News HYIP-industry (29.06-05.07.2015)
I welcome you dear partners!
By tradition, every Sunday we aim to inform all our users and visitors of the Profit-Hunters portal about the most important events taking place in the hyip industry. Compared to the previous week, the situation has practically not changed at all, there is nothing special to single out for new projects, there are no scams as such, if you do not take into account the fasts and mlm. The most significant event of this week is the anniversary of the Cryptoconomist project. All other programs from the "Decent Projects" section continue to make stable payments, except for Webtransfer-Finance, where the situation is now ambiguous. We also ask you to rate our portal promo video. Enjoy your investment, stay with us friends!
New projects: is a typical bare template guerrilla from GC. It was released with a solid technical base: a license from GoldCoders, a dedicated server, DDoS protection from Genius Guard, ssl encryption from Comodo for 1 year, a verified PM account. Marketing worker with one plan, according to which it is proposed to invest at 1% for 30 working days. At the end of the period, the deposit will be returned. Referral program 3% for all deposits, the minimum for creating a deposit is standard $ 10. We recommend that you wait for the rebranding, if you are really impatient, then operate with small amounts. is another middleman with an interest rate from 1% to 2.7% and charges on weekdays. The period of the deposit is not limited, the freeze of deposits is valid for 5, 10 and 20 days (depending on the selected tariff). A little strange arrangement of the interval between percentages, from the outside it seems that three hundred will be enough for the administrator to leave happy. In addition, an overpriced affiliate program with relatively short plans suggests a quick scam. The admin is not fond of promotion, there are no real investors, we draw conclusions. is an interesting mid-income resource with a unique design. The term of the deposit is set for 7 and 12 days, the refund is available for withdrawal at the end of the term at the first tariffs and is included in the charges for the rest. The investor's net income will be between 8.5% and 21.6% for the investment period. Deposit accruals are made 7 days a week, payments are processed manually. The minimum contribution is from $ 20, the maximum contribution is limited for stability in work. I think you can watch the development, the circle should survive without problems.
bench: - set the status of the project to "Problems", since not all participants receive payments. Many applications fall under the so-called "Security Security Check", which was never heard before, and now have been activated to check accounts for double write-offs and possible violations. In general, while some are being checked, others are reporting payments. We are not writing off the project yet, we will continue to monitor it, but we should notify you about existing problems.
Events: - reported public holidays and days off in July. Due to the official holidays on July 3 and 17, there will be no accruals on deposits, the withdrawal and replenishment of the balance will work as usual. - this investment platform shows excellent growth in development and continues to recruit representatives from all countries. Project representatives from Japan, Brazil, Venezuela, Singapore, Argentina, South Africa, Slovenia, Italy joined in. The total number of countries with representatives has exceeded 30 and this is not the limit. Each investor can become a representative of his country by sending an application to any address of the company, specifying the necessary data. - the admin continues to rebuild the opinion of many investors about highly profitable projects. This time, the event is truly parasitic, the project is 1 year old since its launch on the network. As you can see, there are no problems with solvency, and it digests fabulous sums. Cryptoconomist can rightfully be called one of the leaders of the fast-category. So, in the newsletter, the admin said that the program is included in the 15000 leading sites from around the world (according to the Alexa rating), in addition, the number of participants exceeded 18000 people, some contributions reached $ 30000. The next update was the changed affiliate program: 5% -1.5% -1% of referral deposits, in addition, you can get an additional 5% bonus on referral deposits over $ 2000. Also, the start of two separate competitions for attracting partners to the system was announced, which will last exactly one week (until July 11, 2015). Read the terms of the competition on the website, the prize fund totaling $ 3200 ($ 2000 - for one competition and $ 1200 - for another). - celebrate 90 days of successful work and announce the opening of hourly plans within a week, which many users have used. We also opened for investment the latest plan "VIP BITC: 5000% in 50 days", the entrance amount for this plan is $ 200. In addition, the administration draws attention to the dynamic growth of development, which can be tracked by the Alexa ranking. - hold daily draws and various contests with real cash prizes. They decided to leave the original plan "STANDARD", but with a fixed interest rate of 1.2%. Updates await you in your personal account, in the bonus section. Soon, OKpay and NixMoney payment systems will be connected and withdrawals to Sberbank and PrivatBank will be available. - the company's profit for the month of June was 63.93%. All income was distributed among active accounts. If you have any questions about working with the project, please contact the support on numerous contacts for advice. - took care of the protection of funds when they are withdrawn from the system. With each withdrawal request, you will need to enter a combination of the number, which has a corresponding unique code on the code card. You can get the card in the personal account in the "Security" section. All codes are one-time use, so if they run out or the card is lost for any reason, contact the administration using the feedback form for recovery. - the accounts and the entire site are being updated, and their work is being optimized, therefore, short-term interruptions are possible. The site acquires a more functional and informative look, the FAQ section has been added and the investment calculator has been updated to calculate the profit for each plan. The "Career" tab has become available in the LC, where personal activity is recorded, later a leadership program will also be introduced. - in the section "Advertising materials" added a set of banners in English. Another clone site is also reported to have been created for the purpose of deceiving. Be careful and never submit your personal data. - held regular business meetings in the cities of Izhevsk, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti. A meeting with partners in the city of Samara is scheduled for tomorrow. As usual, find out the contacts for the appointment and the venue by the phone numbers that are published on the site.
News of the website:
1) You could not help but notice the appearance of a promo video on our portal, which turned out to be quite interesting in our opinion, I hope you will like it too. We also launched a new advertising tool - Profit-feed, thanks to which the compensation for "Protection of deposits" will be increased. The higher the project is in the feed, the larger the fund amount will be. And I would also like to thank everyone for the partner activity in the portal topic on the MMGP forum, this week the number of messages left in the topic exceeded 5000. At the moment, none of our competitors can provide such an indicator, we will continue to move in this direction and reach new heights.
2) On the portal received the following projects: (on the website - with 29.06.15, protected - up to 30.07.15). (on the website - with 29.06.15, protected - up to 29.07.15). (on the website - with 30.06.15, protected - up to 07.07.15).
3) published a draft review:
4) compensated partners lost funds in the projects: - paid 20% of losses (more than 300 $).
July 5, 2015