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Project overview

surfI want to present today an overview of a unique investment platform with the ability to earn well and effectively advertise their links. Launching the project started quite well, investors are looking with particular attention to the continued investment here. Technical indicators are normal, the project is designed samopisnaya script. Investment plans are very well established and given to reduce the risks of losing their investments, as deposit is included in the daily payments. (Project start: June 14 2014)

Surfmoney Сlicks is a modern investment platform for effective online advertising. The administration of the program invites advertisers to place their banner and contextual advertising or earn good profit by purchasing one or more of the offered advertising packages.

The design of the program is unique and translated into English and Russian. Navigation on the project is as simple as possible, the private office is convenient and functional enough. If necessary, change the details of the purses, you can do it in your profile. Pages from top to bottom are filled with advertising banners of various sizes, but this is the role of advertising platforms.

Investment plans show a different profitability with net profit from 50% to 140% for the same period of investment in 30 days. Accruals on deposits occur on calendar days. Part of the deposit for all plans is transferred daily to the balance together with interest. The minimum contribution to participate in this program is 30 $.

Plan 30 $
5 30% daily for days
Advertising package cost - $ 30
Net profit - 50% or $ 15
Going through the breakeven 20 days
3000 sponsored ad impressions
The possibility of placing an 1 advertising banner with the size of 125 * 125 and 2 advertising links.

Plan 100 $
6 30% daily for days
Advertising package cost - $ 100
Net profit - 80% or $ 80
Going through the breakeven 17 days
9000 sponsored ad impressions
The ability to place advertising banners 3 125 size * 125 and 6 advertising links.

Plan 200 $
8 30% daily for days
Advertising package cost - $ 200
Net profit - 140% or $ 280
Going through the breakeven 13 days
20000 sponsored ad impressions
The ability to place advertising banners 10 125 size * 125 and 20 advertising links.

Promotional 10 $
Advertising package cost - $ 10
3000 sponsored ad impressions
The ability to place advertising banners 3 468 size * 60 and 3 advertising links.

To receive daily accruals on the balance, you need to perform daily viewing of links (surfing). If surfing is not performed within 24 hours, there will not be accruals for the missed day.
The required number of links for daily viewing is different, depending on the purchased advertising package:
- for the "$ 30 plan" you need to view 10 links.
- for the "$ 100 plan" you need to view 30 links.
- for the "$ 200 plan" you need to view 50 links.

Technical part:
- Samopisnaya script
- Dedicated server
- DDoS-protection Ddos-Guard
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year)
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique design, translated into 2 languages: Russian and English

All monitors this project here

Payment systems: PerfectMoney and Payeer.
Payment type: Manual (from 10: 00 to 23: 00 by MSC)

Affiliate program (three-level): 7% -3% -2% of the amount of partners' deposits.
7% of partner contributions 1-th line
3% of partner contributions 2-th line
2% of partner contributions 3-th line

Contacts: a form of feedback, online support and Skype chat.

Conclusion: we have before us the original project from the MLM section with high expected returns and boring marketing. It is noteworthy that here you can not only get a solid profit, but also advertise your links and banners for free. In general, tariff plans are working, equipment is at a standard level, the dynamics of the project development is gradually increasing.