Pretium - scum! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. The actual amount of the fund - 1000 $.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a bot or a special form for compensation:
Thank you for compensation.
27.01.18 21: 29ReceiveReceived Payment 6.00 USD from account U12287794 to account U16221687. Batch: 203010117. Memo: Compensation for Pretium losses from the portal
Date: 28.01.2018 01: 45: 37
ID: 476174930
Details: P36784918 → P71441358
Amount: 3.60 USD
Comment: Compensation for Pretium losses from the portal
Thank you hunter for competing!
21:29 27.01.18 Receive 203010096 U12287794
Tim + 2.4 Received Payment 2.4 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Compensation for Pretium losses from the portal
Compensation for the project Pretium received. Thank you. Transaction ID:
e87651ef-5bbf-4d20-b2c2-01da26e8ae3c. But in general it is necessary to be wiser and more cautious.
10 $ invested 3 $ earned.
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