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News HYIP-industry (30.01-05.02.2017)

I welcome you dear partners!
Traditionally, every Sunday, we continue to broadcast on the portal about important events over the past week, which in one way or another have affected the HYIP industry. It is sad, but after stable growth and profit, as in any area of ​​business, unfavorable moments may arise. The beginning of February was marked with just such a situation, and we were faced with a wave of scams. Part of the losses, of course, was covered by the profit from other work projects, in addition, the compensation paid from the portal smoothed out the total losses to a minimum. This is why it is so important to make the right investment portfolio. New items undoubtedly also appear day after day, all have their own pros and cons, but for each you need to observe the dynamics of popularity and a set of advertising, in extreme cases, enter only a small amount for the test. Visit the portal more often, add to our friendly chat in the telegram, so as not to miss the most important news, well, we'll get started ...

New projects: is an attractive middle manager with solid tech and plans for all tastes. In fact, the project can be classified as fast, since the most popular is the plan at 6% per day for a period of 30 days. Shorter rates surround it: 2% daily for 20 days with the return of the deposit body at the end of the term and 115% after 10 days with a one-time payment of interest and a deposit after the completion of the circle. Key features: a unique script and design with a multilingual panel, the domain is paid until 2022, a dedicated server, Antiddos protection, ssl with a greenbar from Comodo, instant payments. Despite the presence of all popular payment systems, the main one is Bitcoin, it is into it that all inputs and outputs are converted at the rate at the time of the transaction. In general, an interesting product, but you should not get carried away with large sums. is a new medium interest bearing with long-term marketing for 100 calendar days with no refund at the end of the term. Daily accruals from 2.2% to 4% per day, depending on the amount, the minimum contribution is from $ 20. Payments are instant upon request, but you can activate the "machine" for a fee of 5% of the withdrawal amount. There are no complaints about visual and technical data, the script is self-written, the site is translated into 3 languages ​​with the presence of Russian. Ranked affiliate program - 11% -16% of investor deposits. The project has just started, there is still little advertising, let's see how it will develop further. is another medium-profit project with an acceptable plan, which is presented in a single variant under 3% per day for 60 days (Contribution is included in payments). The external cover of the site for an amateur, a selection of fonts I did not like, although the design itself is generally not bad. Technical data has the following characteristics: license script GoldCoders, domain up to the middle of 2018 year, ddos-protection from Ddos-Guard, encryption from Comodo with greenbar. The minimum investment is from 10 $, payments are manual, but very fast. The admin has already incurred some advertising costs, we take to remote control, the further destiny of the project is interesting.

bench: - whoever said what, but from the start there was a quirk thanks to comprehensive insiders. The admin could withstand such a load if it was about mutual interests. In this case, investors paid for a quick start, since the manager simply ran away with half of the entire cash register, without making an attempt to keep the project in working order. It's a pity, after all, many believed in long-term investment, and in fact 70 days and an unexpected scam, while the contribution at the running tariffs paid off only after 4 months. The site does not open, there are no payments. - the project merged, and quite quickly, i.e. during the week. We were waiting for the game on all tariff plans, but only a “piggy bank” with the possibility of withdrawing interest and denomination on any day turned out to be working. Total up to 15% of income, the rest is losses. Irreversible scam, the site does not open, there are no payments. is an unpredictable result that drove many to the minus. The admin acted more cunningly, stopping payments from the project, and maybe more stupid. After all, in order to win the trust of investors, you need to show that you can work. 40 days is not an indicator, even if the minimum plan with a yield of + 20% of the deposit has been passed. In general, "scam" period. is one of the first to open a wave of scams this week, although not everything is so bad about this project. I worked 45 days, two initial plans were liquid. Even after adding to the portal, it was possible to earn 31.5% of the profit, but the set protection threshold has not been passed. Our partners managed to compensate 40% of the losses. - the admin worked poorly, only 7 days, he didn't even beat two circles, and the percentage was not that high. The game was interesting, but not long, although investors were determined to continue, judging by the deposits. Apparently the admin decided to stop his entire conveyor and draw up a profitable report for January. Payments in pending, scam. - 22 days, there can be no question of normal reviews. Yes, he worked exactly the minimum circle since birth, but allowed only a few to come out with a profit. Those who made a deposit, even after 2-3 days, did not wait for returns, the maximum consolation is about 50% of the amount of deposits due to accruals. The project doesn't pay, it's a scam. We allocated $ 500 from the fund to compensate for losses.

