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Project overview

WarOfThePlanetsToday, I must admit, we present a rather unusual review for our portal on the online economic game with withdrawal of funds "War of the Planets". The essence of this game is to choose a race of space heroes and improve your development strategy to get more profit. The internal game currency is "energy", for which all financial transactions in the game take place. The project is really exciting, the storyline is very interesting and well developed. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our review and get a better understanding of the main aspects of the game, because in fact War of the Planets is a ready-made product for entertainment and personal investment, which is rapidly gaining popularity. (Project Start: 4 September 2015 years) SCAM

War of the Planets Is a browser-based online game strategy from the developers of Mill Rif Inc, where each player can engage in the extraction of game resources, the production of soldiers and various types of weapons for them, as well as send combat units on campaigns and participate in battles with real players. In total, there are 3 races to choose from: Earthlings, Cyborgs and Turians. All this is very interesting and exciting, but the main source of attraction is the ability to play and earn real money on it by converting in-game currency to your accounts in payment systems.

Design the project is made in a space style on a game theme. The content is developed only in Russian, the texts are completely original, written without errors and in an understandable form. When you get to the main page, it says where to start the game, below there are numerous video reviews of the project from live participants. The left blocks contain game statistics indicating the number of players, foreign exchange reserves and the number of working days, the next block contains the latest news. The entire basic manual on the economic game "War of the Planets" is located in the site menu, in particular in the sections "About the game", "Help", "FAQ" and "Video".
- Section "About the game" - a general description of the game and all game characters and structures involved in the game process. Here you will learn about the purpose and characteristics of your units, buildings, weapons, resources and a lot of additional information;
- Section "Help" - a step-by-step guide, from registration to the withdrawal of funds from the project;
- Section "FAQ" - a reference section with answers to most frequently asked questions;
The "Video" section is a collection of video materials about the game with feedback from participants, training videos and detailed reviews.

investment plan the game is not provided, here earnings depend on the construction of the game strategy Without an investment contribution, you will not be able to develop and build your army and buildings, the minimum amount of replenishment in the game is only $ 1, equal to 500 units of energy - the internal game currency. Almost all the resources obtained in the game can be sold on the market for energy and exchanged for real money. Depending on your strategic course of the game, profit can reach from 15% to 40% per month. Since most of the actions in the game require human intervention, and you do not have enough time for this, the developers have provided the functions of "Auto-collect" of resources and "Auto-raid" for sending units on a campaign, thanks to which the process will proceed automatically. This function is available for investors with an amount of $ 100 and more and includes three modes: for a day, a week and a month.

Technical part:
- Unique self-written script
- Dedicated server
- SSL encryption from StartCom Ltd. (for 1 year)
- RM-Verified Account
- Unique design.

For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:

Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Payeer, Visa / MasterCard, Bitcoin, OkPay.
payment type: Manual (up to 12 hours). Applications are processed on weekdays from 9: 00 to 20: 00 MSK.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 1.

Affiliate Program (three-level): 7% -3% -2% of each recharge of your referrals.
7% of the replenishment referrals 1-level
3% of the replenishment referrals 2-level
2% of referrals popodneniya 3-level

feedback form, game chat, the official community in the social network Vkontakte.

Conclusion: Usually we do not add such games to the portal, but this time we allow ourselves to make an exception to the rules, since there is a special devotion to the project development, quality implementation and future development. Perhaps, this is one of the best economic games with the withdrawal of funds in its segment. The main task of each player is to get pleasure from the game process and earn real money on this, that we, as potential investors, are interested in the first place. In the future, it is expected to introduce new game development, connect payment systems and enter the international level. For active partners and ordinary participants, various promotions and bonuses are regularly offered, which makes the project more popular and popular. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" to the 15 Decade 2015 year with the fund from 300 $. To our partners we offer refund of 8% from your deposit.