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News HYIP-industry (13.02-07.03.2017)

I welcome you dear partners!
For a long time we have not come out with a news digest on events from the hyip industry market, during this time a lot of information has accumulated, with which we would like to share with you as soon as possible. Let's touch on mainly loud topics, we will omit less interesting ones to save time. The winter period is over, and the time has come for changes, reaching a new, more reliable level of investment protection with the accumulation of an unlimited fund. As part of the spring period, new seasonal promotions have started, which will pleasantly surprise you, you can familiarize yourself with them in the corresponding section on the portal. And, of course, we want to congratulate all our beautiful women on the International Women's Day on March 8! Thank you for the beauty, love and affection, only thanks to you men are ready to overcome any obstacles and achieve great success in business. We sincerely wish you to remain as charming and patient, to receive care from loved ones, Happy Spring to you!

New projects: is a newcomer to the mid-interest section with a very long-term deposit for 70 working days with a deposit included in payments. The percentage on weekdays is 3% daily, there are no charges on weekends. The total profit for the entire period will be 210%, payments are processed by an instance upon request. The project itself runs on an individual script, is hosted on a dedicated server and is protected from various kinds of attacks thanks to Ddos-Guard services and encryption of user data from GoDaddy. Design for an amateur, marketing itself, too, the contribution will have to be beaten off for about seven weeks. Advertising on the network has not yet launched momentum, it will be interesting to watch. is a new mid-percent based on a three-group profitability system. Periodically, the old lots are replaced by new ones, but the terms of the deposits and the percentage of accruals remain approximately the same. Depending on the group deposits last from one to two months, the deposit body is already included in daily payments, the size of which ranges from 3.1% to 4.7%. For re-investors, a loyalty and trust program is provided, where the total return on repeat deposits will be higher. According to the technical data, the project is based on the H-script engine, there is a high-quality protection from Ddos-Guard and ssl-encryption with Greenbar from GeoTrust. The quality of the PR company can be watched for a while, the admin does not rush things, although the players willingly supplement the project budget. Let's see what will come of it. - a fresh middling from a hard-working administrator who can run quality projects and bring investors to a net profitability. In marketing with constantly changing tariff offers, the main attention is paid to the hourly plan with accruals from 0.3% to 0.8% every hour without time limits, i.e. For the entire life of the project, requests for payments are made in the instant-mode. On technical features, the license script GoldCoders is used, the domain is paid for 2 years ahead, ddos-protection from Koddos, ssl with the greenbar from GeoTrust. In the PR movement, the project is involved in almost all monitoring, which gives the site increased attention. In general, a promising platform for investment, we observe.

bench: - the project has been completed for almost 3 months, the administration should be given credit, the work was carried out at an excellent level. What will definitely be remembered for a long time is the stunning design and the most powerful promotion. On average, according to tariff plans, from the very beginning, they managed to earn about 150% of net profit. Since the dynamics of popularity proceeded systematically, some did not come here from the start, many believed in the future life of the project, continuing to increase active deposits, and not having time to pass the breakeven zone, so it was not without victims. For these purposes, an unlimited protection was created on the portal with a fairly large fund of $ 2000. We are waiting for your applications for compensation, draw up reports correctly and do not delay with them, on the evening of March 7, compensation will be calculated and paid. - 22 days and only a third of the period on the portal. The result, to put it mildly, is very weak, but the potential was present. The first investors even earned a little, but there are not many of them, most of them experienced the bitterness of the scam. This time the machine gun didn’t fire, and the site was no longer working. Partners can always count on support from the portal in the form of compensation, in this case the fund was enough to cover 20% of the total amount of losses. - due to short plans, the attitude towards the scam is calmer. In 23 days it was possible to play 3 laps on the test plan (7 days) and 1 lap on a 15-day plan. In general, the earnings of investors could be from 7% to 21% + refback. According to the terms of payment of compensations are not supposed, in fact the project has worked out the period of protection allotted to it. Naturally, it is not worth investing more, although the site is still working, you will not see payments, scam. - 68 full days during which contributors could increase their capital up to 150% net profit. In my opinion it is quite worthy, most of the participants remained grateful to the administrator for the profit and are waiting for his return in a new guise. The only pity is that one by one last year's projects are leaving the industry, from which a generally positive opinion has developed.

