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Project overview

NanoIndustryI have the honor to present a solid project from the mid-income category with unique external data and powerful technical characteristics. The program has been conquering the HYIP arena for the 11th month since its release, and during this time it has transformed from a “cute newbie” with an unsightly design and a single plan into a worthy competitor with a wide format for investments. Recently, the admin has begun intensive promotion, attracting experienced referrals and generously rewarding all active participants with valuable prizes and various bonuses. (Project Start: January 15 2014 years)

According to the legend Company Nano Industry Investments Inc Limited (NIIIL) officially registered in the UK in March 26 2014 years (reg.nomer: 08960704). The basis of the company has laid down sponsoring innovative research projects. It is in the academic and corporate circles since its inception the company has gained its popularity. At present, the main research areas are: technology prolong life, transplantation and experimental medicine and others. Investors are encouraged to provide financial support for their investments to achieve great discoveries.

Design the project is especially unique and is made in the so-called "nano-style". The text part has been prepared in Russian and English; over time, it is also planned to develop a number of other language versions. For the perception of color, a pronounced color composition has been chosen that is characteristic of the style of the program and is pleasant to watch. Each section of the top menu hides many subsections with useful materials. It took a lot of work to fit such a volume of information on the home page so that everything looked original and beautiful. You can describe here for a long time, but it is better to see and appreciate it once.

Investment Plans Are available to all investors who own the minimum amount for investments from 20 $. Deposit can be deposited for 15 weeks at 40% -250% weekly with a return of the body at the end of the term, and you can contribute to the daily percentage of 7.5% -15% for a period of 15 business days. The deposit in the second case is already included in the accruals and is not subject to return at the end of the investment period. According to the tariffs, the larger the deposit amount, the higher the yield. Investors can choose for themselves the most appropriate percentage of a variety of options in accordance with their investment opportunities. The program offers several investment proposals Shooting Star (for 100 days) and The Power (for 77 days), which you can read on the site yourself, but for now we will only analyze 2 current tariffs.

1. Alpha New
40% -250% weekly 15 weeks
Min / max contribution: $ 100 - $ 500000
Deposit withdrawal at the end of

Level 1.1 40% per week with a deposit of $ 100 - $ 199
Level 1.2 45% per week with a deposit of $ 200 - $ 499
Level 1.3 50% per week with a deposit of $ 500 - $ 999
Level 2.1 80% per week with a deposit of $ 1000 - $ 1999
Level 2.2 90% per week with a deposit of $ 2000 - $ 3999
Level 2.3 100% per week with a deposit of $ 4000 - $ 5999
Level 3.1 140% per week with a deposit of $ 6000 - $ 9999
Level 3.2 150% per week with a deposit of $ 10000 - $ 14999
Level 3.3 160% per week with a deposit of $ 15000 - $ 19999
Level 3.4 170% per week with a deposit of $ 20000 - $ 24999
VIP Alpha 1 200% per week with a deposit of $ 25000 - $ 29999
VIP Alpha 2 210% per week with a deposit of $ 30000 - $ 39999
VIP Alpha 3 225% per week with a deposit of $ 40000 - $ 49999
VIP Alpha 4 250% per week with a deposit of $ 50000 - $ 500000

2. omega New
7.5% -15% daily 15 working days
Min / max contribution: $ 20 - $ 500000
Deposit is included in the payment

Level 1.1 7.5% daily with $ 20 - $ 49 deposit
Level 1.2 7.6% daily with $ 50 - $ 99 deposit
Level 1.3 7.7% daily with $ 100 - $ 249 deposit
Level 2.1 8.0% daily with $ 250 - $ 499 deposit
Level 2.2 8.1% daily with $ 500 - $ 999 deposit
Level 2.3 8.2% daily with $ 1000 - $ 1499 deposit
Level 2.4 8.3% daily with $ 1500 - $ 2199 deposit
Level 2.5 8.4% daily with $ 2200 - $ 3499 deposit
Level 2.6 8.5% daily with $ 3500 - $ 4999 deposit
Level 3.1 9.0% daily with $ 5000 - $ 6499 deposit
Level 3.2 9.1% daily with $ 6500 - $ 8999 deposit
Level 3.3 9.2% daily with $ 9000 - $ 11999 deposit
Level 3.4 9.3% daily with $ 12000 - $ 14999 deposit
Level 3.5 9.4% daily with $ 15000 - $ 19999 deposit
VIP Omega 1 11% daily with $ 20000 - $ 24999
VIP Omega 2 12.5% daily with $ 25000 - $ 49999
VIP Omega 3 14% daily with $ 50000 - $ 99999
VIP Omega 4 15% daily with $ 100000 - $ 500000

Technical part:
- Licensed script GoldCoders
- Domain purchased at 10 years (2014 years)
- Dedicated server
- DDos-protection Ddos-Guard
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year) + Green Bar
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique design is translated into 2 languages: Russian and English.

For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:

Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, OkPay, Bitcoin, LiteCoin, Neteller, SolidTrustPay, Qiwi, YandexMoney, PayPal, bank transfer.
payment type: Hand (for 12-48 working hours). The Commission and the minimum amount to no conclusion.
For EgoPay, OkPay, Neteller and SolidTrustPay minimum amount for withdrawal of $ 1.

Affiliate Program:
The amount of the affiliate program charges depends on the referrals of your plan and the status of the project (a regular participant or agent).
For Alpha New, Shooting Star and The Power plans: Regular member - 10%; agent - 20%.
For the Omega New plan: Regular member - 3%; agent - 6%.

Legal address, ticketing system, online support.

Conclusion: According to statistics, about 100.000 participants have already joined the project, almost 10.000.000 $ has been invested and almost 4.500.000 $ paid out. Such numbers can not boast of everyone, and this is just one of many reasons why it's worth paying attention to this project. In the summer, the management changed the design of the project to a brighter and more modern one, eventually formed new investment conditions, began to actively promote the program on popular sites, developed various promotions and bonus offers. We recommend that you take a closer look at this project and take advantage of the many opportunities for earning money. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" until 15 November 2014 year with the fund from 300 $. We offer our partners a refund of 10% from your deposit.