News HYIP-industry (05-11.01.2015)
I welcome you dear partners!
The situation in the hyip-industry at the moment is quite calm, the main movements are now taking place in mlm projects and fasts. Among them there are several high-quality programs that will surely provide investors with an opportunity to earn money. We will not talk about projects from these sections here, but we will only talk about new products that give up to 60% of profit per month. Below you will find some of these new products that are worth paying attention to. For the current week, a clear negative comes only from the EgoPay payment system, but read more about this ...
New projects: - the project has just started, it has not bad technical data. For three tariff plans
investments are calculated for a period of 40-50 days under 4% -7% on a daily basis with a minimum contribution from the 251 $. the contribution of the body is included in payments that are processed after the instant order. To participate with a smaller amount (from $ 10) provides plan-piggy bank with charge daily profit 1.2% and the possibility of withdrawal of the deposit at any time by holding the commission 10%. Let's watch the dial of advertising. is a new mid-interest HYIP project with working tariffs, according to which the deposit is included in daily charges. The investment period is designed for 15-60 days at 3.8% -7.9%. Profit is accrued on calendar days, the minimum contribution is $ 10. The technical side is formed at a standard good level, the project is developed on a self-written script. We recommend that you enter in small amounts for now, or wait for development. - high-quality high-quality, high-yield project, started at the beginning of the week. The project is a piggy bank with a daily charge of a floating interest from 1% to 3%, the maximum amount of charges depends on the selected plan. The deposit is available for withdrawal at any time without any terms of freezing. There is a powerful build on the script with a ddos-protection from BlackLotus and ssl-encryption of data from Comodo for a period of 5 years. The site is located on a dedicated server, the domain is redeemed for 10 years, the design is unique. Promotion is conducted by many top-end monitors with expensive listings. is a fresh middle money box with unconventional marketing and a powerful technical component. Non-standard marketing manifests itself in two directions: in the first case, an interest rate increased by 10% will be charged on the body of the deposit every 100 days for 0.2 days; in the second case, during these 100 days, every 10 days, 10% of the balance of the deposit will be withdrawn to the balance, which can be ordered for withdrawal. The remaining amount can be withdrawn at the end of the investment period. The size of the interest rate depends on the selected tariff, for all plans the investment period is 100 days. The minimum deposit amount is from $ 20. Such marketing can significantly extend the life of the project, everything will depend on the intentions of the administrator.
bench: - for about 100 days there was sluggish activity in payments among monitors, of which a little more than a month as a "partisan". Most likely, the admin did not wait for potential investors, even after the design change, and there was not enough savings to pay monitors. Scam project. - admin fulfilled obligations within 57 days, which is almost 2/3 of his
investment term. The project is not particularly popular, besides holidays completely stopped the influx of fresh infusions. The project does not pay, the rules violated.
Events: - an unpleasant situation has arisen with the users of this payment system. From wallets of steel
massively written off and blocked funds. According to the observations of some participants in the system, themselves representatives of the bills involved in the monetary machinations with large sums. The administration, in turn, said the burglary of the SS with the loss of more than 1 million dollars, ask everyone not to panic. We recommend to ascertain the circumstances to completely abandon any transactions with the payment system. - announce that they now have 2 phone numbers for customer support: +44 203 5141280 (GMT 11:00 - 19:00) and +85 258 084 105 (GMT + 8 10:00 - 20:00). For all questions, you can contact the indicated phones or in the Live Chat, which works around the clock.
A set of regional representatives will be opened in the near future, whose responsibilities include
the holding of regional advertising campaigns to attract new customers and their advice. To become a regional representative, you must send a request to the specified site data to the email address, after which the administration will contact you within a few days. - the next winner of the free weekly raffle for obtaining VIP status among all system participants has been determined. It turned out to be user lampies000. - it is reported that on 11.01.2015 at 21:00 an on-line webinar on the topic "Getting to know the company" is being held. Oleg Ushakov (curator of the Russian-language direction) will be the speaker of the webinar.
Link to the room: - they offer for viewing a 10-minute video review of the game account of the leading hockey analyst of the project, who made the bank's growth by more than 1000000 rubles in a month. Video review link:
They offer each participant to open a deposit on 10 12 2015 January of the year and get to the account of 10% of the amount
deposit, which will be immediately available for withdrawal after award. Net income according to the plans, taking into account
bonus will be:
22 14% over days
36 21% over days
50 28% over days
News of the website:
1) to replace the old logo on the portal a more rigorous and, in our opinion, attractive.
2) On the portal received the following projects: (on the website - with 08.01.15, protected - up to 28.01.15).
3) published a review of the project
January 11, 2015