Vice Industry project - a breakthrough in the video industry
Despite the development of technologies, the ways of acquiring and distributing video content remain classical. Distributors, creators of content, as well as representatives of satellite, cable companies, large telecoms companies make revenue forecasts. At the same time, they expect an approximate number of viewers, who will be able to attract after the presentation, during the demonstration of the material. This model is used to generate revenue for various categories of video content, where producers pay advertisers for attracting viewers.
Contextual advertising, interstitial ads allow you to effectively advertise various groups of products. Quite often, advertising is combined with videos. In this case, you have to pay to get a place on the screen (advertising appears in the process of its demonstration). This type of advertising attracts the attention of viewers. Watching the video is completely free. At the same time, information about a specific product is actively distributed among potential buyers and customers. Currently, a model of free viewing, supported by advertising, is a standard option in the Internet industry.
Vice Industry - project features
Vice Industry is a service designed to reorient adult content monetization around viewers' desires. The developers have created a centralized distribution of cryptographic tokens. Viewers of the new entertainment project will be able to receive additional tokens for watching adult films. In addition, they will be given tokens to receive an 80 percent discount, subscriptions with identical content. In order to get the real attention of the audience, their interest will be rewarded. The creators of the platform have modified the open source framework. It easily meets the specific needs of the adult content industry.
The activity of the platform is based on the use of VIT tokens. The process of authentication, recording of actions, interaction of viewers with the registrar through the generation of VIT tokens also allows content creators to identify viewers' preferences with maximum accuracy. Thus, the content is improved. Visitors can enjoy the best video materials. In order for the published content to become available to users, it is necessary to start working with the VIT network.
A unique feature of the main protocol of the Vice Industry service is the creation and distribution of VIT tokens among all interested participants. The resulting cryptocurrency is a kind of proof of interaction with content on Vice Industry. The main features of the protocol are:
• VIT reward pool: Provides a transparent as well as instant distribution of VIT distribution to stakeholders in accordance with the existing set of rules. The protocol records more than 100 thousand transactions per second;
• VIT statement: it records the user's behavior (for example, his social activity, comments, sympathies). Classical traffic analysis systems of websites record traditional indicators of interaction passively. Content producers do not receive incentives for a deeper assessment of their content in real time. The VIT sheet allows you to objectively reward active viewers for votes, comments, and publication of useful data.
In addition, the VIT protocol includes web traffic analysis tools. Thanks to them, content producers can use data, and also, if necessary, specify the preferences of viewers. Thus, user requests will be satisfied to the maximum. In addition to the above advantages, content producers can combine and sell interaction data. They can be useful for website operators.
To support the launch of the Vice Industry Token project, operators of other websites and partners will implement the VIT tokens on their own resources. In this case, the crypto currency will be used as a means of payment for the received content. VIT Tokens have advantages over other types of crypto currency (for example Bitcoin). They act as an instrument of exchange, and also as a means of attracting the viewer.
What problems can the Vice Industry solve?
1. Too many participants
In most cases, advertisers who pay for an ad network that purchases content from its creator participate in the process.
2. Advertiser can take their interests into account
Since the viewer does not pay for content on Tube sites, advertisers can exercise full control over their content. They monitor what kind of material users can view without payment. Free content remains available. However, to receive materials that fully meet the requirements of the audience, they will have to pay.
3. Limited contact with users
When adult video on the Internet was published in limited quantities, it was easy for users to access the viewing. As the amount of content increased, it became much easier to supplement the material with banners and ads. The lack of full interaction between users and advertising forces the advertiser to reconsider the monetization model.
Portals Industry has an interface that is similar to the site toolkit Tube. The portal uses the ChainBase / Graphene database, which is optimized for locked-in applications (for capturing social interactions). The portal architecture integrates the file system protocol (IPFS), which is designed to deliver and post content. Integration of the VIT protocol ensures the distribution of tokens to interested parties.
Because the storage platform, the delivery of IPFS content is decentralized, the platform has many positive features, compared to existing counterparts. Barriers for users to remote access points are eliminated. Users performing various activities on the platform of the Industry Industry receive the right to additional enrollment of VIT tokens. Operators of IPFS nodes also receive crypto currency for providing a content store for portal operators.
VIT token sale - distribution
ICO project Vice Industry includes the generation of 4 billion VIT tokens in the initial block. Features of the distribution of crypto currency are displayed in the figure below.
After the initial creation of VIT tokens, the protocol will generate and distribute additional crypto currency. This group of tokens is intended for interested participants. Users participating in Crowdsale will pay for 1 VIT approximately 0,05 ETH. In this case, the minimum purchase will be 50 dollars from ETH.
In January 2018, a set of participants was held to sell the tokens. In February 2018, the second part of the sale was realized. In March 2018, Crowdsale will be completed, and the ERC20 proxy server token distribution will end. In the same month, VIT MainNet will be launched. In June 2018, the validity of the return contract will be completed, the launch of the video VIT.
Stuart Duncan - Director
Kelly Holland - President
Bill Heilmann - Head of Security
Eric Helsell - Marketing Director
Andrey Kostin - Head of Innovation Department
The developers of the Industry Industry are confident that the project is successful. To do this, experts improve the platform, make it more convenient for visitors. Conducted by Crowdsale will help attract more participants for operational development and decent competition in the market.
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20 February, 2018