Mark.Space - virtual reality without additional devices.
Mark.Spacer - revolution in the world of the Internet. It is the world's first platform for creating 3D / VR objects of any complexity. A global ecosystem for communication between people from all over the world. This project combines unique ideas with the most advanced technologies. The founders of Mark.Space have been working in this structure since 2015 and have invested two and a half years and five million dollars in the study of virtual reality. Now you can see the result of the activity in the demo version of the project. Despite the fact that, 3d technologies are now very expensive, we need an additional technique that is difficult to use. Founders Mark.Spacе thoroughly undertook to change this. When the Mark.Spacer program is fully operational, you do not need additional tools, it will be much easier and cheaper to use the technology. Mark.Space project was planned with the concept of applying the emerging VR-technology, to create a world that is more similar to reality. You will travel through the 3D world and get new emotions.
Mark.Spacer. the company has its own MARK (MARK) crypto currency, in consequence of which all actions will take place due to it. Apply Mark.Spacе project can be using different browsers, without pre-installation and registration. The campaign prefers GOOGLE CHROME. To use the project, you will need a personal computer or laptop and Internet resources on it. That's what you need to produce a modern VR salon, office, restaurant or other area for commerce. Each created virtual object on the Mark.Spacer. the project will have its own dominance. As a result of this, the technology of the blockhouse will ensure the safety and transparency of the constructed facilities and the possibility of their sale or lease. All these actions will occur through the use of smart contracts.
Mark.Spacе company plans to create various areas of use, such as residences, salons, commerce and other constructed versions of the real world. This sector includes distribution and consumption of goods and services. The Mark.Space project consists of cities that you can create yourself.
The first city in the project is scheduled for release in April of this year. Districts, neighborhoods and houses will be built in the city. The founder of the city creates its own rules of registration, the price of sale or lease of buildings.
Districts are divided into quarters and buildings. The creator can also create their own rules of registration, the price of the sale or lease of buildings.
The quarter can be divided into buildings, streets and intersections. The quarters are connected together and work on the district system. The quarter can also have a creator and create its own rules, the price of selling or renting buildings.
Buildings, this is a place consisting of boxes. The building has an entrance and exit to the street, where there are other buildings. There are several options for units: residence, shops, commerce, communities, education, entertainment.
This project can automatically find VRochki and VR helmets, operating on the technologies of Web Bluetooth and WebVR. In order to replace, the content of virtual reality is displayed on the screens of personal computers or smartphones. The voice recognition method allows users to apply voice commands that the platform recognizes and executes. The platform has a completely decentralized architecture. Distribution is achieved through the use of three types of servers.
- Data server database of data blocks
- Services-task actions and return results
- Node-storage of data
The recognition system is represented using 3 keys.
- The public key of the concessionaire - the participant gives information about other users,
- The private key of the concessionaire is personal for each participant, which is stored in localstorage
- fingerprint - secret system key.
The participant can choose their recognition system or remain incognito.
As already mentioned, Mark.Space has its own crypto currency MRK token, the ERC20 standard. You have the opportunity to earn MRK tokens by options such as: sell and rent houses, as well as quarters and districts, sell goods and services, sell 3D objects, distribute media and digital content. By purchasing tokens from 23.01.2018 on 22.02.2018 you will get 20% of the bonus. Very interesting suggestions from Mark.Speace.
In total, Mark.Space will release 3000000000 tokens.
The minimum amount of funds collected in the first stage of sales of 35000000 USD.
The cost of the MRK depends on the USD, with each further stage of the sale of the tokens, the price will increase.
Distribution of tokens
36% tokens - marketing
33% tokens - project development
10% tokens - legal support
7% tokens - R & D
6% of tokens are angels
4% tokens - command
4% tokens - technological infrastructure
The project was developed from 2015 year, in February, after the ICO, the project will be finalized, translated into a multitude of platform languages and developed in different districts for different areas of the settlement. In January 2019, there will be a second phase of selling tokens. Further development of the project is planned. In 2020, an internal advertising network will be created.
This highly qualified command, composed of experts necessary for the company areas of activity.
YANA KONTOROVICH CEO and Founder Candidate of Economic Sciences
OLEG YERSHOV Co-founder Marketer
DENIS POLOLYAKHOV Co-founder IT-entrepreneur
Within the framework of the project, there is a bounty program
Translate и modernizing Forum 15%
Twitter 20%
Facebook 20%
Blog, Youtube 10%
Эthat breakthrough, который already happened, в the Internet... The project is really promising, trendy, grandiose. Virtual reality without additional devices is the Internet of the next generation.
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* Our BTT account -;u=1473358;sa=summa
1 February, 2018