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Project overview

4EveryoneTodayToday's review will focus on a thriving mid-income project called 4 Everyone Today. The project has unique external data and beautiful design. The legend of the project is closely related to the advanced games, in which the company's employees, taking investors' money into trust, significantly increase profits. According to the technical data, the project has powerful characteristics, the tariff plans are well drawn up and have a wide selection with different possibilities. The program also provides a number of additional opportunities for making a profit in the form of various promotions and bonuses. (Project Start: December 24 2014 years)

According to the legend For Everyone Investment Trust ltd is officially registered in the Republic of Seychelles since May 17, 2007 (registration number: 037048). The company's activity is the trust management of capital in the field of gambling, such as blackjack and poker. The team's staff includes several hundred professional players from more than thirty countries of the world, who have unique algorithms and game strategies developed based on many years of experience.

Design the project is unique and made in a positive manner on the theme of the game. When we go to the site, we are greeted by smiling faces, funny jazz music and a pleasant atmosphere. All content on the site is presented in two language versions (ru / en). The main page contains investment proposals, a video presentation, a list of payment systems and a handy calculator that instantly calculates your total income in currency and percentage terms, taking into account the reinvestment of accrued interest. Below on the site is information about the company and its merits, as well as company news and terms of the partnership program. Almost all sections of the top menu have additional information with useful content, if possible, be sure to read them. In the upper right corner of the resource there are buttons for switching the language layout, buttons for switching to groups in social networks, as well as a button for playing or disabling background music. If you have any questions about registration or investing, see the training courses in the section "Make money with us". Let's go directly to investment proposals ...

Investment Plans They have a wide range of proposals for the different conditions of the deposit and with different price categories, starting with a minimum investment amount of $ 50. deposit validity period varies from 20 365 days before returning at the end of or during daily charges. For each of the tariff fixed calculator that quickly and easily calculate the overall profit, specifying only the required amount of investment.

1. Basic plans
1.1% -2.6% daily 30-120 days
Min / max contribution: $ 50 - no limit
reinvestment available
The conclusion at the end of the deposit term, the conclusion arrived daily.

1.1% daily for 30 days with a deposit of $ 50 - $ 500; net profit - 33%
1.6% daily for 60 days with a deposit of $ 501 - $ 1000; net profit - 96%
2.1% daily for 90 days with a deposit of $ 1001 - $ 10000; net profit - 189%
2.6% daily for 120 days with a deposit of $ 10001 or more; net profit - 312%

2. Plans "Basic +"
4.1% -5.6% daily 30 days
Min / max contribution: $ 1000 - no limit
Reinvestment is not available
Deposit is included in the payment

4.1% daily for 30 days with a deposit of $ 1000 - $ 10000; net profit - 23%
4.6% daily for 30 days with a deposit of $ 10001 - $ 15000; net profit - 38%
5.1% daily for 30 days with a deposit of $ 15001 - $ 20000; net profit - 53%
5.6% daily for 30 days with a deposit of $ 20001 or more; net profit - 68%

3. VIP plans
220% -950% over 20-75 days
Min / max contribution: $ 100 - no limit
The conclusion of the deposit and profit at the end of the period.

220% in 20 days with a deposit of $ 10000 or more; Net profit - 220%
350% in 30 days with a deposit of $ 5000 or more; Net profit - 350%
650% in 55 days with a deposit of $ 3000 or more; Net profit - 650%
950% in 75 days with a deposit of $ 100 or more; Net profit - 950%

4. "VIP +" plans
1300% -7500% over 100-365 days
Min / max contribution: $ 50 - no limit
The conclusion of the deposit and profit at the end of the period.

1300% in 100 days with a deposit of $ 50 or more; Net profit - 1300%
2500% in 180 days with a deposit of $ 50 or more; Net profit - 2500%
3500% in 220 days with a deposit of $ 50 or more; Net profit - 3500%
7500% in 365 days with a deposit of $ 50 or more; Net profit - 7500%

$ 1 - for placing an advertising image of the company on your social media page. networks, share it with 30 friends and send a link to the work done;
1 $ - for posting links in signatures on forums provided by five;
3 $ - for banner placement in the signature on the five provided forums;
3 $ - for hosting on a page in the social. networks your photos with the image of our site, share it with your friends 30 and send the link to their work;
5-10 $ - for the creation of videootzyva to work with the project.
A progress report be sent to Letters processed within 48 hours.

Technical part:
- Licensed script GoldCoders
- Domain purchased at 3 years (2014 years)
- Black Lotus Ddos protection
- SSL encryption from Comodo (to 2 years)
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique design is translated into 2 languages: Russian and English.

For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:

Payment systems: Perfectmoney, Payeer and Bitcoin.
payment type: Manual (on working days - up to 48 hours, on weekends and holidays - up to 72 hours).
The minimum amount and no commission for withdrawal.

Affiliate Program (four-level): 9% -1% -0.5% -0.5% of the invited investors' deposits.
9% of the deposits of referrals 1-level
1% of the deposits of referrals 2-level
0.5% of the deposits of referrals 3-level
0.5% of the deposits of referrals 4-level

Representation Partner Program: 0.5% -1% -1.5% -2% of the total structure deposits.
0.5% of the amount of deposits at the back of the representative structures to $ 10000 month.
1% of the amount of deposits at the back of the representative structure of the $ 10001 to 30000 $ per month.
1.5% of the amount of deposits at the back of the representative structure of the $ 30001 to 70000 $ per month.
2% of the amount of deposits at the back of the representative structure of the $ 70001 or more per month.

To become a representative, you must send a request to acquire the status at indicating in the application data itself composed of template site. Get Representative status is possible only with the active deposit. Executive bonuses are paid according to the 1 5 of each month.

Telephone: + 35351572201
Address, contact form and social networks.

Conclusion: The project was launched before the New Year holidays, it survived well and is now developing successfully. Literally in the next 1-2 days, there will be a return of deposits on the minimum circle from the first group of plans, be sure to observe how the administrator will cope with this task. In general, the project has been assembled quite well, has an attractive design, convenient navigation, powerful technical data, which means significant preparation costs and gives it special significance. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" until 25 February 2015 year with the fund from 300 $. We offer our partners a refund of 10% from your deposit.