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PerfectMonet Epaycore Yandex Money Payeer Okpay Qiwi Payza BTC is a fresh modern investment solution. Development steps, recent events and a $ 1000 eternal protection fund.

Today discussed in the review work of sustainable sredneprotsentnika Rubi LTD, first appeared in the investment market in mid-January of the current year. Soon 3 months, the program fills the wallets of investors unprecedented stable profit, to stand in front of many industry leaders, which to date have gone to bed, replaced by young and promising, Kojima is project.

On the portal, the project was settled a month after the public launch, although from the news feed of the site you can see the first record back in October of last year, in fact, then the domain was bought. For the passed stage of development the site has already acquired permanent partners, among which we are also represented by the investment portal In our first review, we already dwelled in detail on all the main points in the work of the project, however time goes on, the admin regularly monitors the demand trend and makes great efforts to keep the picky investors by offering them the most profitable solutions.

So what has changed since our last mention of Rubi-ltd?

To start with, the project changed its appearance to a more stylish cover. And although the last design was pretty impressive, the administrator decided to refresh the face of the investment fund. Together with the face of the site, we carried out optimization of marketing, creating a line of the most profitable offers with a deposit included in the payments, the investment terms remained unchanged. Also, in connection with the growing activity of our Asian colleagues, the site acquired a Chinese version of the translation. In the future, the administration plans to expand the language boundaries as far as popularity, now the language panel includes 5 translations.

According to the Alexa service Russian-speaking users take 2-place of activity after Germany. Meanwhile, the overall trend indicates increasing popularity of the resource, which is clearly displayed on the schedule below:

To make it easier to navigate in the figures offered yields go through the basic fundamentals Calling plans, Which brings together the most optimal options. For a quick calculation of total income on the site introduced a handy calculator.

1. Test
7.33 15% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 200
Deposit is included in the payment
Total profit - 110%
Going through the breakeven 14 days

2. Standart
4.33 30% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 10 - $ 10000
Deposit is included in the payment
Total profit - 130%
Exit to breakeven over 23 days

3. Premium
3 60% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 50 - $ 50000
Deposit is included in the payment
Total profit - 180%
Exit to breakeven over 34 days

4. VIP
2.78 90% daily for days
Min / max contribution: $ 5000 - $ 100000
Deposit is included in the payment
Total profit - 250%
Going through the breakeven 36 days

Recall also that in addition to investing and affiliate programs on the platform implemented bonus account with its currency Rubi Dollar, allowing to receive additional 1% per day from the amount of the bonus currency in the account for an indefinite period of time. Depositing is formed due to personal investments and affiliate commissions. For every $ 10 (no matter whose contributions, or your partner) is charged 1 Rubi Dollar. If you and your referral made to the example of $ 500, 100 you accrued Ruby, 1 100% from $ bonus to add to the balance to output $ 1 extra income on a daily basis for an indefinite term.

As for the total profitability of our partners, the figures for each may be different, based on the chosen plan, the amount of investment and the time of entry. But taking into account the deadlines left unchanged, almost 2 minimum circles were passed before the change of marketing and a full circle after optimization. The number of our structure is steadily growing, investors have begun to pay more attention, counting on guaranteed profits due to the high competitiveness of the project, and the $ 1000 "eternal protection" fund prepared by us allows partners to feel safe without fear for their investments.

Summarizing the efficiency of the manager's work, there is a promising future and a rich past of the project based on a self-written script with spacious functionality. The project belongs to the category of middle income, generating investment returns in the range from 10% to 150% in its pure form in 15-90 calendar days. Now the site is considered as one of those held on the investment market, it promotes the most "edible" plans with the inclusion of deposits as part of accruals, due to which the return on recoupment comes in the shortest possible time. The dynamics of the development of the project takes place step by step, the admin listens to the wishes of investors and does everything possible to satisfy them. In the near future, it is planned to create a telegram chat, add new languages, hold contests and much more, which will help users feel comfortable while working with