole concept of the site, adding only the necessary chips.
    3. I want to see changes among personal insurance, because basically win in the draws of the insurance fund, the same people. Can give a chance to beginners, although they have less financial resources.
    4. Update the design, make it even more convenient, in terms of "usability". Since not everyone wants to communicate on the site, investors generally prefer telegrams and the social network Vkontakte for communication.
    5. More organize creative contests, where each investor could show himself from the best side.

    Me personally so far everything suits the work of the site, administration, technical support, information and pleasant buns in the form of contests and quizzes.
    But it is always worth developing on a regular basis in order to keep up with all the new trends in the modern world. Moreover, they appear almost every day, this is especially noticeable among the "HYIP community"!

  9. Avatar photo profitinfo:

    Hmm, the result. Perhaps the main and most obvious conclusion, which, incidentally, is spoken about from everywhere, it is impossible to invest credit money in HYIPs both to investors and administrators.

  10. Avatar photo Marishka:

    Thank you so much! It was very pleasant to relive those emotions! Thank you for the first place and an excellent prize! I'm just happy!!!)))