Events: - the second video message from the head of Cashbury to users took place, in which Arthur Vardanyan informed about the past changes. So within a week, internal transfers between platform users were implemented, funds were transferred from the withdrawal balance to the top-up balance, the commission was removed from the exchange of rubles for dollars, and personal landing pages are being prepared. - reported on the meeting of the company's leaders, which took place in Munich on January 28, 2017. During the negotiations, we discussed the development plan for 2017-2018 and signed an agreement with the director of Alfa Group on further cooperation. We also launched the first promotion this year with prizes in the form of Macbook Air and iPhone 7. To receive the first prize, it is necessary to attract investments in the structure in the amount of $ 50000 or more, for the second prize - from $ 40000. - passed the mark of 90 days of successful work, in this regard, have shared their interim results of work for the passed period. Also announced a series of updates that will be held in the near future: the emergence of online support site, adding new translation versions (German, French and Hindi), the connection EPS PerfectMoney, company registration in Hong Kong and more. - posted links to video instructions for depositing and withdrawing funds in the project from any payment system. We have reached the 7th stage of evolution, which will activate the launch of the first webinars, the affiliate program will be improved for top partners, various promotions with a bonus for new deposits have been launched, a news channel in Telegram and a Facebook group have appeared. A contest for photo / video reviews has started, for which you can get up to $ 100. The competition will run until February 15, 2017. - made regular accruals and payments under the Trust Management plan. - moved to the third stage of development, together with which they began to develop their own cryptocurrency MEXCoin, began to connect exchangers, conduct seminars and webinars, and also open representative offices in different countries of the world. We focused on the excellent active work of the company's partners, in this regard, we decided to determine the best leaders every 10 days (on the 1st, 10th and 20th of the month) and give them valuable gifts in the form of a vacation package for two, a MacBook Air laptop and an iPhone 7 phone The first prizes have already been raffled off, the second three winners will soon be determined. In addition, a new popular cryptocurrency Ethereum was integrated into personal accounts, with which you can replenish your account and trade on the exchange. - after the Russian version, the Polish translation has been added to the site's language panel. - in order to optimize the withdrawal of funds, reduce the workload from the staff and, as a result, reduce the waiting time for payments, it was decided to create a limit of no more than two requests per day for withdrawal in one EPS. Also, according to the Antibiotic plan, the limit on the maximum deposit was raised from $ 1000 to $ 5000. - a new section "Mass Media" has been added to the menu, where all bloggers' reviews about the project, comments on forums and monitors have been collected on one page. Added stickers in English. And most importantly, the launch of a competition in which you can win an iPhone 7 in a few simple steps, details on the website or in the telegram.

News of the website:

1) today we launched our first February promotion, according to which we provide you with 100% protection of your contributions to the project + guaranteed refback. For insurance up to $ 2000 this week, we have chosen a luxury project - Razzleton. For more information on the rules of participation and insurance, see the main page of the portal. Please be aware that other winter promotions are still in effect.

2) On the portal received the following projects: (The site - with 30.01.17, protected - up to 09.02.17). (The site - with 30.01.17, protected - up to 10.02.17). (The site - with 02.02.17, protected - up to 10.02.17). (The site - with 04.02.17, protected - up to 25.02.17). (The site - with 05.02.17, protected - up to 05.05.17).

3) published a draft review:

4) video reviews are published projects:

5) compensated partners lost funds in the projects: - paid 25% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 40% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 20% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 30% of losses (more than 500 $). - paid 40% of losses (more than 300 $). - paid 25% of losses (more than 500 $).

1 review to 'News HYIP-industry (30.01-05.02.2017) "

  1. Avatar photo Myhyipsmon:

    Great review! Well done! Thank you for your efforts, very good when there is a resource you can rely on when selecting projects for investment!