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News HYIP-industry (19.12-31.12.2017)

I welcome you dear partners!
Today is the last day of the current year and this is our last review of the events in the “hyping” market. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2018 and wish you great happiness, stability in all areas and more joyful and positive moments in the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The year was bright and eventful, the direction of cryptocurrencies for many opened their eyes and became one of the main financial instruments, and in general, in a sense, 2017 can be considered the year of cryptocurrencies. As part of the investment hyip market, the admins offered many options that will remain in the memory for a long time, where they managed to make great money. At Profit-Hunters, there were also many different innovations, in particular, the blog's activities are now officially registered, our team has become larger and stronger, and the number of users and visitors to the portal has grown significantly. In the future, we guarantee to adhere to the same course, we will grow with you and do our best for our readers. Everyday success to you, stable profit, always stay with and see you in 2018.

New projects:

As you know, now holidays and the best option at this time will be investment in gifts to your family, relatives and friends, as well as Christmas decorations and a festive table. Though such investments will not bring you interest, but the sea of ​​positive and joyful mood is guaranteed to you. In fact, recently, decent projects from the newcomers were not lucky enough to find, there are several options in the guise of partisans, but we will not deprive them of a smooth start and watch them aside. We continue to work with stable funds in the portfolio of our portal.

bench: - more than 7 months, the results of profitability are not particularly proud, but the admin did his best. The project successfully fulfilled all our conditions for the protection of deposits and for some time continued to fulfill its obligations. Now the fund is increasingly having problems with payments, the site is still working, but we strongly do not recommend investing. We transferred the project to scams, and as a result we fixed a profit. - about 80 days, according to the basic tariffs the admin has not even pulled a circle. The project has already been transferred to the scaffolding and even paid full compensation for it. Despite this decision on our part, you can still see fresh payments on some sites. However, selective payments can not become the basis for keeping the project in the working section, they have hanged the status of the scam, do not invest.,, - these projects suddenly went on New Year's holidays until January 10-15, suspending all payments, while continuing to accept deposits, which turns out to be unfair to investors. New Year's holidays cannot be a reason for the absence of payments for 2-3 weeks, so we decided to set the projects with the appropriate statuses and pay compensation to partners. If the projects are restored next year, then we will move them to the working section on the blog and additionally notify about this in the next news section.

Events: - since the Blockchain network is now overloaded and the number of unconfirmed transactions is about 20000, the withdrawal to Bitcoin is temporarily switched to manual payments and may take up to 7 days until the situation stabilizes. - recorded a new video message in which they congratulate all users on the upcoming holidays and briefly summarize the results of the outgoing year, and also shared the nearest plans for the company's development. - the project was well received by our partners, a review is already ready on the portal in text and video formats, so get familiar with it. Regarding the New Year holidays, the administration has appropriately allocated the rest time, during which funds will not be withdrawn. So, non-working hours are from 31.12.2017/18/00 at 01.01.2018:12 and until 00/XNUMX/XNUMX XNUMX:XNUMX, the rest of the time the payment schedule will correspond to the working mode.

News of the website:

1) On the portal received the following projects: (On the site - with 20.12.17, under protection - up to 30.01.18). (On the site - with 22.12.17, under protection - up to 25.01.18). (On the site - with 24.12.17, under protection - up to 14.01.18). (On the site - with 28.12.17, under protection - up to 11.01.18).

2) published a draft review:

3) video reviews are published projects:

4) Articles on crypto-currency topics are published:

The fork of the Bitcoin: where do the forks of the main crypto currency come from and who do they need?
Binance - Exchange with its own crypto currency

5) compensated partners lost funds in the projects: - paid 35% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 110% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 110% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 110% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 25% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 50% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 110% loss (more than 500 $). - paid 70% loss (more than 500 $).