Simplepro - scam! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped payments. The current amount of the fund is 500 $ + VIP fund for depositors from 500 $.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a bot or a special form for compensation:
Compensation paid. Thank you!
According to the Simplepro project, the Deposit Protection Fund was enough to compensate 50%
losses of our referrals (fund 500 $, the amount of losses - 987 $).
I sent you a payment:
Transaction 11.8 USD was successfully completed.
Number operations #: 231454842
Thank you ! Received compensation!
A deposit of 0.00459990 BTC has been received
nice! the best insurance ever!
A deposit of 0.00459990 BTC has been received
meny thanks for admin!
Transaction Date: October 08 2018 22: 41
Operation ID: 657340857
Type of transaction: Transfer
Status: Done
obtaining Amount: $ 4.95
Comment: Simplepro loss compensation from the portal
Applications are accepted only through the form of compensation.
Login osintsev72
WalletU16160120 project simplepro loss 9.4usd