Overview Oceanmoney.asia/worldgifts/ project
Today's review will be devoted to a new investment product from the Ocean Money project - World Gifts. As you know, the Ocean Money project has been successfully operating since March 2014 and during this period, together with the Asia Gifts program, conquered the Asian market. Now the project is entering the global level and is implementing a similar program World Gifts, which will operate around the world. At first glance, the system may seem complex and difficult to understand, but the task of today's review is to understand the principle of the program and highlight the main working points of participation in it.
Oceanmoney.asia/worldgifts/ (Start: November 1 2014 of the year)
The essence of the World Gifts program is to give and receive cash gifts between members of the social and financial community. Any resident of any country from around the world who wants to provide financial assistance to other people and at the same time receive additional income in the amount of 30% per month can take part in the program. The community will work as long as there is an influx of new members that allows you to make such gifts from one member to another.
To work, you must be a registered Ocean Money user and you must have an account in the Perfect Money payment system with the required amount in the account. Before applying for a gift, you need to attach and verify your Perfect Money account. To do this, you need to pay 1 $, after which your wallet will be saved and will be used to send and receive gifts. The next step will be the application for the provision of a gift for any amount from 10 $ to 3000 $. As soon as the application in the personal account is completed, you will be charged 1% of the deposit amount daily. Depending on the deposit duration, the percentage of accruals can reach up to 2.1% per day. The obligatory moment is payment of the placed order for the amount of the gift declared by you. Payment notification can come at any time the next day, a week or a month later. It is important not to miss it and pay within 48 hours after the notification, otherwise you risk to be blocked for non-fulfillment of obligations by the due date. In order not to miss the order submitted to you, a button in your account will flash, reminding you of payment. Also, if you specify your contact information in the profile, you will receive a message via e-mail and SMS.
So, we list the main operations that need to be performed:
- Register with Ocean Money;
- Have an account with money on the balance in the Perfect Money payment system;
- Pay 1 $ to verify your Perfect Money account;
- Make an application for the provision of a gift;
- Pay for the issued order for the amount of the gift;
- Receive daily profit.
Profit: from 1% to 2.1% every day (complex percentage)
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 3000
investment period: unlimited
Term of deposit freeze: 30 days
Deposit withdrawal at any time.
Technical part:
- Samopisnaya script
- Domain redeemed for 2 year
- DDF-protection from CloudFlare
- SSL encryption by GeoTrust (on 1 year)
- Unique design, translated into 3 languages: Russian, English, Indonesian.
For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:
Payment systems: PerfectMoney.
payment type: Manual.
The gift amount (face value) is available for withdrawal at any time after its confirmation, i.e. providing a gift to another member of the system, but not earlier than the defrosting period. You can order the payment of accrued interest on your confirmed gift for every full 30 days (1 cycle) of its being in the system.
Examples of withdrawal:
1) You want to receive a gift after confirming it, but before the expiration of 30 days - you can only request the denomination of your gift, the entire increase will be burned out.
2) You want to receive a gift after 30 days, but before the expiration of 60 days, you will be able to request only the accrued interest for the first 30 days + the nominal value of your gift.
3) If you have less than 90 days for the gift, you can only request interest for 60 days + face value, and so on.
In addition, you will receive a bonus “for trust” in the system in the amount of 5% of the deposit amount at the end of every thirty-thirty calendar days starting from the day of the application for the provision of your gift, respectively, on 31, 61, 91, 121, etc. days
Affiliate program (30-level): 5% -3% -1% -0.5% -0.25% -0.1%… 0.1% from transfers of all referrals.
5% from 1 level referral listings
3% from referral enumerations2 level
1% from 3 level referral listings
0.5% from 4 level referral listings
0.25% from 5 level referral listings
0.1% from 6-30-level referral listings
Conclusion: the project has already had 8 months of smooth and flawless work behind it, as well as thousands of satisfied participants. Great credit for this belongs to the creators of the Ocean Money project, who have been confidently developing throughout the entire period and arranging many different promotions and gifts. At this stage, participants are offered 3 programs to choose from: we are familiar with the investment program from the very beginning, then we added the Asia Gifts program of mutual gifts, which has successfully established itself for the population of Asia, and now, by popular demand, we have introduced a similar program of mutual gifts throughout to the world - World Gifts, which we recommend to familiarize yourself with above. The project is on our portal under "Deposit Protection" until December 20, 2014 with a fund of $ 300. We offer our partners a refund of 5% of your deposit.
23 November, 2014