Project overview
Let's talk today about the quality of the investment platform with a unique design property and correct development of the marketing program. marketing conditions are conducive to long period of work and did not allow empty cash in a short period of time. Technical data resource executed at a qualitative level. The project appeared on the network as a partisan and only 5 weeks later changed into an unusual cover and came to the stage of active development. (Project Start: August 12 2014 years)
According to the legend Company InDepo officially registered in the Commonwealth of Dominica 10 July 2014 (registration number: No. 19405). The company's activity is based on the e-currency exchange, without which the success of the Internet business is simply impossible. Investors are offered the opportunity to place their funds at a higher interest rate than savings accounts in a bank, with the right to choose investments and professional fund management. Thanks to the knowledge and vast experience of the team, the company confidently works in the world of electronic courses of finance and exchange. The movement of currencies in the fund will help optimize the timing of the transaction on the path to obtaining the best rate and, as a result, benefit from this maximally. This type of market will work for many more years!
Design The project is unique and is made in a newspaper style of news release. It is a tribute to the designer of the innovative approach to execution. Text information geared for English-speaking users, and provided in English only. resource structure is made in the form of a single-site, the button with the name of the sections only help quickly get to the appropriate section. On the home page compactly arranged all the necessary information to review and work with the project.
investment plan formed on the principle of a piggy bank with an unlimited investment period and a dynamic interest rate. The daily interest rate is 1% -2% of the deposit and is increased by additional investments and reinvestments. Refund of the deposit is possible at any time, but no more than 10% per day. The minimum contribution to the project is $ 10, the minimum reinvestment amount is $ 0.1. The increase in the interest rate depends on the formula: Interest rate (%) = Amount of deposits ($) / 10000 + 0.999 (%) (in increments of $ 10.00)
For example:
from $ 10.00 to $ 19.99 - 1.000%
from $ 20.00 to $ 29.99 - 1.001%
from $ 30.00 to $ 39.99 - 1.002%
from $ 100.00 to $ 109.99 - 1.009%
from $ 110.00 to $ 119.99 - 1.010%
from $ 1000.00 to $ 1009.99 - 1.099%
from $ 10010.00 to $ 10019.99 - 2.000%
Technical part:
- Licensed script GoldCoders
- Dedicated server
- DDoS protection from Koddos
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year)
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique design.
For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:
Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay.
payment type: Instant. Commission for withdrawal no.
Affiliate Program: 5% of the contributions of participants.
Phone: 1 (767) 448 7693 / 0535
Fax: 1 (767) 448 3512
Legal address, feedback form, Skype chat.
Conclusion: The program refers to the category of medium-profit and contains rather unusual investment plans with an interest rate increasing by a special formula. The conditions for withdrawal of deposits are limited, which largely affects the life of the project. The project spent just over a month in the role of partisan, and now acted in full force. There is information that the past projects of the admin worked fine and gave the opportunity to go into profit. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" until 15 October 2014 year with the fund from 300 $. We offer our partners a refund of 7% from your deposit.
September 26, 2014