Project overview
Let's talk today about high yield investment programs Rolls-Finance, which belongs to the category of MLM. According to the technical part of all indicators are normal, Marketing worked with the gradual opening of new tariff plans as the project progresses. This approach will allow the smooth development of the project admin to keep a long time. Support does work around the clock and clear answers to questions. (Project start: June 3 2014)
On legend Rolls-Finance is committed to investing in the most profitable and promising startups. The selection of projects is subject to preliminary analysis, and only successful ones are selected with profitable business models. Projects that profit has not yet brought are not considered and are not subject to purchase. Investors profit from successful transactions for the resale of bought-out start-ups.
Design the project does not cause much emotion, but as they say "simply and with taste." The original content has been translated into 2 languages: Russian and English. The main page is equipped with all the necessary information: current tariff plans, valid ref. system, a couple of lines about the project, contact details and more. At the bottom of the site there is statistics on the project and the total turnover of funds. The statistics identify TOP investors and partners, and also indicate the latest deposits and payments. The main material, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with, is located on the Marketing tab. It is very convenient to use your personal account; to change your wallet, contact an online consultant or support.
Investment Plans Are developed with a phased addition of new plans. At the moment there are only 4 plans available, one of which is a piggy bank with the possibility of early withdrawal of the deposit without commission, and the second hourly with the deposit included in the payment. You can take part in the project from 10 $, the maximum contribution is limited to the limit of 100 $, but as the project develops the limit may increase. The number of deposits from one participant is not limited.
Plan 1
Profit: 10% per day
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 100
investment period: unlimited
Term of deposit freeze: 24 hours
Commission for withdrawal no.
Plan 2
1.19% every hour for 7 days (168 hours)
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 100
Charges: 28.56% per day
Net profit: 100% over 7 days
Going through the breakeven 85 hours.
Plan 3
14% every day indefinitely
Min / max contribution: $ 101 - $ 200
Charges: 14% per day
Net profit: 14% per day
Going through the breakeven 7 days.
Plan 4
1.67% every hour for 5 days (120 hours)
Min / max contribution: $ 101 - $ 200
Charges: 40.08% per day
Net profit: 100% over 5 days
Going through the breakeven 60 hours.
Technical part:
- Licensed script GoldCoders
- Dedicated server
- DDoS protection from GeniusGuard
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year)
- RM-Verified Account
Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay.
Type of payments: Instant (the minimum amount for withdrawal is absent).
Affiliate Program: 9% -1% of the invited participants contributions.
9% of the contributions of the participants 1-level
1% of the contributions of the participants 2-level
Contacts: Form of feedback, online support, Skype's skype and Skype chat.
Conclusion: The program is equipped with a full set of characteristics, due to the availability of which you can already start to consider for investment here. Investment plans with hourly payouts and piggy banks have always been in high demand among investors, and therefore the project will not remain unattended. As the project develops, it is planned to add new plans, we look forward to their discovery in order to consider the best conditions.
5 June, 2014