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Project overview Earn 150% for 24 hours, deposit protection up to 500 $.

In the field of view, we have another high-yielding resource with incredible profit in a short time. The project is called Signatex from the MLM category, and after all, with the yield of 150% per day, it's hard even to call it a fast. The admin was launched smoothly and with restrictions on the deposit up to 10 $ for each participant. Since the first hours has already been announced on the portal, so most of our partners have already tested at least a circle. Over time, the limits rise, at the time of review, the upper limit has already reached 80 $, and will continue to grow. Kindle the excitement in the eyes of instant payments, which is very convenient in such dynamic games, we recommend. (Project Start: March 3 2018 years). SCAM

According to the legend the Signatex project belongs to the sites that are leaders in the online investment market. The organizers of the fund do not name the exact tools for making money, but they offer to trust financial experts and receive guaranteed profits. Moreover, the company "SIGNATEX LTD" is officially registered under the laws of Great Britain on January 31, 2018 (registration number: 11179632).

Design The project is designed in a color format and looks pretty fresh, and most importantly original. Content is moderate and prepared immediately in two topical languages, English and Russian. The internal interface has a good functional series, but I do not think you should have any difficulties with mastering it. First of all, read the materials on the front page of the site, only here is always accurate information on the project's activities, investment rate and financial statistics. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments on the blog or on the contacts on the site.

Marketing is The project is limited to a single short-term plan with an excess yield of 150% for 24 hours. This means that making a contribution to the amount of 5 $, exactly in a day you will receive your deposit back and in addition + 50% to the amount. For a balanced flow of investments and conclusions, there are limitations on the maximum contribution. Initially, the maximum could not exceed the contribution greater than 10 usd, now this threshold has become much higher and systematically continues to grow.

150% in 24 hours
Min / max contribution: $ 5 - $ 40 *
Deposit and profit at the end of the term
Total yield - 150%
* the maximum limit will increase as you develop

Technical part:
- Licensed script H-script
- DDoS protection Ddos-Guard
- SSL encryption from Comodo (on 1 year)
- PM-Verified Account
- Unique design is translated into 2 Language: English and Russian.

For more information on monitors with this project you can see here:

View dynamic contribution to the project here:

Discussion of the project on MMGP:

Payment systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, AdvCash, Yandex money (Bitcoin, Ethereun, Qiwi - planned to be connected).
payment type: Instant.
The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.1 $ (0.001 BTC), there is no commission for withdrawal.

Affiliate Program: 5% of the amount of deposits of your referrals (auto refresh).

Telegram: @signatex
Skype: live: a559dda814561fef
Feedback form, telegram channel, social network VKontakte.

Conclusion: in recent times, dynamic projects have become frequent with us, sometimes you want to drive, and even more so when they offer you earn up to 50% of net profit per day. The profit is very fat, but what makes an admin work with this kind of marketing? The answer to this question is also there, because in the project there are strict limits and above this amount will not work. Gradually, the upper bar will increase, and accordingly the profit will be felt stronger. Take investment in this project, as a game with greater risks, allocate only small amounts and do not flirt. By the way, the last increase to 80 $ was not made on schedule, so to speak in a hurry, which makes one think about further participation. The project is on our portal under the "Deposit Protection" until 7 March 2018 year with the fund from 500 $. We offer our partners a refund of 5% from your deposit.

Do not forget about the new winter Seasonal stocks from the portal.

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205 reviews for "Project Overview Earn 150% for 24 hours, deposit protection up to 500 $."

  1. Avatar photo invest17:

    I received some compensation from the fast-track project, thank you for it.
    The internal transaction
    Transaction ID:

    1.00 USD
    Compensation of Signatex losses from portal

  2. Avatar photo Marikana:

    Yesterday received compensation for losses in the project Signatex in the amount of 1,9 $
    The deposit was on 10 $
    Yes, not much of course - but thanks for that, as they say

  3. Avatar photo Alice Wonder:

    Thank you for your payment!
    Transaction ID:

    7.60 USD
    Compensation of Signatex losses from portal

  4. Avatar photo EESTOOLL:

    + 2.70 USD 0.00 USD
    Compensation of Signatex losses from portal

  5. Avatar photo DenisX:

    Compensation for from the portal received.
    Date of intervention: March 09 2018 01: 21
    Operation ID: 511987383
    Type of transaction: Transfer
    Status: Done
    The amount of write-offs: $ 5.51
    obtaining Amount: $ 5.45
    Payeer Commission: $ 0.06
    Thank you very much for your decency. I will continue to work.