News HYIP-industry (26.10-01.11.2015)
I welcome you dear partners!
Today is November 1, 2015, we meet the last month of autumn and summarize the results of the outgoing period in the field of hyip investments. Several short-term programs were added to the portal under protection, which can show a positive result for investors, but, as practice shows, not everyone succeeds unfortunately. The past week turned out to be rich in scams, among which there are quite illogical ones, seasonality in HYIPs is already beginning to be felt a little, we will check whether it is or not in the next weeks. On the whole, the month turned out to be quite productive and profitable, which indicates the relevance of this method of earning money. Read also in our today's digest about the latest events from the news headings of projects, stay with us and follow the Profit-Hunters portal for new "worthy" updates.
New projects: is a middleman with powerful technical training and daily charges of 2% -3% from Monday to Friday for 75 working days, the deposit is returned at the end of the term. The project runs on a licensed GoldCoders script, located on a dedicated server with protection against Ddos attacks from the Ddos-Guard company, the domain was redeemed until 2017, ssl encryption with a greenbar from Comodo for a year. The term of the deposit, although quite long, but the admin here knows how to work with such marketing, we will closely monitor further development. is a new medium interest with incredible excitement, this behavior of depositors is caused to a greater extent by the management's ability to competently apply marketing policies and professionally cope with the flow of investments. Many have already compared the administrator with the founder of the Rubles project, of course reputation plays an important role, but numerous 4-digit deposits at the start of the project a little alarm. There is a certain variety in the tariffs, so that the investor will easily be located here and choose the most interesting plan, among which there is a money box with an 3 freeze at 1% per day, a plan for 7 days at 1.5% per day with a return of the deposit at the end of the term and Plans with the included deposit with daily accrual of 10.43% and 10.94% on 12 and 14 days respectively. The project definitely has to itself, do not call, but we recommend that you pay attention. is a good middle manager with excellent technical data, it works on a self-written script, the design is laconic in a light design and translated into 3 languages. Investment offers include 3 rates with a daily charge from 5.3% to 5.9% per day for 26, 32 and 35 days. The deposit is allowed to open no more than once a day. The minimum deposit is $ 1, your profit will directly depend on the size of the deposit, the more you are going to invest in the project, the higher the interest rate on the deposit will be charged. The project is still quite fresh, let's watch the promotion.
bench: - admin or typical scammer or pervohodets. With these plans you can work much longer than 8 days on the calendar, but it did not work out. The costs of promotion and did not see instant later turned off, there is no payout. - some kind of unpredictable scam turned out, the project, although it worked for more than 3 months, but its potential remained undeveloped. Every week, the interest in the project increased, the profit went to the wallet without interruption, but this weekend everything was cut short. Don't invest, scam. - following the previous project, another site is leaving the HYIP arena this weekend, which served for the benefit of profit for about 100 days. The final profitability here, of course, turned out to be much higher, the admin managed to demonstrate the ability to manage the project with dignity. The day before, a massive outflow of funds from the cash register began (marketing allowed), which served as an early termination of work. The admin has closed the work of the site at the moment, we have no complaints, got out of the protection of deposits on time. We remove the program from the list of worthy, scam. - hot here was a game, but not for long, only 4 days unfortunately. At this time, the administrator turned stingy profit and did not pay more than 105% of the nominal first depositors. Despite starting the activity of investors on the first day, the future dynamics of deposits grew in the progression, so the money for a total box office definitely has enough to pay, but the administrator has decided to be distributed by them in their favor. The project does not pay scam. - the project served its depositors exactly one circle (12 days) in relation to all tariff plans. Those who entered in the first days were able to break even and even make a small profit. We did not see a qualitative result here, the admin worked for a "C", scam. - one and a half months of work admin showed quite good results, giving investors the opportunity to play on any of the plans and make up to 80% gains. Recently instant payments stopped, the transfer to the bench.
Events: - they offer to show themselves in all their glory, and therefore, starting from 1.11.2015/1.12.2015/XNUMX to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX, they plan to redesign the entire site. In addition, new payment systems will be connected, the site will be multilingual, the user functionality will be improved, and all charges and payments will be made in the standard mode. - Share their achievements during the first month of work and report on future development plans. Literally in the coming months, they plan to achieve the number of registrations up to 1000 people per day, connect new payment systems, add a section with video reviews from participants in various languages, and prepare a special platform for video conferencing. - more and more often they began to create video reports of trading foreign exchange operations with a successful outcome and good profit. Visit the official project group in VK to be the first to know about the next examples of the trading day. - connected the Okpay and SolidTrustPay payment systems, they also remind that replenishment via Bitcoin can take up to 24 hours to process the payment. - announced the purchase of a 500 Mercedes-Benz S-Class s2015 from an authorized dealer in the Emirates. The cost of a new car for sale is $ 218000, can provide the VIN of the car to the target customer. All necessary documents for export will be done one day after the conclusion of the transaction.
It is also attempting to connect the international transfer system for USD payments and receive payments directly from a checking account in the company's Noor Islamic Bank OAE. A test run is planned to produce in December 10 2015 years. - started selecting representatives of the system by country and city, now there are about 50 of them and the list is constantly growing. A complete list of representatives and contacts for communication with them can be found in the "Contacts" section. We published step-by-step instructions on how to connect stores correctly. Registrations and applications can be submitted now, but the connection will take place only at the second stage of the development of the system, see the details of the connection on the project website. They also invite everyone to join the Vkontakte and Facebook groups, subscribe to the Youtube channel and take part in contests, sweepstakes and lotteries that are planned to be held in the near future. - made regular monthly settlements with investors under the "Trust Management" plan. The results of the trading period for the last 3 months will be summed up until November 15, 2015 (inclusive). - they accept congratulations on their account in connection with the onset of a six-month period from the start of the project. They share their successes, stability in work and numerous innovations that have been introduced into the program during this not long, but rather long period. Taking into account the wishes of investors, partners and observers, they try to optimize the project for maximum convenience. A number of new updates are also planned for the next year, which are still kept secret. - added a Youtube channel on the main page, gave a detailed interview to the management of the well-known monitoring service, and connected the new Okpay and Payza payment systems for deposits and withdrawals. - for the period of the next working week from 26.10/30.10.15 to 4.6/25/10, traders showed good profitability at the Smart rate of XNUMX%. On the social network Vkontakte, they announced a repost competition, where it is enough to join the official group of the project and repost the entries with the competition. The results will be announced on November XNUMX live on the channel of showman Yuri Khovanskiy on Youtube. The winners will be XNUMX participants with good prize money:
1st place - Apple MacBook Air 13
2nd place - Apple Iphone 6s
3rd place - Apple iPad Air 2 tablet
4-10 places - 1000 rubles. - November 4 marks 2 months of work in the network, in connection with this event, a promotion is being held, according to which an additional percentage will be charged on new deposits of participants:
5% - for replenishment from $ 50 to $ 300
10% - for replenishment from $ 301 to $ 1000
15% - for replenishment from $ 1001 to $ 3000
20% - for replenishment from $ 3001 to $ 10000
Time for the action devoted to the 29.10 09.11.2015 of the year. Get bonus by sending a request to the post office, after recharge.
News portal:
1) On the portal received the following projects: (on the website - with 27.10.15, protected - up to 07.11.15). (on the website - with 28.10.15, protected - up to 12.11.15).
2) published reviews and video reviews of projects:
3) compensated partners lost funds in the projects: - paid 20% of losses (more than 500 $).
1 November, 2015