Events: - created the official chat of the Cashbury platform in Telegram, there is also a news channel there. Added a new way to replenish the balance via bank transfer in rubles, euros and dollars. Also, since March 6, the commissions for withdrawing funds through Qiwi, AdvCash and Tinkoff Bank have changed. - regularly hold meetings, business conferences and presentations in different countries, where the issues of renewable energy sources and financing of projects for the development of alternative energy of the future were most often discussed. We also remind you about the extension of the promotion for the drawing of valuable prizes, such as the iPhone 7 and Makbook Air. To participate, it is necessary to increase the turnover of the structure by $ 1 in the period from March 31 to March 40000 to receive an iPhone 7 and by $ 50000 to win a Macbook Air. is already 120 days online behind, which brought 200% of the profit to the regular investors. The prospects are not over there, the administration continues to amaze with new updates. Pay attention to the address bar in the browser, where you will find legal identification in the form of a certificate received from GeoTrust for 1 year with a green bar. The number of registrations has exceeded 20000, of which more than 7500 are active investors, there are other statistics on the site. Added a new section "Cryptonews" with fresh news from the cryptocurrency market. - opened their official channel of the company in the telegram. Also, from February 22, the new investment plan "Low Risk" is now fully available for general investment for 90 calendar days with the return of the body of the deposit at the end of the term, the interest rate is at a fixed level of 0.8% per day. Well, for dessert, pay attention to the current contests: 1. Competition for the creation of the best Etoro Invest group in the VK social network with high-quality content, activity, posts and reposts. The prize fund of $ 1000 will be shared by three winners, and the best groups will also be sent to the web-representatives page. The competition is held until March 15 inclusive; 2. A weekly competition for investors, where the best three participants in terms of the size of the deposit are determined according to the results of each week. Prize winners will receive a personal deposit bonus of + 3%, + 2%, + 1% in accordance with their place. The most active investor can increase his balance by 12% within a month. - a new investment plan has been in effect for a couple of weeks with a term of 30 working days and charges of 5% per day, the deposit is included in payments, the final income will be 150%. A new payment system Payza has also been added, at the moment the maximum deposit should not exceed $ 300, as it develops, the limit will be increased. - added the ability to create deposits in Euro currency using PerfectMoney, AdvancedCash and Payeer payment systems. A page has been created with staff vacancies, where speakers are required for conducting webinars, managers, translators, consultants and other talented people. For prompt processing of applications, the minimum order amounts have been increased: $ 30 - Neteller, $ 15 - YandexMoney, $ 5 - for all other payment systems. - due to the great interest shown by participants from Asian countries, they decided to translate the site into Chinese. As the popularity grows, the language panel will be updated with new versions of translations. - developed an investment bot based on the Telegram platform, with which you can register, make deposits, withdraw funds, learn about the latest news, and more. The bot is located at @SolarInvestBot and has already been named Warren. For registered users, you need to link the bot to your account by logging into it through your personal account. Added the second and third levels of the affiliate program, now it looks like this: 7% -2% -1% for standards and 11% -3% -1% for VIP. A bonus system has also been introduced for active referrals with a cash reward. Well, very soon there will be a complete design update from the German studio, and payment systems Payza and YandexMoney will also be connected. - In his mail, the admin indicates that investments work in the real financial sector. And, despite the short life span of one month, he is ready to work for more than one year, overstepping all economic barriers. From the stated lines, we learned that the number of participants exceeded 13000 from more than 140 countries. In the near future, it is planned to introduce more than 10 localizations on the site, launch a representative program and connect several new payment systems. - since our last discussion about the project, a video presentation about the company's activities has appeared on the site, a new Facebook group has been opened. Recently, 70 days have passed since the site opened for online investments, and this is more than 170% of the profit according to the one-day plan, all the admins would have worked like that. - a block with a gorgeous video presentation appeared on the main page, they made it possible to send text messages to their referrals directly from the telegram bot, a calculator was added to the site for quick profit calculation, and the latest events were the addition of French and Indian languages.

News of the website:

1) Spring promotions on the portal are activated and in March we announce "Spring Money Fall", according to which $ 5 bonus will be added to the amount of every fifth refback ordered through the Telegram bot. For details, see the "Promotions" section of the menu.

2) We go to a new level of protection of your deposits with an indefinite action of the fund, the amount of which can increase as the project becomes more popular. The announcement of this news is available on the link:
A new level of investment protection - Eternal Protection

3) On the portal received the following projects: (On the site - with 13.02.17, under protection - up to 10.04.17). (on the website - with 14.02.17, protected - up to 15.05.17). (On the site - with 18.02.17, under protection - up to 23.02.17). (The site - with 18.02.17, protected - up to 07.03.17). (On the site - with 21.02.17, under protection - up to 25.02.17). (The site - with 27.02.17, protected - up to 10.03.17). (On the site - with 01.03.17, under protection - up to 10.04.17). (The site - with 03.03.17, protected - up to 28.03.17). (On the site - with 07.03.17, under protection - up to 07.04.17). (The site - with 08.03.17, protected - up to 28.03.17).

4) published a draft review: - Start Living Free! Results 100 days of work and insurance for 2000 $. - incredible success and fireproof protection against losses on $ 3000. - rebranding and deposit insurance to $ 2000.

5) video reviews are published projects:

6) compensated partners lost funds in the projects: - paid 33% of losses (over $ 2000) - paid 50% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 20% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 40% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 30% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 15% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 50% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 110% loss (more than 300 $).

1 review to 'News HYIP-industry (13.02-07.03.2017) "

  1. Avatar photo Sergii Profit-Hunters:

    Opening of the contribution of the spring beauty!
    Pleasures, kindness, smiles!
    Women's secrets
    Purity, Love!
    Joy, health and happiness!
    And to protect you
    And light
    And Spring!
    All girls, women investors with the holiday of spring!