Project overview
I present for viewing a new investment platform from the MLM category with hourly deposit accruals. The project started yesterday afternoon and is rapidly gaining momentum in terms of the number of investors who have joined. Technical features of the resource in a standard state that meets the needs of the participants. According to tariff plans, it is proposed to earn from 7% per day and the ability to withdraw a deposit at any time. Promotion of the project has a positive effect, the admin gets expensive listings and advertising. (Project Start: 16 September 2014 years) SCAM
Design the project looks very good, but has previously been used in other projects. Text
information is original and is presented in Russian and English languages. Navigating the place, all
menu items are duplicated in the footer. Investment plans, calculator posted the main page
profit on each tariff and complete statistics system with the time of the project, the number of
investors, total deposits and payments, as well as key transitions for the latest contributions and
payments, a top investors and partners. Personal account is made compact and easy to use. All
operation of the deposit and accrued viewed in transaction account. If necessary, replace
Purse write to support with an login in the project and purse.
Investment Plans have the same deposit term investment for all tariffs, which is 5
days (120 hours). Charges are made every hour with a total income of 7% to 12% per day. Deposit
He returns at the end of the term, but marketing is provided early withdrawal at any time by holding
Commission. Become an investor can be anyone with a minimum investment of $ 15. when investing
enough to make the amount of the deposit and payment plan is automatically selected.
Plan 1
7 5% daily on days (0.29% per hour)
Min / max contribution: $ 15 - $ 99
Net income - 35%
Plan 2
9 5% daily on days (0.38% per hour)
Min / max contribution: $ 100 - $ 299
Net income - 45%
Plan 3
10 5% daily on days (0.42% per hour)
Min / max contribution: $ 300 - $ 699
Net income - 50%
Plan 4
12 5% daily on days (0.5% per hour)
Min / max contribution: $ 700 - $ 1000
Net income - 60%
5 $ -20 $ - for a video review of the project and posting it on YouTube and any social network.
To receive the bonus, you must have an active contribution to the project and to contact the property via Skype
or the feedback form.
Technical part:
- Licensed script GoldCoders
- Dedicated server
- DDoS protection from GeniusGuard
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year)
- RM-Verified Account
For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:
Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay.
payment type: Instant. Minimum withdrawal amount $ 0.1.
There is no commission for withdrawal, the commission for early withdrawal of a deposit is 15%.
Affiliate Program (duplex): 6% -1% of the amount of partner contributions.
6% of the amount of partner contributions 1-level
1% of the amount of partner contributions 2-level
Online support and feedback form.
Conclusion: Projects with hourly accruals best in demand among investors, but the activity as
very often, quickly fades. It is unlikely that the program will extend its full period, but with the proper
promotion and proper investment can yield a profit. Admin insure the fast
findings and imposed a fee of 15% in case of early withdrawal of deposits. I wonder why councils decided
use b / a design, but on the original advertising funds spent enough. We do not recommend
to invest large sums of money and watch out for further development. The project is located on our website under
"Deposit protection" to 20 September 2014 years with the fund from $ 500. Our partners, we offer refund
refkomissii 7% of your deposit.
Paul, are you serious?
The project is almost 3 year in the scaffold.
There is a question. Where did the money disappear from your private office? And those who wanted to withdraw, and those that remained for reinvestment. The project went to SCAM?